Engineering methods and techniques for diagnosis and therapy

"Engineering methods and techniques for diagnosis and therapy" course gives students knowledge of the methods and tools for diagnosis and treatment of sick people.
In the system of medical and engineering studies major elements are the researcher (doctor + engineer) and biological objects (the patient). For effective operation the system requires proper technical support and knowledge of the anatomical and physiological characteristics of human diseases. Quality of diagnosis and effectiveness of treatment depends on the interaction of these components.

Program consists of two sections - diagnosis and treatment (given in the 9th and 10th semesters).

Section I discusses the mechanical, electrical, magnetic and introscopic methods and diagnostic tools. Their use is demonstrated in the clinic.

Section II presents mechanical, electrical, magnetic, acoustic, optical, lighting and ray methods and means of treatment.

Particular attention is paid to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of diseases, and practical applications (visiting hospitals) of diagnosis and treatment.
