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Kovalenko Mykola
Born in 1939. In 1963 graduated from the Kiev Medical Institute. He worked as a surgeon. In 1969 he defended his thesis, and in 1982 - his doctoral thesis. In 1986, a certified by professor of pulmonology. From 1995 - Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of national progress. He worked as an assistant at a medical school, then researcher in research institutes of Pulmonology, radiology and oncology. In the "KPI" works from 2002 he taught three courses: "Radiation Physics in Medicine", "Methods of X-ray diagnostics," "Methods and means of therapy and rehabilitation." Now teaches a course "Engineering methods and tools for diagnosis and therapy." Directs the implementation of bachelor's and master's works. Author of 180 scientific publications, co-author of three books and six inventions, and three patents.