


In 1991, entered KPI in the first intake of the Physical and Biomedical Electronics Department in the specialty “physical electronics”, and graduated with honors in 1997, receiving a master's degree.

Since 1997, he has worked at the Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics as an assistant, senior lecturer, and, since 2011, associate professor.

Teaches the courses “Modeling in Electronics”, “Programming and Algorithmic Languages”, “Design and Engineering of Biomedical Equipment”, “Digital Technologies in Microelectronics”, for which he has developed curricula and work programs and arranged cycles of laboratory work. He supervises bachelor's and master's theses.

Has published more than twenty scientific papers. In 2009 received a PhD degree in engineering.

The research interests lie in the field of physics of gyrotropic media and the development of nonreciprocal passive microwave devices based on them.



In 1999, she graduated Faculty of Electronic Engineering of NTUU "KPI". In 2002, she completed postgraduate studies at NTUU "KPI". From 2002 to the present, she works at Electronics Engineering Department as Associate Professor.

Defended candidate's thesis on the topic: "Modeling of electrothermal processes in submicron heterostructures" under the supervision of prof V.I. Tymofeyev. Author of 14 publications, including 1 invention patent and 1 invention application. Under the leadership of Semenovska O.V. 2 bachelor certification theses were defended.

Lectures, practical and laboratory classes are held from the courses: "Introduction to measurement technology", "Microwave technology". Abstracts of lectures from the courses: "Methods of mathematical physics", "Microwave technology" have been published in co-authorship.


Received MSc in Biomedical Electronics in 1999, joined as Assistant Professor. In 2003 defended thesis "Microwave dielectric phaseshifters" and received Candidate of Science degree (PhD). Since 2004 - senior lecturer, since 2010 - Associate Professor. Giving classes on numerical methods, digital circuits design, IC design.

Interests: numerical methods, DSP, FPGA prototyping, wireless communications, passive microwave devices, microwave measurements.



Borys has over 20 years of experience in the field of information technology.
From 2007 to 2012, he worked at the PhBME department of the Faculty of Electronics at NTUU KPI, where he defended his dissertation and got Ph.D. degree in the field of solid-state electronics in 2012.
Parallel to his scientific work, he developed as a programmer and worked in various international companies. He traveled around the world, visiting 37 different countries.
From 2015 to 2019, he headed the innovation department and was involved in creating new business directions such as IoT, Deep Learning, Chatbot, and Blockchain at Ciklum.
From 2019 to 2021, he was the Chief Technical Officer at Scalarr, a company that applies Data Science and machine learning as the main elements of its business.
From 2021 to 2023, he founded Pawa, a company focused on creating AI-based startups.
Since 2024, he has been working on his own startup in the field of computer vision and LLM.



Kateryna Serbulova received B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Micro- and Nano-system technology from National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine in 2017 and 2019 respectively. She joined department of electrical engineering ESAT, KU Leuven, Belgium and Device Reliability and Electrical Characterization group in imec, Belgium as a PhD student in 2019. Her current research topic focuses on transient-induced latch-up exploration in System-Technology-Co-Optimization scaling era. During her PhD period from 2019 to 2024, she has totally published and co-authored more than 10 international conferences and journals papers. She has been serving as a technical program committee (TPC) member for EOS/ESD Symposium in 2023 and 2024. Moreover, she has given 2 invited talks regarding her research. Since July 2024 she has joined ESD team as a researcher exploring ESD and latchup in advanced technologies.