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-   In English
Alexander Chaikovsky
Born in 1938. Graduated KPI in 1962. Works at the Faculty of Electronics since its founding as Assistant Professor, Since 1967 as Senior Lecturer, since 1971 as Associate Professor. Defended Ph.D. thesis in 1969. During his time at the Department prepared and lectured more than 20 courses in circuitry direction. Conducts laboratory and practical classes, supervises graduate students and course design. Responsible for laboratory on analog circuitry. Participates in the development and implementation of five laboratory works "analog circuitry" and 10 laboratory work on the course "Fundamentals of the theory of circuits and systems," in upgrading four laboratory work, made a significant contribution to the development of material base of educational laboratories of the Department as head of the five R&D works with a total funding of more than 500 thousand rubles. More than 100 scientific papers, including 18 certificates for inventions, 20 guidelines and manuals, more than 20 papers at scientific conferences. Responsible for production and teaching practice for students. He was awarded two medals.
Research interests
Analysis of electrical circuits in the frequency and time domain, the development of methods and devices for automated measurement, generators of electromagnetic waves in medicine.