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Yuriy Sinekop
Yuri Sinekop (born in 1937) - Professor of Physical and Biomedical Electronics Department, Ph.D. Graduated Kiev Polytechnic Institute in 1964, defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1973. Since 1963 works as Assistant Professor, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Vice-Dean (1976-1989), Prorector, Head of the department since 1990 to 2005. In 1991 he was awarded the title of Professor, and in 1997 he was awarded "Excellence in Education of Ukraine" title, in 1998 - "Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine" title. One of the founders of the specialty "Physical and biomedical electronics." Prof. Y. Sinekop manages the scientific work to automate modeling processes in electronics and solving actual problems of development and introduction of modern medical and technical equipment and plans training of specialists in the field of biomedical electronics. He published 136 scientific papers, including 8 textbooks, "Modeling of LSI manufacturing processes", "Computer-aided design process of VLSI", "Assembly technology of integrated circuits", "Modeling of processes in electronics" , "Biomedical signals and their processing," "Physics of electronic processes," "Imaging systems in medicine", and a monography "The role of electrostatic interactions in adsorption on the surface of solid oxides." For textbook "Biomedical Signals and processing" group of authors was awarded the first prize NTU "KPI". Textbook "Biometrics" was published in 2008. Research group of Prof. Sinekop has developed devices for magnetic therapy and stimulation MC-92M, joint magnetic-laser therapy and magnetic therapy for gastro-intestinal tract. The effectiveness of the apparatus was confirmed in clinical trials and the Committee of new medical technology of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine issued a registration certificate for this unit and permit its production. Prepared 3 new courses "Biometrics", "Engineering Experiment", "Expert systems in medicine." For 15 years, Prof. Sinekop chaired the scientific committee of international conference "Problems of Physical and Biomedical Electronics".
Research interests
automation of electronics technology processes simulation