Fundamentals of design in electronics

"Fundamentals of design in electronics" provides initial training of students in the field of electronic processes modeling, design and simulation of electronic components and systems.

"Fundamentals of design in electronics" is supported by disciplines "Analytical Geometry", "Calculus Mathematics", "Methods of Mathematical Physics", "Theory of electronic circuits", "Introduction to measurement techniques", "Solid State Physics"," Statistical Physics ","Field theory "," Technological foundations of electronic engineering."

Knowledges earned in "Fundamentals of design in electronics" are used for further study of "Circuitry", "Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics", "Functional Electronics", "Microwave engineering", "Physics and Simulation of Electronic Components," "Design of biomedical equipment" courses and training programs for the qualification of "Master". Knowledge and skills gained from the study of this discipline will be used in the preparation of course projects and activities, as well as graduation project.
