Fundamentals of biomedical knowledge

"Fundamentals of biomedical knowledge " as a training course aims to familiarize the future electronic engineers that acquire Physical and Biomedical Electronics specialty with the basic principles of structural and functional organization and patterns of general biological manifestations of the life of a living organism (human and animal) for molecular biological and cellular levels of neurohumoral regulation and integration of all systems, organs and their formation in phylo-and ontogenesis.

The course "Fundamentals of biomedical knowledge" in the structural and logical bachelor education program in accordance with Ukraine's accession to the Bologna process is a multilevel system of higher education is the foundation of a national system of university training. The training program in the specialty "Physical and Biomedical Electronics" (7.0908) is included in the variable part of professionally oriented disciplines and taught in 3rd year (5 semester) along with fundamental and special items. The peculiarity is that the "Principles of biomedical knowledge" after "Applied Biophysics" is the scientific and general theoretical basis for the perception and assimilation of the main provisions of general biological laws in the course of human ontogenesis, cell theory, molecular biology, biochemistry and molecular genetics, the most important achievements of modern biotechnology and prospects of their use in clinical medicine, forming adequate scientific understanding of the patterns of anatomical structure and functioning of the body, its individual functional systems (circulatory, respiratory, nervous, endocrine, digestive, excretory systems, reproduction, analyzers), tissues, cells and their structural components and energy metabolic processes of living systems.
