
We are deeply saddened by the sudden death of Dr. Professor Yuriy SINEKOP

Friday, August 6, 2021 - 14:15

The staff of the Electronic Engineering Department is deeply saddened by the sudden death at the age of 84 of

Dr. Professor Yuriy SINEKOP

which occurred on August 6, 2021.

Defence of the PhD thesis Artem Moskovko

Monday, July 12, 2021 - 15:17

On July 1, 2021, the defense of the Doctor of Philosophy thesis by the postgraduate student of the department Moskovko Artem Olegovich on the topic "Method for Periodic Steady-State Analysis of Non-linear Circuits Using the Kotelnikov-Shannon Series" took place. The thesis was prepared under the double-diploma program in accordance with the agreement between the NTUU "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" and the Catholic University of Lyoven (Belgium). Scientific supervisor from NTUU "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" - O. Vityaz, from KU Lyoven - Guy Vandenbosch. The joint inter-university examination committee, which included professors from three universities of Ukraine and Belgium, unanimously recommended the presented dissertation for public defense. Public defense will take place in September-October 2021.

Campus France Opening

Thursday, June 3, 2021 - 23:24

Ambassador of France to Ukraine Mr. Etienne de Poncins met at Campus France with four French students undergoing a research internship at the Igor Sikorsky KPI.

Masters willingly shared their positive impressions of scientific cooperation with teachers of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky.
FEL is one of the three faculties of Igor Sikorsky KPI, which accepts French students for internships.

Jean Zerrouk, Master of the Central School of Lyon, is currently undergoing a six-month internship at the Faculty of Electronics.
Jean and his supervisor Katerina Ivanko, an associate professor at the Department of Electronic Engineering, are working on the tasks of analyzing biomedical signals and applying machine learning methods in biomedical systems.

Congratulations to Oleksiy Avilov on earning PhD degree!

Monday, February 22, 2021 - 16:39

On Feb 22, 2021, in Nancy, France Oleksiy Avilov has defended his PhD thesis titled Deep learning methods for motor imagery detection from raw EEG: applications to brain-computer interfaces.
The thesis was prepared in joint program of The University of Lorraine and Electronic Engineering dept. of National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

Andrii Shachykov won grant for research in Nancy

Wednesday, July 22, 2020 - 10:08

Congratulations to Andrii Shachykov for winning a grant fpor postdoc research in Universite de Lorraine, Nancy, France.

Earlier this year Andrii completed PhD degreee.

Вітаємо з ювілеєм! Юрію Степановичу Синєкопу - 80!

Monday, October 30, 2017 - 22:19

31 жовтня 2017 р. виповнилося 80 років професору Юрію Степановичу Синєкопу.

Колеги, а також студенти і численні випускники кафедри щиро вітають Юрія Степановича, з ювілеєм.

Міцного здоров'я Вам, сімейного щастя, благополуччя!

Welcome day at faculty of electronics

Friday, November 11, 2016 - 10:29

Welcome day at faculty of electronics will be held on 18.11.2016 from 16:00 till 18:00:

16:00 - 16:30 - videopresentation about faculty of electronics and its departments (room 412, bld. 12);

16:30 - 17:00 - meeting with department chairs (room 412, bld. 12);

17:00 - 18:00 - visiting departments' laboratories (physical & biomedical electronics deprtment, room 413, bld. 12).

Congratulations to students entered graduate program

Saturday, August 31, 2013 - 11:20

Congratulations to students entered Master and Engineering program!

Conference announcement

Monday, April 15, 2013 - 09:00

International scientific conference "Electronics and Nanotechnology" ELNANO-2013 to be held on April 16-19, 2013.

Conference program includes plenary and sections reports, poster sessions, and workshops.


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