  In English
Electromagnetic Field Theory
A goal of a course is to acquaint students with fundamental lows of the field theory, which are based upon the system of electromagnetism’s equation, as well as creation of necessary base for the whole number of further lecture courses that is a part of the program of education bachelors of electronics.
The feature of the method of material’s exposition in this course is approach from general to particular, as opposed to other common physical courses, in which field theory is considered on the basis of generalization of particular experimental facts. Material is taking, based on the fact that all phenomena in the field theory can be described based upon the most general lows, called Maxwell’s equations in a current course. The selection feature of the material for this course is orientation upon education of the specialists in electronics.
Basic equations of electromagnetic field: Maxwell’s equations, continuity equation, equation of energy balance; boundary conditions for electrical and magnetic field.
Stationary electrical and magnetic fields: types and principles of solutions’ methods of the electrostatics problems, self-consistent tasks, numerical integration of Laplace equation, principles of calculation of stationary magnetic fields, quasi-stationary fields.
Alternating fields, wave processes: wave equations for electro-magnetic processes, harmonic waves, their main parameters, dispersion, plane wave in unbounded medium, polarization, waves in long lines, standing waves, distribution of amplitudes of current and voltage along the line, transformation of electrical resistance along the line, operation conditions of the line.
Waves near the interface: reflection and transmission of a wave, standing waves under the reflection interface, transmission of a way through the layer of a substance, bloomed layers, properties of the multi-layered structures, filters, mirrors, complete transmission, complete internal reflection, reflection from ideal and real metal, method of calculation of losses in metals.
Waves in waveguides: general lows, dispersion, types of waves, rectangular waveguide, wave-guides’ modes, coaxial waveguide, dielectric waveguides, their types, strip wave-guide, excitation in the waveguides.
Resonators: general properties, types of resonators, condition of a resonance, resonant modes, calculation of the resonant frequencies, Q-factor of resonators.
Modeling of the elements of a waveguide: Possibility and necessary conditions of usage of schematic models; equivalent wave resistance; waveguides’ junction; simplest waveguides’ elements and their schematic models; principles of matrix analysis of the devices, based on waveguides; scattering matrix.