  In English
Volodymyr Tymofeyev
Timofeyev V.I. was born in 1954. After graduating in 1977 from the Faculty of Electronic Engineering of KPI on specialty "Electronic Devices" he worked as an engineer, main engineer, head of the computer group on "Radar" company. Since 1984 he has worked as senior researcher at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute (at the same time were acting as Deputy Head of the Department of R&D), since 1988 - Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor of PBME`s department, 1993-2015 – deputy First Vice Rector, head of educational and organizational department of NTUU "KPI".
Since 2005 he is a Professor in department of physical and biomedical electronics, from September 2005 - Head of the department of Physical and biomedical electronics. In 1988 he defended his thesis, and in 2005 - his doctoral thesis on topic: "Solid State Electronics", published 175 scientific and methodical articles, 3 books, has four patents for inventions. Has the scientific title of Professor of physical and biomedical electronics. Lectured on "Analog circuitry," now teaches courses "Theory of electronic and electric circuits", "Microwave Electronic circuits ", "Micro- and nanosystems" and has all kinds of knowledge’s for these courses. Prof. Timofeyev V.I. is a member of the Academic Council of NTUU "KPI", Scientific Secretary of the Advisory Council of Ukraine on electronics, radio engineering and telecommunications and URAN (Ukrainian Research and Academic Network) Association, co-chair annual international conference “Electronics and nanotechnology” (ELNANO). He is member of Editorial Board “Electronics and Telecommunication” and “Medical Informatics and Engineering”, Senior Member of the IEEE.
Research interests
Supervising of Master and Ph.D. students. Research area – submicrometre and nanoelectronics.