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Yuriy Prokopenko
Born in the town of Vizhnitsa, Chernivtsi region. Graduated from Vinnytsia College of Electronic Devices in 1981 and Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in 1987. Has been working at the department since 1990. Conducts classes in the disciplines "Numerical methods", "Methods of Mathematical Physics", "Microwave Devices". He took an active part in the development of the course "Bioelectric Processes". He defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1991, a doctoral degree in 2016, author of over 190 publications. Responsible for the laboratory of information technology and microwave technology. The direction of scientific work - numerical methods for calculating the electromagnetic field, microwave measurements, microwave control devices, wireless communication systems. Supervisor of six candidates of sciences.
Research interests
Electromagnetic field simulation, microwave methods for studying materials and films, controlled microwave components, wireless communication systems. IEEE senior member.