  In English
Microwave engineering 2. Microwave circuits
Course objective is the study of physical processes in the microwave components and circuits, mastery of the electronic circuit design of microwave circuits, including circuits with distributed parameters.
Contents of educational material
1. Circuits with distributed parameters under harmonic stimuli
1.1 Long lines
1.2 Long lines equations
1.3 Solution of long lines equations
1.4 Line’s input impedance
1.5 Wave processes in transmission lines
1.6 Matching of the transmission line
1.7 Conditions of undistorted transmission in the line
2. Transient processes in circuits with distributed parameters
2.1 Long line equations in the time domain
2.2 Operator method for systems analysis in time domain
2.3 Operator equation of non-distorting homogenous line
2.4 Solution of operator equation of non-distorting homogenous line
2.5. Wave processes in line with pulse stimuli
3. Multiport microwave devices
3.1. Matrix description of distributed circuits (classical theory)
3.2 Wave parameter of two port device
3.3 Calculation of circuit functions
3.4 Relationship between wave parameters
3.5. Normalization of the wave matrices and classical transmission matrix
3.6 Noise characteristics of two port device
3.7. The wave noise parameters
4. Microwave components models
4.1. Simulation of submicron microwave field effect transistors4.2. Features of circuit models for the active microwave components
4.3. The analysis of physical processes in the sub-micron MESFET
4.4. The circuit model of submicron MOSFET
4.5. The calculation of small-signal (dynamic) and the steepness of the output conductance
4.6. The calculation of small-signal input and loop-through capacitances, domain settings
4.7. Design features MESFET
4.8. Calculation of parasitic parameters of sub-micron MESFET
4.9. Transmission lines for microwave integrated circuits
4.10. Inductive elements for microwave ICs
4.11. Capacitive elements for microwave ICs
4.12. Resistive elements for microwave IC
4.13. Heterogeneity in the microwave ICs
4.14. Resonators
4.15. IC microwave filters
5. Low-noise microwave circuits
5.1. Sources of noise in the sub-micron MESFET
5.2. MESFET noise model
5.3 The minimum noise figure
5.4. Calculation of power gain and the stability coefficient
5.5. Analysis of field inhomogeneities in submicron structures
5.6. The equation for calculating the distribution of effects in field structures
5.7. The solution of equations of the distributed model MESFET
5.8. Equation and conductivity matrix of the gate line
6. Microwave generators
6.1. Microwave transistor generators
6.2. GaAs MESFET microwave generators
6.3 Microwave self-oscillator with tunnel diode
6.4 Tunnel diode three-point autogenerators
7. Submicron components of monolithic microwave ICs and EHF
7.1 Prospects for the development of active components for microwave IC and EHF
7.2 Simulation of submicron effects and limiting regimes in field structures
7.3 Relaxation of the equation in the quasi-2D approximation
7.4 Simulation of the electric mode in submicron field-effect transistors
7.5 MESFET models for large-signal
7.6 Two-dimensional numerical simulation of submicron field structures
8. Broadband microwave circuit
8.1 Distributed amplifier
8.2 Design of a distributed gain amplifier
9. High-power microwave circuits
9.1 RF Power Amplifiers
9.2 Power Converters