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Centre Willing to Fund 50% Cost of Creating 10,000 GPU Capacity: Meity Secy S Krishnan

Fri, 05/31/2024 - 14:24

The government is willing to cover up to 50% of the anticipated cost to establish a computing capacity of around 10,000 graphic processing units (GPUs) as part of the National Artificial Intelligence (AI) mission. S. Krishnan, Secretary of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, announced this at the CII Annual Business Summit 2024.

The plan is to collaborate with private institutions to expedite the process and make the capacity available in India. While the private sector will be responsible for creating the computing capacity, it will be accessible at a subsidized rate for specific use cases, research institutions, startups, and small to medium-sized industries. The government may fund the project through viability gap funding or a voucher-based system.

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India on the Path to Obtain $80-100 Billion PE-VC Deployment in 5 Years: Reports

Fri, 05/31/2024 - 13:47

India is expected to see a significant increase in private equity and venture capital investment over the next five years. According to a report by Bain & Company, the country is projected to reach $80-100 billion in annual deployment by 2024, up from $39 billion in 2023. Despite cautious capital deployment globally, India is anticipated to benefit from substantial capital allocation. Sectors such as healthcare, advanced manufacturing, electronics, and electric vehicles are expected to see significant deal-making potential in the near term. This positive outlook is based on the correlation between India’s GDP levels and the penetration of private equity, comparable to more mature markets like the US.

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Centre is Working to Extend a R&D Wing under Semicon Research Centre

Fri, 05/31/2024 - 12:48

The government is planning to establish a dedicated research and development (R&D) wing under the proposed India Semiconductor Research Centre (ISRC). This R&D wing will focus on semiconductor research that can quickly transition into industrial production, according to sources.

A senior government official mentioned the need for full-time R&D personnel in both the private and public sectors, especially in the semiconductor space. The objective is to create an intellectual property right (IPR) driven manufacturing ecosystem, and there is consideration of co-funding or a public-private partnership (PPP) for some of the R&D activities.

It’s important to note that the dedicated R&D wing will operate independently from other research work under the ISRC, which typically has a longer project gestation period. The ISRC will concentrate on R&D efforts to develop the next generation of semiconductors, packaging and systems technologies, processes, and materials.

Further details about the scheme are expected to be announced after the general elections in June. Depending on the feasibility of the scheme, the dedicated R&D centre may eventually become an independent entity, according to another official.

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Infineon receives building permit for final construction phase of Smart Power Fab in Dresden

Fri, 05/31/2024 - 10:57

– Saxony’s Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer hands over the last outstanding
building permit for the construction project
– Infineon is on schedule with the Smart Power Fab with the start of production
planned for 2026
– Total investment of 5 billion euros in a state-of-the-art semiconductor
manufacturing in Germany
– With the fab, Infineon is increasing supply chain security in Europe and making a
significant contribution to decarbonization and digitization

Infineon Technologies AG is on schedule with the construction of the Smart Power Fab in Dresden and is initiating the final construction phase. During a visit, the Prime Minister of the Free State of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, officially handed over the last outstanding building permit for the new fab issued by the State Directorate of Saxony. The excavation of the building pit has now been completed. The shell and building construction are currently progressing on the concrete foundation, which is up to two meters thick. Infineon officially broke ground for the new plant in Dresden in May 2023. Manufacturing is scheduled to start in 2026. The production will focus on semiconductors that promote decarbonization and digitalization.

With a total investment of five billion euros, the company is making a significant contribution to the European Commission goal to increase the EU’s share of global semiconductor production to 20 percent by 2030. The semiconductors manufactured in Dresden will secure future value chains in key European industries. The products manufactured in the new production facility will be used in the automotive and renewable energy industries. The interaction of power semiconductors and analog/mixed-signal components enables particularly energy-efficient and intelligent system solutions – hence the name Smart Power Fab.

“The construction of the Smart Power Fab is a big win for Dresden, Saxony, Germany and Europe,” says Michael Kretschmer, Prime Minister of the Free State of Saxony. “Infineon’s fourth production module in Dresden is another important building block in strengthening Europe’s resilience in the field of microelectronics. It is a further step towards achieving the European Commission’s goal of increasing Europe’s share of global chip production to 20 percent. Thanks to a thoughtful cooperation between the company, the Free State of Bavaria, the local authorities, and the federal government, it has been possible to get the investment off the ground and to issue the relevant permits quickly. As a result, the semiconductors that we urgently need for the mobility and energy transition can be produced in the new fab starting in 2026.”

“We are making excellent progress with the construction of our state-of-the-art Smart Power Fab in Dresden. We are right on schedule also thanks to the excellent cooperation with the authorities,” says Dr. Rutger Wijburg, Member of the Management Board and Chief Operations Officer of Infineon. “With our strategic decision to continue investing in Dresden, we are securing the long-term future of the site and strengthening the manufacturing base for semiconductors in Europe.”

The dimensions of the construction site are impressive. On average, construction workers have removed around 8,000 tons of soil every day since the start of work. A total of 450,000 cubic meters of excavated soil has been produced, which corresponds to the volume of 180 Olympic swimming pools. The soil is being temporarily stored in a specially prepared area near the Dresden Airport freeway junction. The 22-metre-deep pit not only compensates for the natural gradient, but also provides a firm foundation for the 150- to 190-centimetre-thick base plate, which is intended to reduce vibrations – from passing streetcars, for example – to a minimum. Even minimal vibrations can affect the sensitive semiconductor production.

In the next construction phase, the basement levels will be built, along with other levels. The clean room – the heart of the Smart Power Fab – is planned for the fourth level. Once completed, it will be at the exact same height as the site’s three existing production rooms. This will optimize an integrated production. The future construction phase of the project includes a total of ten tower cranes, some of them 80 meters high to support up to 1,200 construction workers who will be working on the site every day in multiple shifts.

The investment in Dresden is part of the company’s strategy to reach CO2-neutrality by 2030. The Smart Power Fab sets new efficiency standards for the consumption of important resources such as energy and water. This has a positive impact on the carbon footprint of Infineon. Even today, Infineon’s products, which are used in solar and wind power plants, reduce 34 times the amount of CO2 emitted during their production over their lifetime.

With the investment in the new plant, Infineon is creating an additional 1,000 jobs in the Saxon state capital. The company currently employs approximately 3,250 people in Dresden. The number of trainees has already been significantly increased with the new Fab. Subject to the European Commission’s state aid decision and the national grant procedure, the project is to be funded in accordance with the objectives of the European Chips Act. Infineon is aiming for public funding of around one billion euros.

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All resolutions approved at the 2024 STMicroelectronics’ Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Fri, 05/31/2024 - 08:44

STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, announced the results related to the voting items of its 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (the “2024 AGM”), which was held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

All the resolutions were approved by the Shareholders:

  • The adoption of the Company’s statutory annual accounts for the year ended December 31, 2023, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The 2023 statutory annual accounts were filed with the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) on March 21, 2024, and are posted on the Company’s website (www.st.com) and the AFM’s website (www.afm.nl);
  • The distribution of a cash dividend of US$ 0.36 per outstanding share of the Company’s common stock, to be distributed in quarterly instalments of US$ 0.09 in each of the second, third and fourth quarters of 2024 and the first quarter of 2025 to shareholders of record in the month of each quarterly payment as per the table below;
  • The amendment to the Company’s Articles of Association;
  • The adoption of the Remuneration Policy for the Supervisory Board;
  • The adoption of the Remuneration Policy for the Managing Board;
  • The reappointment of Mr Jean-Marc Chery as a member and Chairman of the Managing Board for a three-year term to expire at the end of the 2027 AGM;
  • The approval of the stock-based portion of the compensation of the President and CEO;
  • The appointment of Mr. Lorenzo Grandi as a member of the Managing Board for a three-year term to expire at the end of the 2027 AGM; • The approval of the stock-based portion of the compensation of the Chief Financial Officer;
  • The approval of a new 3-year Unvested Stock Award Plan for Management and Key Employees;
  • The reappointment of EY as external auditor for the 2024 and 2025 financial years;
  • The reappointment of Mr. Nicolas Dufourcq, as member of the Supervisory Board, for a three-year term to expire at the end of the 2027 AGM; 2 • The reappointment of Ms. Janet Davidson, as member of the Supervisory Board, for a one-year term to expire at the end of the 2025 AGM;
  • The appointment of Mr. Pascal Daloz, as member of the Supervisory Board, for a three-year term expiring at the 2027 AGM, in replacement of Mr. Yann Delabrière whose mandate will expire at the end of the 2024 AGM;
  • The authorization to the Managing Board, until the conclusion of the 2025 AGM, to repurchase shares, subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board;
  • The delegation to the Supervisory Board of the authority to issue new common shares, to grant rights to subscribe for such shares, and to limit and/or exclude existing shareholders’ pre-emptive rights on common shares, until the end of the 2025 AGM;
  • The discharge of the member of the Managing Board; and
  • The discharge of the members of the Supervisory Board.

The complete agenda and all relevant detailed information concerning the 2024 AGM and all related AGM materials are available on the Company’s website (www.st.com) and made available to shareholders in compliance with legal requirements.

The draft minutes of the AGM will be posted on the General Meeting of Shareholders page of the Company’s website (www.st.com) within 30 days following the 2024 AGM. As for rule amendments from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and conforming FINRA rule changes, beginning on May 28, 2024, on the US market the new standard for settlement will become the next business day after a trade or t+1. European settlement rule will remain at t+2. T

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Nuvoton Develops OpenTitan based Security Chip as Next Gen Security Solution for Chromebooks

Thu, 05/30/2024 - 14:18

Nuvoton Technology Corporation, a global leader in embedded controller and secure IC solutions, announced today that Google’s ChromeOS plans to use the first commercial chip built on the OpenTitan open source secure silicon design as an evolution of its security chip for Chromebooks. This is a result of years of co-development and a close partnership between the companies.

The new chip is based on OpenTitan, a commercial-grade open source silicon design that provides a trustworthy, transparent, and secure silicon platform. It will be used by Google to provide the best protection to Chromebook users. OpenTitan ensures that the system boots from a known good state using properly verified code and establishes a hardware root of trust (RoT) for a variety of system-critical cryptographic operations.

“Hardware security is something we don’t compromise on. We are excited to partner with the dream team of Nuvoton, a valued, historic, strategic partner, and lowRISC, a leader in secure silicon, to maintain this high bar of quality.” said Prajakta Gudhadhe, Sr Director, ChromeOS Platform Engineering. “Google is proud of taking an active role in helping build OpenTitan into a first of a kind open source project, and now we’re excited to see Nuvoton and lowRISC take the next big step and implement a first-of-its-kind open source chip that will protect users all over the world.”

“Nuvoton has been a reliable supplier of embedded controllers (EC) to Chromebooks and Baseboard Management Controllers (BMC) to Google servers in the past decade,” said Erez Naory, VP of Client and Security Products at Nuvoton. “We have now expanded this collaboration with Google and our other OpenTitan partners to bring a new strengthened security IC to Google products and the open market.”

With the goal of making a completely transparent and trustworthy secure silicon platform, the open source project has been developed in the past five years by the OpenTitan coalition of companies hosted by lowRISC C.I.C., the open silicon ecosystem organization. The dedication and expertise of OpenTitan’s skilled community of contributors brought this industry-leading technology to life, producing the world’s first open source secure chip with commercial-grade design verification (DV), testing, and continuous integration (CI).

“Google’s integration of OpenTitan into Chromebooks is a watershed moment — the era of commercial-grade open source silicon has truly arrived,” said Dr. Gavin Ferris, CEO of lowRISC, OpenTitan’s non-profit host organization. “It’s a fantastic validation of the Silicon Commons approach adopted by our OpenTitan project partners and proves that collaborative engineering, driven by an unerring focus on quality and transparency, can successfully deliver products meeting the most stringent security requirements.”

The OpenTitan secure silicon samples are available to the broader market through an early access program and will be in volume production by 2025.

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Infineon announces next generation CoolGaN Transistor families built on 8-inch foundry processes

Wed, 05/29/2024 - 13:47

Infineon Technologies AG today announces two new generations of high voltage (HV) and medium voltage (MV) CoolGaN devices which now enable customers to use Gallium Nitride (GaN) in voltage classes from 40 V to 700 V in a broader array of applications that help drive digitalization and decarbonization. These two product families are manufactured on high performance 8-inch in-house foundry processes in Kulim (Malaysia) and Villach (Austria). With this, Infineon expands its CoolGaN advantages and capacity to ensure a robust supply chain in the GaN devices market, which is estimated to grow with an average annual growth rate (CAGR) of 46 percent over the next five years according to Yole Group.

“Today’s announcement builds nicely on our acquisition of GaN Systems last year and brings to market a whole new level of efficiency and performance for our customers,” said Adam White, Division President of Power & Sensor Systems at Infineon. “The new generations of our Infineon CoolGaN family in high and medium voltage demonstrate our product advantages and are manufactured entirely on 8 inch, demonstrating the fast scalability of GaN to larger wafer diameters. I am excited to see all of the disruptive applications our customers unleash with these new generations of GaN.”

The new 650 V G5 family addresses applications in consumer, data center, industrial and solar. These products are the next generation of GIT-based high voltage products from Infineon. The second new family manufactured on the 8-inch process is the medium voltage G3 devices which include CoolGaN Transistor voltage classes 60 V, 80 V, 100 V and 120 V; and 40 V bidirectional switch (BDS) devices. The medium voltage G3 products are targeted at motor drive, telecom, data center, solar and consumer applications.


The CoolGaN 650 V G5 will be available in Q4 2024 and the medium voltage CoolGaN G3 will be available in Q3 2024. Samples are available now. More information is available here.

Infineon at the PCIM Europe 2024

PCIM Europe will take place in Nuremberg, Germany, from 11 to 13 June 2024. Infineon will present its products and solutions for decarbonization and digitalization in hall 7, booths #470 and #169. Company representatives will also be giving several presentations at the accompanying PCIM Conference and Forums, followed by discussions with the speakers. If you are interested in interviewing an expert at the show, please email media.relations@infineon.com. Industry analysts interested in a briefing can email MarketResearch.Relations@infineon.com. Information about Infineon’s PCIM 2024 show highlights is available at www.infineon.com/pcim.

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Recyclekaro becomes one of the 4 Lithium-ion Battery Recyclers Registered on India’s EPR Portal

Wed, 05/29/2024 - 12:51

Recyclekaro, a leading e-waste and lithium-ion battery recycling company, is proud to announce its registration on the government’s Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) portal for e-waste recycling. As a lithium-ion battery recycling industry leader, Recyclekaro joins Lohum Cleantech, Attero, and LICO Materials as one of the four registered lithium-ion battery recyclers, reinforcing its commitment to sustainable e-waste management. Based on its existing recycling capacity, Recyclekaro will help lithium-ion battery and electronics product manufacturers, producers, and importers in India meet their EPR targets. These targets include 4,200 MT for lithium-ion battery recycling and 15,000 MT for e-waste recycling, ensuring comprehensive support for sustainability goals.

India is the third-largest e-waste producer globally, generating 1.71 million metric tons annually, with only approximately 40% of e-waste recycled in the last financial year. To address this challenge, the EPR portal, an initiative by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), provides a transparent and accountable framework for electronic waste management in India. It centralizes the tracking of e-waste from production to disposal, connecting manufacturers with registered recyclers like Recyclekaro and streamlining collection and recycling processes. The system offers financial incentives through EPR credits, making recycling economically viable and supporting companies in meeting sustainability targets. Additionally, the platform ensures regulatory compliance, improves data collection and reporting, and encourages innovation in recycling technologies, fostering a more sustainable approach to e-waste management in India.

The Battery Waste Management (BWM) Rules, 2022, notified by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, apply to all types of batteries. These rules mandate that producers (manufacturers, importers) meet collection and recycling targets to fulfil Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) obligations. Producers, recyclers, and refurbishers must register through the online portal developed by the CPCB, which enhances accountability, traceability, and transparency in meeting EPR obligations.

Rajesh Gupta, Founder & Director of Recyclekaro, commented, “Registering on the government’s EPR portal not only allows us to connect directly with manufacturers, fulfilling their waste management responsibilities, but also significantly enhances our business opportunities. Being among the four registered recyclers for lithium-ion battery end to end recycling is a major milestone and a recognition that showcases our credibility. This registration strengthens our position in the industry and supports our mission to promote sustainable and responsible recycling practices.”

Recyclekaro has established a strong presence in the Indian recycling industry, achieving 90% metal extraction efficiency with purity levels exceeding 99% from scrap batteries. The company plans to double its recycling capacity by the second quarter of FY 2024-25.

Rajesh Gupta_Founder & Director_Recyclekaro_Rajesh Gupta_Founder & Director_Recyclekaro_

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New wireless-charging boards from STMicroelectronics for industrial, medical, and smart-home applications

Wed, 05/29/2024 - 09:51

Development board combination with 50W transmitter and receiver simplifies fast charging utilizing ST Super Charge protocol

STMicroelectronics has introduced a 50W, Qi-compatible transmitter and receiver combination to accelerate the development of wireless charging for high-power applications such as medical and industrial equipment, home appliances, and computer peripherals.

Using ST’s new wireless charging solution, innovators can leverage the convenience and speed of wireless charging in applications that demand a higher power and shorter charging interval. These applications include vacuum cleaners, cordless power tools, drones and other mobile robots, medical drug delivery devices, portable ultrasound systems, stage lighting and mobile lighting, printers, and scanners. Free from cables, connectors, and complex docking arrangements, these products can become simpler, more affordable, and more robust.

The STEVAL-WBC2TX50 transmitter board is capable of delivering up to 50W of output power using the ST Super Charge (STSC) protocol. STSC is ST’s proprietary protocol for wireless charging at a faster rate than the standard protocols used with smartphones and similar devices, allowing quicker recharging of larger batteries. The board also supports the Qi 1.3 5W Baseline Power Profile (BPP) and 15W Extended Power Profile (EPP). The main component on board is ST’s STWBC2-HP transmitter system-in-package, which combines an STM32G071 Arm Cortex-M0 microcontroller and an application-specific front end. The front end provides signal conditioning and frequency control, a high-resolution PWM generator to drive the transmitter, and operates with any DC voltage from 4.1V to 24V. It also contains MOSFET gate drivers and a D+/D- interface for USB Power Delivery. In addition, the STWBC2-HP SiP can work with ST’s STSAFE-A110 secure element to provide Qi authentication.

The STEVAL-WLC98RX receiver board is built to handle up to 50W charging power, to safely accommodate the full STSC capability as well as BPP and EPP charging. Features include support for Adaptive Rectifier Configuration (ARC), which extends charging distance by up to 50% to allow lower-cost coils and more flexible configurations. Accurate voltage and current measurements for Foreign Object Detection (FOD), thermal management, and system protection are also provided. This board uses ST’s STWLC98 wireless power receiver IC, which contains a Cortex-M3 core and an integrated high-efficiency synchronous-rectifier power stage with programmable output voltage of up to 20V.

Dedicated software tools, ST’s STSW-WPSTUDIO for the STEVAL-WLC98RX and STSW-WBC2STUDIO for the STEVAL-WBC2TX50 are available to modify the configuration parameters, tailoring the operation of the device to the needs of customized applications. A comprehensive set of design documents is also available to assist development.

The boards come with a Declaration of Conformity to the EU Radio Equipment Directive (RED) and are available from the ST eStore and from distributors. Pricing starts at $113.93 for the STEVAL-WLC98RX receiver and $109.03 for the STEVAL-WBC2TX50 transmitter.

For further information please visit www.st.com/wirelesspower.

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Rohde & Schwarz presents its solutions for next generation wide bandgap device test and debug at PCIM Europe

Mon, 05/27/2024 - 13:06

Rohde & Schwarz will showcase its latest solutions for power electronics testing at PCIM Europe in Nuremberg from June 11 to 13. This year, the spotlight will be on solutions that address the challenges of testing and debugging the next generation of wide bandgap semiconductors in power electronic converters. The company’s experts will share their first-hand knowledge of applications such as inverter drive design, double pulse testing and EMI debugging, utilizing cutting-edge test instruments from Rohde & Schwarz.

At the Rohde & Schwarz booth 619 in hall 7 of PCIM Europe in Nuremberg, Germany, visitors will experience cutting-edge test solutions for power electronics under the motto “Moving to next-generation wide bandgap device testing & debugging.”

Among these are the next generation MXO 5 and MXO 5C series oscilloscopes. The first eight-channel oscilloscopes from Rohde & Schwarz are based on the company’s own powerful MXO-EP processing ASIC technology, a technological breakthrough that makes it possible to achieve the world’s first real time acquisition rate of 4.5 million waveforms per second, as seen in the MXO 4 series. The MXO 5C is the compact version of the MXO 5, but without an integrated display, making it ideal for rack-mount applications. Both support simultaneous real-time acquisition on four channels, processing a total of 18 million waveforms per second. The instruments’ pristine front-end performance and digital trigger approach leverage the 18-bit HD architecture derived from the 12-bit ADC, providing outstanding precision in all measurements. At PCIM Europe, visitors can learn how these next generation instruments can help solve complex design challenges. And they can even get a first glimpse on a ground breaking solution for measuring with high common mode voltages at high frequencies.

Power conversion

When optimizing drivetrain and inverter performance, characterizing the gate driver signals, especially in multiphase, can be very challenging. Visitors will be able to see how the MXO 5 oscilloscope can help users make accurate measurements for inverter design. With up to eight channels, the instrument provides a direct view of all relevant signal details. Thanks to SmartGrid, users can easily configure the intuitive display to show all the needed waveforms. In addition, built-in track functions help visualize pulse width modulation (PWM) with varying duty cycle and width, allowing users to accurately analyze cycle-to-cycle behaviour. In combination with advanced high voltage differential probes from Rohde & Schwarz, users can also analyze the high- and low-side gate.

Double pulse testing

JEDEC has defined the necessary parameters for dynamic and static characterization of wide bandgap components, but performing accurate and reliable measurements can be challenging due to setup variables. Slight deviations in the test setup and fixtures can introduce parasitic inductances that ultimately lead to errors. Rohde & Schwarz is collaborating with industry experts at PE-Systems GmbH to implement a stable and accurate approach to double pulse testing using high-quality power supplies and next generation oscilloscopes from Rohde & Schwarz. At PCIM Europe, visitors can experience first-hand how precision instrumentation and careful methodology work in synergy to set up accurate, reliable and fast double pulse testing.

EMI debugging

When designing filter circuits for power converters, it is possible to determine the exact noise in the system with a suitable oscilloscope instead of experimenting with different filter components by trial and error. The R&S RTO6 is equipped with advanced FFT functions that allow users to separate common-mode and differential-mode noise so that the right filter can be implemented to clean up the system noise. Rohde & Schwarz will demonstrate the analysis of conducted emissions from a 48 V to 12 V DC-DC converter for automotive applications to show how to gain insight into filter design issues.

Visitors can find Rohde & Schwarz in hall 7, booth 619, at the PCIM Europe International Exhibition and Conference from June 11 to 13, 2024, in Nuremberg, Germany. For more information about T&M solutions for power electronics from Rohde & Schwarz, go to: https://www.rohde-schwarz.com/_230538.html

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Infineon presents roadmap for state-of-the-art and energy-efficient power supply units in AI data centers

Mon, 05/27/2024 - 10:04
  • Artificial intelligence leads to increasing energy demand of data centers worldwide
  • New Power Supply Units (PSU) strengthen Infineon’s leading position in AI power supply based on Si, SiC and GaN
  • Operators of AI data centers benefit from the world’s first 12 kW power supply unit thanks to higher energy efficiency, power density and reliability

The influence of artificial intelligence (AI) is driving up the energy demand of data centres across the globe. This growing demand underscores the need for efficient and reliable energy supply for servers. Infineon Technologies AG is now opening a new chapter in the domain of energy supply for AI systems and unveiling a roadmap for power supply units (PSU) specifically designed to address the current and future energy needs of AI data centres while prioritizing energy efficiency.

By introducing unprecedented PSU performance classes, Infineon enables cloud data centre and AI server operators to reduce their energy consumption for system cooling. The innovative PSUs reduce power consumption and CO₂ emissions, resulting in lower lifetime operating costs. The powerful PSUs are not only used in the data centres of the future but can also replace existing power supply units in servers and increase efficiency.

In addition to the PSUs with an output of 3 kW and 3.3 kW already available, new 8 kW and 12 kW PSUs will contribute to further increasing energy efficiency in AI data centres in the near future. With the 12kW reference board, Infineon will soon offer the world’s first power supply unit that achieves this level of performance and supplies the data centres of the future with power.

“At Infineon, we power AI. We are addressing a critical question of our era – how to efficiently meet the escalating energy demands of data centres,” says Adam White, Division President Power & Sensor Systems at Infineon. “It’s a development that was only possible by Infineon’s expertise in integrating the three semiconductor materials silicon (Si), silicon carbide (SiC), and gallium nitride (GaN) into a single module. Our PSU portfolio is therefore not only an example of Infineon’s innovative strength, which leads to first-class results in terms of performance, efficiency and reliability for data centres and the AI ecosystem. It also reinforces Infineon’s market leadership in power semiconductors.”

Infineon is responding to the requirements of data centre operators for higher system efficiency and lower downtimes. The growth of server and data centre applications has already led to an increase in power requirements, necessitating the development of power supplies with ever higher power ratings from 800 W up to 5.5 kW and beyond. This increase is driven by the increasing power requirements of Graphic Process Units (GPU) on which AI applications are computed.

High-level GPUs now require up to 1 kW per chip reaching 2 kW and more by the end of the decade. This will lead to higher overall energy demand for data centres. Depending on the scenario, the International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that data centres will account for up to seven per cent of global electricity consumption by 2030; this is an order of magnitude comparable to India’s current electricity consumption.

The new PSUs from Infineon thus contribute to the efforts to limit the CO₂ footprint of AI data centres despite the rapidly growing energy requirements. This is made possible by a particularly high level of efficiency that minimizes power losses. Infineon’s new generation PSUs achieve an efficiency of 97.5 per cent and meet the strictest performance requirements. The new 8 kW PSU is capable of supporting AI racks with an output of up to 300 kW and more. Efficiency and power density are increased to 100 watts per in³ compared to 32 W/in³ in the already available 3 kW PSU, providing further benefits for the system size and cost savings for operators.

From a technical perspective, this is made possible by the unique combination of the three semiconductor materials Si, SiC and GaN. These technologies contribute to the sustainability and reliability of AI servers and data centre systems. Innovative semiconductors based on wide-bandgap materials such as SiC and GaN are the key to a conscious and efficient use of energy to drive decarbonization.

The 8 kW Power Supply Unit will be available in Q1 2025. For more information about the PSU roadmap, please visit www.infineon.com/AI-PSU

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Vertiv Launches New AI Hub, Featuring Industry’s First AI Reference Design Portfolio for Critical Digital Infrastructure

Mon, 05/27/2024 - 09:32

The new hub is a guide to deployment and infrastructure strategy for AI clusters and complete infrastructure reference designs for major GPU chipsets

While artificial intelligence (AI) use cases are growing at an unprecedented rate, expert information is scarce for pioneering data centres. Vertiv, a global provider of critical digital infrastructure and continuity solutions, recognizes this knowledge gap and the urgency of accessing this information, leading to the launch of their AI Hub. Partners, customers, and other website visitors will have access to expert information, reference designs and resources to successfully plan their AI-ready infrastructure.

The Vertiv AI Hub features white papers, industry research, tools, and power and cooling portfolios for retrofit and greenfield applications. The new reference design library demonstrates scalable liquid cooling and power infrastructure to support current and future chip sets from 10-140kW per rack.

Reflecting the rapid and continuous changes in the AI tech stack and the supporting infrastructure, the Vertiv AI Hub is a dynamic site that will be frequently updated with new content, including an AI Infrastructure certification program for Vertiv partners.

“Vertiv has a history of sharing new-to-world technology and insights for the data centre industry,” said Vertiv CEO Giordano (Gio) Albertazzi. “We are committed to providing deep knowledge, the broadest portfolio, and expert guidance to enable our customers to be among the first to deploy energy-efficient AI power and cooling infrastructure for current and future deployments. Our close partnerships with leading chipmakers and innovative data centre operators make us uniquely qualified to help our customers and partners on their AI journey.”

Sean Graham, research director, data centres at IDC, noted, “Virtually every industry is exploring opportunities to drive business value through AI, but there are more questions than answers around how to deploy the infrastructure. A recognized infrastructure provider like Vertiv is valuable to businesses building an AI strategy and looking for a single source for information.”

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Gartner CEO Survey Finds Growth is the Top Business Priority for 2024, Reaching Highest Level in 10 Years

Fri, 05/24/2024 - 10:56

CEOs Identified AI as Top Theme of the Next Business Transformation After Digital

Sixty-two per cent of CEO’s selected growth as their top business priority in 2024, according to a new survey by Gartner, Inc. This is the highest level since 2014, and an increase from last year’s survey where 49% of CEOs said their top business priority was growth.

“Along with the increased focus on growth, the survey showed a relatively weak position for cost management, suggesting that most CEOs and senior business executives believe the most challenging economic times are past,” said David Furlonger, Distinguished VP Analyst and Gartner Fellow.  “We have entered a phase of rising business leader confidence and business strategy re-launches.”

The 2024 Gartner CEO and Senior Business Executive Survey was conducted from July through December 2023 among 416 CEOs and other senior business executives in North America, Europe, Asia/Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East and South Africa, across different industries, revenue and company sizes. The survey found that CEOs are entertaining a growth mindset in their current environment (see Figure 1).

Source: Gartner (May 2024)

AI Is Captivating CEOs

When asked about digital transformation, 34% of CEOs identified AI as the top theme of the next business transformation after digital, followed by operations efficiency at 9%.

“‘AI’ is displacing ‘digital’ as the keyword CEOs mention the most, due in no small part to generative AI (GenAI),” said Don Scheibenreif, Distinguished VP Analyst at Gartner. “The majority of CEOs surveyed believe that the AI breakthroughs of 2023 justified the tech sector hype. They are relying on CIOs, CTOs or CDOs to unlock the value of GenAI, showing that this is a team effort when approaching these projects and not just a top-down experience.”

CEOs Must Approach AI, Including GenAI, With Caution

CEOs are not deterred by any negative prospects around AI, as 87% of CEOs agreed that the benefits of AI to their business outweigh its risks. Another 90% of CEOs agreed the idea that AI is an existential threat to humanity is hype and exaggeration.

However, CEOs are not approaching AI with an entirely positive outlook. Fifty-six per cent of CEOs said disinformation, misinformation and deep fakes will create operating problems. Twenty-nine per cent see constrained electricity supply and 53% see general supply chain issues as a problem, in large part due to GenAI and the demand the technology creates.

“CEOs should tolerate low-cost GenAI projects,” said Scheibenreif. “But they should avoid the temptation to try and control GenAI’s use from the centre. The excitement and energy will be almost impossible to handle.

“CEOs must let the hype cycle do its work for them. The trough of disillusionment in GenAI will arrive soon enough – probably before the end of 2024. CEOs should clamp down only on experiments that they believe are dangerous for the company’s reputation and allow the herd to police itself this time.”

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ROHM and Nanjing SemiDrive Technology jointly Develop a Reference Design: Utilizing PMICs and SerDes ICs for SoC

Fri, 05/24/2024 - 10:19

Contributes to spread of smart vehicle cockpits

ROHM and Nanjing SemiDrive Technology Ltd., China’s largest SoC manufacturer for smart cockpits, have jointly developed a smart cockpit reference design. The design is primarily based on SemiDrive’s X9M and X9E automotive SoCs, and includes PMICs, SerDes ICs, LED driver IC, and other components from ROHM. A reference board based on this design is also available, consisting of three boards: the CoreBoard, the SerDes Board, and the Display Board.

In recent years, the proliferation of smart cockpits and ADAS in vehicles has increased the demand for automotive electronics and components. The performance of PMICs and SerDes ICs, which are at the heart of electronic systems in vehicles, has a direct impact on the stability and efficiency of the entire system. In this context, ROHM PMICs and SerDes ICs achieve a high level of integration in power supply blocks while supporting increased stability during high-speed data transmission.

ROHM and SemiDrive have been exchanging technologies since 2019, particularly in the development of applications for vehicle cockpits. In 2022, the two companies entered into a strategic partnership for the development of advanced technologies in the automotive sector. This resulted in ROHM components such as PMICs and SerDes ICs being integrated into the reference board for SemiDrive’s X9H In-Vehicle SoC. The reference board has since been adopted by a number of automakers to provide advanced functionality for cockpits and other vehicle applications.

This time, ROHM and SemiDrive have collaborated on the development of the REF66004 reference design featuring the vehicle-mounted SoCs X9M and X9E. As such, the REF66004 is expected to further expand application line-up, including in popular mass-market models. In addition to the SerDes IC used in the X9H reference board, ROHM also provides the BD96801Q12-C SoC PMIC and BD9SA01F80-C buck converter IC for driving the SoC, as well as the BD39031MUF-C general-purpose PMIC for ADAS that supplies power to the SerDes IC. This solution supports operation of up to three display projections and four ADAS cameras (Surround-view camera). Going forward, ROHM will continue to develop products for car infotainment systems that contribute to improving automotive safety and comfort.

Zhang Qiang, Chairman, Nanjing SemiDrive Technology Ltd.:

“As vehicles become increasingly smart, so too does the demand for car electronics and components. SemiDrive is focused on providing core components such as automotive SoCs and controllers for next-generation automotive E/E (Electrical/Electronic) architectures. Partnering with ROHM, which offers a rich portfolio of semiconductors for ADAS and cockpits, will greatly contribute to achieving next-generation cockpit solutions. In particular, ROHM SerDes ICs and PMICs which leverage original analog technology are key components in our reference design. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with ROHM to provide innovative solutions in a wide range of automotive fields.”

Tetsuo Tateishi, Member of the Board, Senior Corporate Officer, in charge of Research & Development, IT, Legal & Intellectual Property and LSI Business, ROHM Co., Ltd.

“We are pleased to have developed this reference design in collaboration with SemiDrive, a company with extensive experience in automotive SoCs. As ADAS evolves and cockpits become more multifunctional, the role of automotive analog semiconductors such as SerDes ICs and PMICs is becoming increasingly important. At the same time, the new PMIC provided by ROHM for SoCs represents a novel concept in power ICs that can flexibly adapt to next-generation automotive power system configurations. Going forward, we will continue to deepen our partnership with SemiDrive to increase our understanding of next-generation cockpits and accelerate the development of a wide range of products, contributing to further evolution in the automotive sector.”

REF66004 Reference Design Incorporating X9M, X9E, and ROHM Products

This reference design combines SemiDrive’s X9M and X9E SoCs for smart cockpits with ROHM PMICs for SoCs and ADAS, SerDes ICs (for display/camera), LVDS splitter IC, and LED driver IC for vehicle displays. It is available on ROHM’s website. The design offers a cockpit solution capable of driving up to three screen projections and four cameras. In addition, ROHM’s new PMICs for SoC enable arbitrary output voltage setting and sequence control via internal memory (One Time Programmable Memory), allowing flexible, high efficiency power supplies to be achieved that are tailored to circuit requirements.

A reference board based on this design is also available individually on request, capable of running multiple operating systems (OS) on a single SoC taking advantage of SemiDrive’s unique hardware virtualization capabilities. At the same time, a hardware security management module enables the transmission of commands from the operating system to the SoC and GPU. By swapping different SemiDrive SoCs with compatible pinouts, application specifications can be changed quickly and without circuit changes.

  • SemiDrive’s X9 Series of Automotive SoCs

Ranging from entry-level to flagship models, SemiDrive’s X9 series of in-vehicle SoCs, which supports a variety of applications, including instrument clusters, car infotainment, cockpit domain control, and intelligent monitoring systems, has already completed shipments exceeding one million units. In addition, a sufficient production system has been established through extensive mass production experience. https://www.semidrive.com/en/product/X9

  • ROHM ‘s Reference Design Page

Details of ROHM’s reference design REF66004 and information on equipped products are available on ROHM’s website. REF66004-EVK-00x reference boards (REF66004-EVK-001/002/003) are also offered. Please contact a sales representative or visit ROHM’s website for more information on reference boards.



SoC (System-on-a-Chip)

A type of integrated circuit that incorporates a CPU (Central Processing Unit), memory, interface, and other elements on a single substrate. Widely used in automotive, consumer, and industrial applications due to its high processing capacity, power efficiency, and space savings.

PMIC (Power Management IC)

An IC that contains multiple power supply systems and functions for power management and sequence control on a single chip. It is becoming more commonplace in applications with multiple power supply systems in both the automotive and consumer sectors by significantly reducing space and development load vs conventional circuit configurations using individual components (i.e. DC-DC Converter IC, LDO, discretes).

SerDes IC

A generic term for ICs typically used in pairs to convert communication methods for the purpose of high-speed data transmission. The serializer converts data into a form that can be easily transmitted at high speed (parallel to serial bus) while the deserializer converts the transmitted data back to its original format (serial to parallel bus).

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The Buzz Around Next-Gen AI Powered Laptops

Fri, 05/24/2024 - 09:51

AI laptops have been gaining traction in recent years. These laptops are equipped with artificial intelligence capabilities, typically in the form of AI-powered assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, or Cortana. They can perform tasks such as voice recognition, natural language processing, and even machine learning computations.

One of the key advantages of AI laptops is their ability to enhance user productivity and convenience. Users can interact with their laptops using natural language commands, sometimes allowing for hands-free operation. Another interesting aspect is the potential for AI laptops to adapt and learn over time. As users continue to interact with their devices, AI algorithms can analyze their preferences and habits to provide increasingly tailored experiences.

However, it’s worth noting that the term “AI laptop” is somewhat broad and can encompass various levels of AI integration, from simple voice assistants to more sophisticated machine learning algorithms. As technology continues to advance, we can expect AI laptops to become even more capable and intelligent, further blurring the line between human and machine interaction.

AI Laptop Working at a Glance

AI laptops work by integrating artificial intelligence algorithms into various aspects of the device’s functionality. A simplified breakdown of how they work: AI laptops continuously gather data from various sources, including user interactions, system performance metrics, sensor inputs, and external data like weather forecasts or traffic conditions. The collected data is then processed by AI algorithms further moving towards advanced machine learning models. The algorithms analyse data to identify patterns, trends, and correlations. The models then also undergo training on large datasets to learn specific tasks, if need be. The final step is to then integrate the models into the laptop, where they perform inference tasks in real time using learned patterns to make predictions based on new data inputs.

To enable efficient use of AI-driven features, AI algorithms are integrated into the laptop’s hardware and software components. With complex integrations and working comes into play the role of data security and privacy. Hence, the data channels working on personal details etc. should be well-encrypted.

Building Blocks of AI Laptops

AI laptops incorporate several essential components to support their AI-driven functionalities. Here are some key components typically found in AI laptops:

  1. Central Processing Unit (CPU): The CPU is the brain of the laptop and handles general-purpose computing tasks. In AI laptops, the CPU may be optimized for running AI algorithms efficiently, such as those used for natural language processing or image recognition.
  2. Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): The GPU is essential for accelerating computations required by AI algorithms, especially deep learning models. Many AI laptops feature dedicated GPUs with parallel processing capabilities, which are well-suited for tasks like training and inference in neural networks.
  3. Memory (RAM): Adequate RAM is crucial for AI laptops to store and access data efficiently during AI computations. AI workloads, particularly those involving large datasets or complex models, can require significant amounts of memory to perform optimally.
  4. Storage (SSD or HDD): Fast and reliable storage is essential for storing datasets, models, and AI-related software. Solid-state drives (SSDs) are preferred for AI laptops due to their faster read and write speeds, which can improve the performance of data-intensive AI applications.
  5. Sensors: Sensors such as cameras, microphones, accelerometers, and gyroscopes enable AI laptops to perceive and interact with their environment. These sensors are crucial for tasks like image recognition, voice recognition, and gesture control.
  6. Connectivity: AI laptops require robust connectivity options to access cloud services, download updates, and interact with other devices. This includes Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and potentially cellular connectivity for remote access to AI resources and data.
  7. Operating System (OS): The choice of operating system can impact the availability and compatibility of AI software and tools. Many AI laptops run operating systems like Windows, macOS, or Linux, which offer extensive support for AI development frameworks and libraries.
  8. AI Software Frameworks: AI laptops come pre-installed with or support the installation of AI software frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, or scikit-learn. These frameworks provide the tools and libraries necessary for developing, training, and deploying AI models on the laptop.
  9. AI Middleware: AI laptops may include middleware or AI-specific software components that facilitate tasks like data pre-processing, model deployment, and inference optimization. These middleware solutions streamline the development and deployment of AI applications on the laptop.
  10. Security Features: Given the sensitive nature of AI-related data and applications, AI laptops often include advanced security features such as hardware-based encryption, secure boot, and trusted execution environments. These features help protect AI models, datasets, and user privacy.

These components work together to enable AI laptops to perform AI-related tasks efficiently and provide a seamless user experience for AI development and deployment.

Difference Between Traditional and AI Laptops

AI laptops differ from traditional laptops primarily in their integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.  Unlike traditional laptops, AI laptops are equipped with features like performance optimisation, intelligent assistants, predictive capabilities, adaptive functionality, and continuous learning capabilities.

AI laptops offer smart features that adapt to user behaviour and preferences over time. They use AI algorithms to optimize performance and power efficiency dynamically. They can adjust CPU and GPU usage on the demands of running applications, resulting in smoother performance and longer battery life as compared to traditional laptops.  One can find smart features like voice recognition, facial recognition, and behavioural biometrics for authentication. The intelligent assistants utilise AI and can perform tasks like scheduling appointments, searching the web, or controlling smart home devices, making them more versatile than traditional laptops.

Top Laptop Picks for Unmatched User Experience

AI laptops are usually best suited for data scientists, engineers, or people in research and development roles working on critical mathematical concepts and applications. We have curated a list of top AI-powered laptops with high-end designs and features.

  • ASUS Zenbook Duo
  • ACER Swift Go 14
  • ASUS TUF Gaming A15
  • Lenovo LOQ AI Powered
  • HP Spectre x360 14
  • Dell XPS 14 (9440)
  • ASUS ROG Zephysrus G14
  • Dell XPS 16 (9640)
  • ASUS TUF Gaming A15

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Infineon launches new NFC I2C bridge tag for contactless authentication and secured configuration of IoT devices

Thu, 05/23/2024 - 14:52

The number of IoT devices is rapidly increasing, and they have already become a part of every industry. However, as the number of smart devices increases, so do the demands on the user experience in terms of simplicity of device configuration and pairing. To address this, Infineon Technologies AG launches the OPTIGA Authenticate NBT, a high-performance NFC I2C bridge tag for single-tap authentication and secured configuration of IoT devices. It is the only asymmetric cryptography tag for sign and verify operations in the market certified as a Type 4 Tag by the NFC Forum. OPTIGA Authenticate NBT enables ultra-fast and seamless data exchange even with large data volumes. It enables contactless NFC (Near Field Communication) communication between IoT devices and contactless readers such as smartphones. It can be used for various applications, such as secured configuration of electronic devices without a display, activation of shared mobility vehicles, passive commissioning of unpowered smart light bulbs prior to installation, and data logging on patient health monitors.


OPTIGA Authenticate NBT offers superior security with Infineon’s Integrity Guard 32 security architecture, and the EAL6+ certification for both the hardware and the crypto libraries. The tag supports both symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic authentication as well as pass-through and asynchronous data transfer modes.

The device uses TEGRION™ hardware and enables a contactless interface speed of up to 848 Kbit/s and an I2C interface that supports up to 1 Mbits/s which results in the best performance values, particularly important for demanding applications. The NFC I2C bridge tag offers 8 KB of generous memory to store customer and application-specific configuration information. In addition, the high on-chip capacitance enables smaller antenna designs, optimizing both BOM costs and space requirements.


Samples of OPTIGA Authenticate NBT are available now, and the devices will become available to the broader market in August 2024. The OPTIGA Authenticate NBT Development Shield and the OPTIGA Authenticate NBT development kit are also available to facilitate evaluation and design-in. In addition, developers can access technical documentation and extensive host-side integration support without having to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Infineon also offers training for the security products. More information is available at www.infineon.com/OPTIGA-Authenticate-NBT.

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Modern embedded design: Sustainability throughout the lifecycle

Thu, 05/23/2024 - 14:31

The environment, the protection of nature, a shift in demographics, skilled labor shortages, challenges to security – our society is facing fundamental change. Key technologies like digitization and artificial intelligence can smooth the path for change by enabling smart edge devices that promote a green, sustainable, and livable future. Embedded systems are at the core of all these applications, and their use is rapidly increasing – as is the speed of innovation. Given this, it is all the more important to design, develop, and produce these systems in a more sustainable manner.

Embedded systems and edge servers collect, analyze, and transmit data as an integral part of the telecommunications and 5G infrastructure. Used across all industries and application areas, they act as a driver for future technologies and greater sustainability. Providing ever higher performance in an ever more compact design, they enable autonomous mobile robotics, more advanced medical diagnostics and therapies, as well as innovative solutions for the automation industry. All these applications serve to optimize industrial processes and controls and save resources. As this improves both the profitability and efficiency of applications, embedded systems can help solve our societal challenges.

Shorter development cycles and replacements mean more e-waste

Rapid technical advances, increasingly powerful processors, and specialized processing units like GPGPUs (General Purpose Graphics Processing Units) and NPUs (Neural Processing Units) on the one hand, and ever higher data processing requirements for IIoT-enabled, networked devices, and AI-driven applications on the other, are leading to shorter and shorter development cycles. To stay competitive in the face of such rapid innovation, secure their position as trend setters, and develop new business models, companies must regularly invest in new systems. Experts have already been witnessing this trend in recent years and expect it to continue. For example, as per a recent global server market study, data research institute International Data Corporation (IDC) expects the market to grow by almost 12% in the coming year compared to this year (source: IDC Quarterly Server Tracker, 2023Q1).

 With standardized Computer-on-Modules, customized designs can also be upgraded with new technologies at any time. Thanks to the precisely specified height, cooling in a completely closed system is no problem.Image 2: With standardized Computer-on-Modules, customized designs can also be upgraded with new technologies at any time. Thanks to the precisely specified height, cooling in a completely closed system is no problem. The alternative: Modular Computer-on-Modules and Server-on-Modules

Any data center modernization that involves the replacement of entire rack systems creates massive amounts of e-waste – the exact opposite of sustainable and efficient use of resources. The good news is that there is another way. Modular designs based on Computer-on-Modules and Server-on-Modules offer a cost-effective and attractive alternative that avoids the need for complete rack replacement. Such platforms make it possible to upgrade existing hardware with the latest processor technology, while retaining all other components such as the carrier board, power supply, and housing. This reduces the number of components that must be replaced and disposed of or recycled at great expense. It also saves end customers money: Server manufacturer Christmann cites 50% cost savings for upgrades using standardized Server-on-Modules versus full server replacement.

 COM-HPC is the most widely scalable Computer-on-Module standard. Five different footprints cover almost the entire range of sustainable embedded designs, from extremely compact low-power applications to high-performance client designs to highly powerful embedded servers.Image 3: COM-HPC is the most widely scalable Computer-on-Module standard. Five different footprints cover almost the entire range of sustainable embedded designs, from extremely compact low-power applications to high-performance client designs to highly powerful embedded servers. More computing power – less energy consumption

The same arguments that apply to servers are true for other application areas: Robots, medical devices, and industrial applications also gain from higher performance and innovative technologies when outfitted with the most advanced modules, such as those needed for processing complex AI algorithms. Modular systems offer a distinct advantage for upgrading to new technologies and performance levels: Replacing just the Computer-on-Module is far more efficient than replacing entire devices.

In view of rising energy costs and the proliferation of mobile systems, the fact that new processors and modules are generally more energy-efficient is another compelling argument for upgrades. More efficient use of resources and energy is particularly important for fixed 24/7 installations. And shorter charging times and cycles increase the availability of mobile applications like autonomous robots and driverless vehicles.

Advantages for new business models

Upgrading with the latest modules also holds great promises for pay-per-use and as-a-service providers. They can offer cutting-edge hardware platforms with maximum performance for lower upfront investment. This secures a competitive advantage for providers as well as their customers. It also reduces total cost of ownership for the hardware and maximizes return on investment. This makes the subscription economy model lucrative for both providers and customers. Utilized optimally, server installations featuring the latest hardware will ultimately also promote sustainability and efficient resource use.

 Modular edge servers such as the Christmann t.RECS server with three COM-HPC Server and Client slots to plug in suitable modules can save massive costs and materials when an technology upgrade is needed, compared to a complete system replacement.Image 4: Modular edge servers such as the Christmann t.RECS server with three COM-HPC Server and Client slots to plug in suitable modules can save massive costs and materials when an technology upgrade is needed, compared to a complete system replacement. Longer lifecycles for industry

Modular designs are particularly crucial in industrial applications: Longevity often plays a key role here – especially if the embedded system was customized or adapted specifically for the application. In a worst case scenario, a discontinued processor can require an entirely new development or a costly redesign. However, modular designs using application-specific carrier boards and standardized Computer-on-Modules allow even decades-old applications and designs to be upgraded with new processors. Proven legacy applications can be kept up to date through continuous processor upgrades to provide advanced features and computing performance. As software defines much of the functionality today, module upgrades extend the lifecycle of entire applications. The result is greater environmental sustainability.

COM-HPC: Standard for modular electronics design

Theory shows that modular electronics provide enormous potential for increased performance, cost savings, sustainability, interchangeability, and upgradeability. COM-HPC Computer-on-Modules from congatec exemplify such scalable designs in practice. They are specifically developed for high-bandwidth, high-performance client and edge server applications that earlier Computer-on-Module specifications cannot address. For this purpose, the COM-HPC modules support a wide range of processors besides GPGPUs, AI accelerators, ASICs and FPGAs. This guarantees maximum flexibility, scalability, and upgradability for current and future designs. High I/O bandwidth and transmission speeds are other crucial features. This includes PCIe up to the current 5th generation, USB 4/Thunderbolt 4, and 100 Gigabit Ethernet. The COM-HPC standard was created by the PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group (PICMG), with congatec as co-initiator, and is designed specifically for embedded edge applications. The module standard is available in several form factors – from the upcoming COM-HPC Mini standard with a footprint of just 95×70 mm, and the COM‑HPC Client standard with three different PCB sizes and up to 49 PCIe lanes, to the COM-HPC Server in footprints D (160×160 mm) and E (160×200 mm).

Server capabilities for embedded designs

COM-HPC Server is the first standard expressly developed for edge server requirements. The modules combine server-level computing power, up to 64 PCIe lanes, and high Ethernet bandwidth with the advantages of ruggedness. Unlike conventional servers, which are confined to air-conditioned server rooms, these embedded servers can be installed near the applications themselves, even in harsh ambient temperatures and operating environments. This makes them ideal for edge applications needing high power, huge data flows, and high-speed processing with low latencies. Up to 1 TB of SDRAM memory facilitates this. Systems utilizing congatec COM-HPC Server modules are perfect for edge data processing in autonomous vehicles, collaborative robots, smart infrastructure applications, and performance-hungry factory automation.

Product series, easy upgradability, and the pursuit of even greater sustainability

Christmann t.RECS servers provide an excellent example of how to optimally utilize scalable COM-HPC modules. Thanks to the wide module selection, it is possible to optimally adapt the servers to specific requirements and to develop entire product series with scalable functionality. Upgrading the servers to add more performance as requirements increase, or to instantly leverage new processor features, is easy – a simple module swap will do the trick. This makes the t.RECS servers a prime example of how a modular design strategy helps to maximize sustainability. These edge servers not only deliver the necessary computing power for AI applications and other future technology innovations that make our lives more sustainable; they also check every box in terms of sustainable design and optimal resource utilization.

The goal is to continue along this path to find other ways to improve sustainability even further – e.g., by using more eco-friendly materials and additive technologies in PCB manufacturing, shortening supply chains, improving electronics recycling, and reducing e‑waste overall. congatec continuously works to optimize its own offerings in all these respects.

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TimeProvider 4100 Grandmaster Version 2.4 Firmware Offers Embedded BlueSky Firewall Technology to Detect Security Threats

Thu, 05/23/2024 - 14:09

Adds IEEE 1588 standard profiles to meet power and 5G private network synchronization requirements

Critical infrastructure such as public utilities, transportation and mobile networks depend on time to synchronize their networks. The primary source of time comes from national timing systems like Global Position Satellite (GPS), but GPS signals are susceptible to jamming and spoofing attacks. To continue to provide critical infrastructure operators with a secure timing solution, Microchip Technology today announces the release of version 2.4 of the TimeProvider 4100 grandmaster firmware with an embedded BlueSky firewall function to detect potential threats and validate GNSS before using the signal as a time reference.

“Security is of utmost importance to operators; it is critical to make sure that the time reference used by a grandmaster is a valid signal and can be trusted,” said Randy Brudzinski, vice president of Microchip’s frequency and time systems business unit. “The TimeProvider 4100 grandmaster, with its embedded BlueSky GPS firewall, offers our customers a cost-effective solution that provides highly effective protection against spoofing, jamming and other threats that could compromise the validity of the GNSS signal.”

The TimeProvider 4100 series v2.4 also implements IEEE 1588 power profiles, which enables gateway capabilities between PTP telecom and power profiles. With this device, utility companies can connect the communication and substation networks to support the convergence of Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) networks as operators continue to modernize.

The growth of emerging private networks continues to increase in a variety of locations like factories, stadiums and mines. These private networks can now be synchronized with the TimeProvider 4100 series v2.4 equipped with the Time Sensitive Network (TSN) profile 802.1.AS. This functionality provides private networks with a more accurate and autonomous time system to coordinate private network Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

Depending on their unique deployment requirements, operators need grandmasters that can scale to support very few clients up to many clients. The TP4100 v2.4 can serve 2,000 Precise Time Protocol (PTP) clients, providing the capability to synchronize a large number of base stations with precise time without having to deploy multiple grandmasters.

As existing legacy communication signal deployments age, there is a need to migrate these installations to a modern and modular architecture. The TimeProvider 4100 series v2.4 provides a new operation mode that includes the filtering of legacy input signals and provides the ability to serve as a Synchronization Supply Unit (SSU), enabling the migration of large SSU environments to a TimeProvider server architecture. This presents a combination of new protocols such as PTP, NTP, SyncE and legacy signals at a large scale, allowing operators to ensure legacy services remain, while affording the capability to provide modern synchronization signals to support the newer network architectures.

Resiliency is necessary for synchronization solutions serving critical infrastructures. A failure can lead to degradation or a complete loss of service, thereby affecting customer satisfaction. Software redundancy contributes to the resiliency of the TimeProvider 4100 series because it enables two grandmasters to be synchronized in an Active/Standby model so network clients can be served by the Standby unit if the Active unit encounters a disruption. Another important and valuable feature of the TimeProvider 4100 series v2.4 is the additional model for redundancy, allowing two units to operate in Active/Active mode, providing flexibility depending on the customer’s preference. Customers employing the Active/Active mode can benefit from the two grandmasters designed to operate at all times, as compared to the Active/Standby configuration where one device is not used while remaining in the standby mode.

The TimeProvider 4100 series v2.4 is integrated with the TimePictra Synchronization Management System to provide users a complete view of their synchronization operation and health across their network.

Pricing and Availability

The TimeProvider 4100 v2.4 grandmaster is now available for purchase. For additional information and to purchase, contact a Microchip sales representative or an authorized distributor.

Performance levels may differ depending on usage, system configuration, and other influencing factors.


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Video link: https://youtu.be/md7fV6pgGI4

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STM32 Series is Cost-Effective and Fastest STM32 MCUs and First STM32 to Support Bootflash: STMicroelectronics

Thu, 05/23/2024 - 07:30

STMicroelectronics is a global leader in the semiconductor space developing customer-centric and sustainable products. Their STM32 Portfolio is a hugely popular highly reliable and scalable solution that caters to areas including Smart homes and cities, Industrial, Medical, and Robotics. Further expanding and innovating on this series, ST has introduced a line of STM32H7R/S high-performance and graphics MCUs that leverage technology to become the best-in-class platform for graphics applications and much more.

The STM32 launch event happened at ST’s Greater Noida campus in the presence of technology experts and media.

Sridhar Ethiraj, Sr. Technical Marketing and Applications Manager, Microcontrollers- India (APeC Region), STMicroelectronics

Rashi Bajpai, Sub-Editor at ELE Times, spoke with Sridhar Ethiraj, Sr. Technical Marketing and Applications Manager, Microcontrollers- India (APeC Region), STMicroelectronics about the latest launch of STM32H7R/S Series and discussed the many features and USPs of the product portfolio.

This is an excerpt from the interview.





ELE Times: What kind of support does ST provide for IoT projects based on the STM32 platform?

Sridhar Ethiraj: ST provides large number of solutions and reference designs for IoT applications based on the STM32.

Sridhar Ethiraj:

Our STM32 Open Development environment is an open, flexible, easy and affordable way to develop innovative devices and applications based on the STM32 32-bit microcontroller family combined with other state-of-the-art ST components connected via expansion boards. It enables fast prototyping with leading-edge components that can quickly be transformed into final designs.

We also offer complete reference designs for IoT applications.

An example is the cost-effective and highly integrated AWS IoT qualified Alexa Voice Service design – This Amazon-qualified solution allows the rapid integration of Alexa Voice services into embedded devices. It enables end products to deliver enhanced user experience through best-in-class natural language-based voice user interface and additional Amazon AWS based services. The solution is based on the STM32H7 high-performance MCU complemented with other ST components in a reference design.

ELE Times: What are the key features of the H7R/S microcontroller compared to other STM32H7 Series?

Sridhar Ethiraj:

  • 600MHz Arm Cortex-M7
  • Cost effective (lowest cost H7 to-date)
  • Neochrome GPU, JPEG Codec and LTDC Accelerating MPU-like GUIs
  • Cost effective boot Flash MCU with high-speed external memory interfaces for real time XiP, with state-of-the-art security.
  • Advanced security: authenticated debug, life cycle, secure key storage, immutable root of trust
  • I3C with DMA
  • 2xUSB HS/FS with PHY & UCPD

ELE Times: How easy is it for the developers in creating applications that utilize external memory for STM32H7R/S series with STM32 Ecosystem?

Sridhar Ethiraj:

H7R/S enable simpler development thanks to our MCU ecosystem:

Free STM32CubeMX software enables to simplify development using external memories (Bootmode configurator, External memory management and External memory protection management). Additionally, the tool enables users to initialize projects by configuring pinouts, clock trees, MCU peripherals, and middleware. It also facilitates the development of a boot project, which includes access management for the selected external memory, with options for Load-and-Run or Execute-in-Place boot options.

ELE Times: How the graphics capabilities of the STM32H7R/S series enhance user graphics applications? (The Volt Post)

Sridhar Ethiraj:

The Neochrome graphics accelerator in the STM32H7R/S series offloads graphical computations from the CPU, which frees up CPU resources and enhances performance. This series also includes a JPEG Codec for video animation. Moreover, it offers high flexibility in framebuffer strategies, supported by high-speed external memory interfaces, to accommodate growing memory needs for high-end graphical user interfaces.

The post STM32 Series is Cost-Effective and Fastest STM32 MCUs and First STM32 to Support Bootflash: STMicroelectronics appeared first on ELE Times.

ESSCI Partners with IIT Guwahati & IIT Ropar to Boost Semiconductor Skill Development and Innovation

Wed, 05/22/2024 - 14:49

New Delhi: Electronics Sector Skills Council of India (ESSCI) proudly unveils a momentous leap forward in its relentless pursuit of skill development and innovation within the semiconductor domain. In a historic move, ESSCI has inked a game-changing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the esteemed Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) Guwahati and Ropar. This visionary collaboration is poised to ignite a revolution, fostering a dynamic ecosystem primed for skill enhancement, innovation acceleration, and the flourishing of semiconductor startups.

This MoU aims to train not only students from Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) but also aspiring engineers from diverse academic backgrounds in various job roles crucial for the semiconductor industry. It will play a crucial role in providing skilled manpower to the industry, including Tata Semiconductor Assembly and Test Pvt Ltd (“TSAT”), which is in the process of establishing a semiconductor unit in Morigaon, Assam. This state-of-the-art facility, with a remarkable capacity of producing 48 million chips per day, is being constructed at an investment of Rs 27,000 crore. The facility will cater to diverse segments such as automotive, electric vehicles, consumer electronics, telecom, and mobile phones.

At the heart of this groundbreaking partnership lies the establishment of cutting-edge, industry-led skill centers dedicated to nurturing skilled manpower in semiconductor technology development and testing realms. This initiative includes Training of Trainers (ToT) programs under the National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) standards, as well as the development of courses and programs aligned with industry standards.

Formalized amidst great anticipation in Guwahati, the MoU bears the signatures of luminaries Dr. Abhilasha Gaur, the dynamic Chief Operating Officer of ESSCI, and the venerable Prof. Rajeev Ahuja, serving as Director at both IIT Guwahati and IIT Ropar.

The momentum surged further as Dr. Abhilasha Gaur took the stage as a distinguished speaker at the prestigious Semiconductor Horizons Workshop hosted by IIT Guwahati. Her illuminating insights illuminated the path forward, offering a glimpse into the latest trends and breakthroughs shaping the semiconductor landscape.


Mr. Amrit Manwani, Chairman, ESSCI, highlighted the immense growth potential of the semiconductor industry and underscored the importance of skilled professionals to meet the industry’s workforce demands. Citing an ESSCI study, as the manufacturing component of the industry gains traction, the share of manufacturing job roles in the manpower pool is expected to reach around 35-40% by 2025-26 from the current 30%.

Dr. Abhilasha Gaur, COO, ESSCI further emphasized three key factors driving the growth of the semiconductor sector in India: government support, focus on ATMP (Assembly, Testing, Marking, and Packaging), and bullish industry plans. She reiterated ESSCI’s dedication to collaborating with industry partners to develop a skilled workforce capable of supporting the industry’s growth.

Prof. Rajeev Ahuja, Director, IIT Guwahati, said, “We are dedicated to uplifting the surrounding community and fostering productive industry-academic collaborations. Understanding the pivotal role of the nation leading the semiconductor industry in shaping the future, IIT Guwahati is committed to advancing progressive initiatives in this sector and aspires to lead the way.”

Dr. Charan Gurumurthy, CEO of Tata Semiconductor Assembly and Test Pvt Ltd, speaking as the chief guest, highlighted the pervasive role of semiconductors in our daily lives and emphasized the importance of prioritizing their localization. Dr. Gurumurthy’s remarks also detailed the strategic initiatives pursued by TSAT to uphold its position as a leader in technological innovation, thus establishing a benchmark for the industry. Additionally, Tata’s upcoming semiconductor plant in Assam, slated for 2026, is projected to create employment opportunities for hundreds of young individuals.

The post ESSCI Partners with IIT Guwahati & IIT Ropar to Boost Semiconductor Skill Development and Innovation appeared first on ELE Times.
