  In English
Helen Semenovska
In 1999, she graduated Faculty of Electronic Engineering of NTUU "KPI". In 2002, she completed postgraduate studies at NTUU "KPI". From 2002 to the present, she works at Electronics Engineering Department as Associate Professor.
Defended candidate's thesis on the topic: "Modeling of electrothermal processes in submicron heterostructures" under the supervision of prof V.I. Tymofeyev. Author of 14 publications, including 1 invention patent and 1 invention application. Under the leadership of Semenovska O.V. 2 bachelor certification theses were defended.
Lectures, practical and laboratory classes are held from the courses: "Introduction to measurement technology", "Microwave technology". Abstracts of lectures from the courses: "Methods of mathematical physics", "Microwave technology" have been published in co-authorship.
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