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Boost Your Career: Discover Roles as an Embedded Full Stack & IoT Hardware Analyst

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 15:00

Author: Dr Abhilasha Gaur, CEO, Electronics Sector Skills Council of India

Dr Abhilasha Gaur, CEO, the Electronics Sector Skills Council of India

In today’s rapidly evolving digital space, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a transformative force, revolutionizing industries and reshaping the way we interact with technology. At the heart of this technological revolution lies the role of IoT analysts, who play a pivotal role in harnessing the power of connected devices to drive innovation and business growth. In this comprehensive guide, we explore exciting career prospects for aspiring and experienced professionals in the field of IoT analysis, focusing on two specialized tracks: Embedded Full Stack and IoT Hardware Analyst. Moreover, we’ll highlight the essential role of the Electronics Sector Skills Council of India (ESSCI) in shaping and supporting the careers of aspiring IoT professionals.

Illuminating Industry Landscapes: Embedded Full Stack & IoT Hardware Analysts’ Market Share

The roles of Embedded Full Stack & IoT Hardware Analysts are experiencing a significant upsurge, both globally and within India’s burgeoning tech landscape. As the global IoT analytics market hurtles towards an estimated worth of US$ 33,601.9 million by 2024, the need for adept professionals capable of navigating and deciphering the intricacies of IoT data becomes increasingly paramount. Concurrently, the Embedded Full Stack market, which exceeded a valuation of USD 15 billion in 2022, is primed for a remarkable 9% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2023 to 2032. This surge is largely attributed to the relentless pace of advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies, which continue to reshape the landscape of embedded systems and IoT hardware.

On the domestic front, India’s Industrial IoT sector is experiencing an unprecedented boom, with anticipated revenues poised to reach a staggering ₹US$8.09 billion by 2024. Projections indicate a compelling compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.22% from 2024 to 2028, propelling the market volume to an impressive ₹US$14.76 billion by 2028. Furthermore, India’s embedded engineering industry is on track to achieve a market size of $160 billion by 2031. This exponential growth trajectory is spurred by the escalating sophistication of automobiles, which necessitates the cultivation of specialized skill sets among professionals in the field. As a result, a plethora of new job opportunities are emerging, catering to the burgeoning demand for skilled Embedded Full Stack & IoT Hardware Analysts across various industries and domains.

Understanding the Role of an IoT Hardware Analyst: Navigating the Data Landscape

Before exploring specialized tracks, it’s essential to understand the overarching role of an IoT analyst. Essentially, IoT Hardware analysts are responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data generated by connected devices to derive actionable insights, optimizing processes, efficiency, and decision-making across various domains. From smart homes and wearable devices to industrial automation and smart cities, IoT Hardware analysts play a pivotal role in leveraging data to drive innovation. On the other hand, IoT Hardware Analysts specialize in designing, testing, and optimizing the hardware components of IoT devices. They select appropriate sensors, microcontrollers, communication modules, and other hardware components tailored to specific application requirements. Collaborating closely with software engineers and system architects, they ensure seamless integration between hardware and software components. IoT Hardware Analysts possess a deep understanding of electronics, circuit design, and signal processing techniques. They leverage this expertise to overcome challenges related to power consumption, data transmission, and environmental factors, ensuring reliability and performance in real-world scenarios. Moreover, staying abreast of emerging technologies and industry trends is crucial for IoT Hardware Analysts to drive innovation and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

Responsibilities of an IoT Hardware Analyst

  1. To research, build, test, and document state-of-the-art IoT solutions with integrated electronics and firmware development.
  2. To test IoT device software that includes monitoring, execution, and self-healing processes.
  3. To design innovative IoT services that communicates with server-side technologies.
  4. To learn the functioning of and implement new state-of-the-art tools/techniques to showcase experience in quick prototyping methods and structured implementation.
  5. To design and develop platform solutions for cloud-to-edge IoT applications with customizable configuration abilities for deployment to different clients with different needs.
  6. To work with dynamic IoT, Computer Vision, and MEAN technology stack to find solutions to complex real-world problems.
  7. To plan and build efficient tools to optimize support QA, deployment, and support services.

Embedded Full Stack and IoT Hardware Analyst: Bridging the Gap Between Hardware and Software

Embedded Full Stack and IoT Hardware Analysts are adept at navigating the intricate intersection of hardware and software in IoT systems. They possess a deep understanding of embedded systems, microcontrollers, sensors, and actuators, coupled with proficiency in software development languages and frameworks. Their role involves designing and developing IoT solutions from the ground up, encompassing both hardware and software components. From prototyping and testing to deployment and maintenance, Embedded Full Stack IoT Hardware analysts are involved in every stage of the IoT development lifecycle.

To excel in this role, individuals require a strong foundation in computer science, electrical engineering, or a related field, along with expertise in programming languages such as C, C++, Python, and Java. Additionally, familiarity with IoT platforms, cloud computing, and data analytics tools is essential. Embedded Full Stack IoT Hardware analysts possess a unique blend of technical skills and problem-solving abilities, enabling them to develop innovative solutions that bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds.

Industry Demand: Embedded Full Stack Engineer & IoT Hardware Analysts

Embedded Full Stack & IoT Hardware Analysts are in demand across various industries, including telecommunications, automotive, healthcare, and consumer electronics. Companies like Intel and Qualcomm actively seek individuals with these qualifications to drive innovation in their respective fields. In telecommunications, analysts play a crucial role in developing next-generation communication systems and optimizing network performance. In automotive, they contribute to the design and implementation of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicle technologies. Moreover, in healthcare, analysts are instrumental in developing wearable health monitoring devices and remote patient monitoring systems. Additionally, in consumer electronics, analysts are involved in the development of smart home devices, wearables, and IoT-enabled gadgets. With their expertise in hardware design, software development, and IoT integration, Embedded Full Stack & IoT Hardware Analysts are poised to make significant contributions across diverse industries, shaping the future of technology and innovation.

ESSCI’s Role in Shaping IoT & Embedded Full-Stack Careers

The Electronics Sector Skill Council of India (ESSCI) plays a pivotal role in nurturing talent and fostering skills development in the electronics and IT hardware sectors, including IoT. Through various training programs, certifications, and industry partnerships, ESSCI equips aspiring IoT professionals with the knowledge and skills required to excel in this dynamic field. Moreover, ESSCI collaborates with leading industry players to ensure that training programs are aligned with industry requirements and emerging trends, thus bridging the gap between academia and industry.

According to recent statistics, the global IoT market is projected to reach USD 1.5 trillion by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24.9%. This exponential growth trajectory underscores the immense opportunities available in the IoT space, making it an attractive career option for aspiring tech enthusiasts. Moreover, with the increasing adoption of IoT across industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, and agriculture, the demand for skilled IoT professionals is expected to soar in the coming years.

IoT Hardware Analyst prepares a complete blueprint of the hardware including schematics and layout. The individual also prepares quality and verification requirements and performs PCB testing in compliance with regulatory standards and records them in a design document. The individual will also be responsible for working and efficient functioning of the system.

The individual in this role is responsible for designing complete hardware blueprints, including schematics, quality verification, and PCB testing, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and documenting all designs. They must ensure the system functions efficiently. The ideal candidate should demonstrate attention to detail, logical thinking, and adaptability to client requirements. Proficiency in collaboration, a strong grasp of technology, excellent communication skills, and the ability to manage deadlines and budgets are also essential.

Unlocking Career Potential: Up-skilling Opportunities for Embedded Full Stack & IoT Hardware Analysts

Professionals working as Embedded Full Stack & IoT Hardware Analysts have a unique opportunity to elevate their skill sets and seize better career prospects, with organizations like ESSCI providing a dedicated platform for upskilling initiatives. As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, staying ahead of industry trends is crucial. ESSCI offers a wide array of courses and certifications tailored to the needs of individuals in the field, covering emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Internet of Things (IoT). By enrolling in these programs, professionals can gain hands-on experience, deepen their expertise, and stay abreast of the latest developments in the industry. Additionally, ESSCI provides a collaborative learning environment, where participants can network with industry experts, share insights, and explore innovative projects. Leveraging these opportunities, professionals can not only enhance their employability but also contribute to driving innovation and advancing the industry as a whole.

National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) approved courses by ESSCI – IoT Hardware and Embedded Full Stack: Empowering Future Tech Innovators

ESSCI offers various skill enhancement programs in the field of IoT hardware and Embedded Full Stack for candidates who meet specific educational and experience requirements. There are four courses offered by ESSCI – Embedded Software Engineer, Embedded Product Design Engineer-Technical Lead, Embedded Full Stack IoT Analyst and IoT Hardware AnalystThe individual in this job roles prepare a complete blueprint of the hardware including schematics layout, quality verification requirements and perform PCB testing in compliance with regulatory standards to records them in a design document. The individual will also be responsible for working and efficient functioning of the system.

To assess the overall knowledge a number of important elements make up our assessment criteria for candidates, including the overall number of NOS (National Occupational Standards) scores as well as Theory, Practical, Project, and Viva marks.

IoT Hardware analysts also have the chance to advance into leadership positions where they oversee more ambitious IoT projects and direct strategic decision-making, such as IoT architects or project managers. Furthermore, in this ever-evolving area where options for certifications, training programmes, and professional development efforts abound, it’s imperative to continuously study and upskill in order to remain relevant.


In conclusion, a career as an IoT hardware analyst and Embedded Full Stack offers a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of technological innovation and drive meaningful change across industries. Whether specializing in Embedded Full Stack development or focusing on IoT hardware optimization, individuals in this role have the chance to leverage their skills and expertise to shape the future of connected devices and smart ecosystems. With the demand for IoT solutions on the rise, now is the perfect time to embark on a career journey in this exciting and rapidly growing field, supported by organizations like ESSCI that are dedicated to nurturing talent and fostering skills development in the electronics sector.

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eAxle- Meaning, Parts, Functions, Working principle and the Latest trends

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 14:46

Meaning of an eAxle

The world ‘eAxle’ stands for electric axle. It is a unit that integrates into the axle structure of a vehicle.

Difference between an eAxle and a mechanical axle

What differentiates an electric axle from a mechanical axle is the source of energy used to propel a vehicle.

A mechanical axle drives a vehicle by transferring energy generated by an engine, using petroleum as a fuel, to the wheels of the vehicle.

On the other hand, an eAxle drives a vehicle by transferring electrical energy to the wheels of the vehicle. The source of this electrical energy is the electrical energy generated by an electric motor, which is one of the three components of an electric axle.

Position of an axle in a vehicle

An axle is situated between the wheels of a vehicle. Usually, an axle is situated between the two wheels of a vehicle. Hence, a four-wheeler vehicle has two axles. They are as follows:

One, at the front of the vehicle. It is situated between the front two wheels.

And, second, at the rear of the vehicle. It is situated between the rear two wheels.

However, the vehicles that have more than four-wheels have correspondingly more axles.

Functions performed by an axle in a vehicle

An axle performs three functions in a vehicle. They are as follows:

First, it puts up, that is, balances, the weight of the vehicle.

Second, converting the power generated by either engine or electric battery into torque. In the case of a mechanical axle, power is generated by a mechanical engine that uses petroleum fuel. On the other hand, in the case of an eAxle, it is generated by an electric battery. It is then converted into torque by the electric motor.

Third, torque transmission. In the case of both mechanical axle and eAxle, the generated torque, that is, rotational force, is transmitted or delivered to the wheels. This aids in their motion and rotation in the desired direction.

How an eAxle performs its functions?

An eAxle performs its functions by means of its three components. They are as follows:

First, an inverter. It controls the flow of electricity into the electric motor depending upon the operational requirement of the motor.

Second, an electric motor. It converts the energy generated through an electric battery or a fuel cell into torque.

And, third, a gearbox. It amplifies the torque that the electric motor produces.

Working principle of an eAxle

An eAxle works in three stages. They are as follows:

First, conversion of the electrical energy derived from the battery into mechanical energy by the electric motor. This mechanical energy is then converted into torque. The power supply to the electric motor is changed by the inverter based on the changes over the accelerator.

Second, transmission of the generated torque.

Third, distribution of the torque to the wheels of the vehicle. This aids in the movement and rotation of the vehicle.

Benefits of using an eAxle

There are numerous benefits of using an eAxle. Few of them are as follows:

First, an eAxle propels a vehicle using electric energy. Hence, it completely eliminates carbon emission. Resultantly, it aids in reducing emission of green house gases. When used over a longer duration, it will help achieve carbon emission reduction commitments under the legally binding United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21), also called the Paris Conference.

Second, it integrates three components into one structure. Thus, it makes an axle lighter, smaller and compact. This leads to space-saving and easier integration in a vehicle’s powertrain. Besides, it leads to lower energy consumption in propelling a vehicle. Therefore, it will increase the efficiency of energy consumption.

Third, as an eAxle is undergoing miniaturing due to integration of many components into one, its large-scale cost of production of low. Hence, it is cost-effective.

Application of eAxle in different types of automobiles

An eAxle is mainly used in the following types of automobiles:

First, battery electric vehicles.

Second, fuel cell electric vehicles.

Third, hybrid electric vehicles.

And, fourth, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.

An axle is one of the components of a vehicle’s powertrain

An eAxle is one of the five components of a vehicle’s powertrain.

Components of a vehicle’s powertrain

A vehicle’s powertrain consists of five components. They are as follows:

First, engine.

Second, transmission.

Third, driveshaft.

Fourth, axle.

And, fifth, differential.

Functions of a vehicle’s powertrain

A vehicle’s powertrain propels a vehicle. Propelling a vehicle has two ingredients. They are as follows:

One, thrusting a vehicle into motion- both forward and backward.

And, two, aiding in the movement of the vehicle in the right direction.

First company in the world to integrate eAxle in its automobile

Toyota was the first manufacturer in the world to introduce eAxle. It did so in its Crown Majesta EV model in 1993. It an eAxle which is now categorised as the first generation eAxle.

Generations of eAxles developed so far

At present, new technological advancements are leading to the development of what is referred to as the third generation eAxle. Hence, till date, three generations of eAxles have been developed.

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10 Major Thermistor Manufacturers in India in 2024

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 14:10

Thermistor production in India is limited and not sufficient to meet the domestic demand. As a result, it is imported from Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, China, etc. Hence, there is a huge scope for increase in the domestic production of thermistors.

It is so because of two reasons. They are as follows:

First, there already exists a large domestic market.

Second, the aggregate demand of the domestic market is poised to increase in near-future due to increase in demand across all verticals. For instance, consumer electronics, healthcare, automobile, HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning), medical instruments, aerospace, defense. The largest share of demand is expected to be from the automobile sector.

The 10 major thermistor manufacturers in India are as follows:

  • JR Sensing & Electronics Technologies

JR Sensing & Electronics Technologies is based out of Hosur, Tamil Nadu. It was established in 2014.

It produces thermistors that have very high precision and durability. Besides, they are produced based on the minimum eligible requirements of the international IEC/UL standards.

Its unique feature is that it produces thermistors that are customised to the requirements of each customer. Each thermistor is produced with the quick connect mating system that enables its installation in myriad appliances faster and simpler. Hence, they are highly user friendly.

It produces both negative thermal coefficient (NTC) and positive thermal coefficient (PTC) thermistors. It produces thermistors for a for a wide range of appliances. For instance, health care, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning), home appliances such as freezer and refrigerator, automobiles, power electronics, information technology equipments, mosquito heater, motor coil protection, marine instruments, aerospace and aviation sensors, railway sensors, etc.

  • Sowparnika Thermistors and Hybrids Private Limited

Sowparnika Thermistors and Hybrids Pvt. Ltd. is based out of Thrissur, Kerala. It was established in 2007.

It specializes in the production of NTC Thermistor that are used in a wide range of industrial appliances. It produces electronic NTC thermistor, inrush current limiters, surge current protector, AC sensors, automobile sensors, surface temperature sensor, temperature compensators, and bimetal thermostat.

It has ISO 9001:2015 certification for the production of NTC thermistors.

Its thermistors confirm to the ISO-TS 16949:2009 standardisation, an international standard for components of automobile appliances.

Its customer base comprises of 350 companies, including Mahindra & Mahindra, Minda Industries, Vguard Industries, Pricol Ltd, etc.

It has a subsidiary company Nila Tech Private Limited that is based out of Ernakulam, Kerala. Besides, it has a sister oragnisation STH Sensors LLP that is based out of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.

  • Honeywell Automation India Limited (HAIL)

Honeywell Automation India Limited is a Fortune India 500 company. It is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange. It was incorporated in 1984. Its head office is at Hadapsar, Pune, Maharashtra.

Besides Pune, it has branch offices in Bangalore, Jamshedpur, Hyderabad, Vadodara, Mumbai, Gurgaon, Chennai, Kolkata, etc.

It produces 15 different series of thermistors. They are known for their quality, accuracy and durability. They are used over a wide range of industrial applications.

  • M/s Raviraj Process Controls Limited

It is based out of Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra. It has two dedicated in-house manufacturing units there. It was established in 1996.

It is an ISO 9001: 2015 certified organization. Besides, it has certifications from ATEX, IEC Ex and PESO. The equipments in its manufacturing units are calibrated with NABL approved laboratories. They are capable to quality test the manufactured thermistors as per the IEC, IS, and other global standards.

Its special feature is that it manufacturers thermistors customized to every customer’s specification and requirements.

It manufacturers both positive coefficient thermistors and negative coefficient thermistors.

Its client-base includes both leading MNCs and Indian companies in the electric motor and generator industry.

  • Molex India Limited

It is the Indian subsidiary company of Molex, LLC which is based out of Lisle, Illinois, United States of America.

Its head-office is in Bengaluru, Karnataka. It also has its manufacturing plant in Bengaluru, Karnataka.

It specializes in manufacturing a wide range of NTC thermistors.

  • Panasonic Life Solutions India Private Limited

It was established on 14 July, 2006, as Panasonic India Private Limited. With effect from 1 August, 2022, it changed its nomenclature to Panasonic Life Solutions India Private Limited. It was done to bring all businesses of the Panasonic Group in India under one roof.

It is the Indian subsidiary company of the Panasonic Group which is based out of Kadoma, Osaka, Japan.

Its head-office is in Gurugram, Haryana. It has manufacturing plants in Jhajjar, Haridwar, Kutch, Dhamdachi, Daman, and Chennai.

It specialises in the manufacturing of NTC thermistors.

  • Siemens Limited

Siemens founded its first branch in India in 1922 at the then Bombay, now Mumbai. However, it was incorporated as an Indian company in 1957 as Siemens Engineering and Manufacturing Company of India Pvt Ltd. In 1967, its nomenclature was changed to Siemens Limited.

It is based out of Worli, Mumbai, Maharashtra.

It is the Indian subsidiary company of Siemens AG, Munich, Germany.

It manufactures extremely high-quality, durable and accurate thermistors. It produces both NTC and PTC thermistors.

  • STMicroelectronics Private Limited

It was established in 1990. It is the Indian subsidiary company of STMicroelectronics which is based out of Geneva, Switzerland.

Its manufacturing and design plant is located in Bengaluru, Karnataka. It manufacturers a range of NTC and PTC thermistors. It specialises in the production of inrush current limiters.

  • ABB India Limited

It was incorporated in Mumbai in 1949. It is a subsidiary of the Swedish-Swiss firm ABB Ltd. Its parent firm has 476 offices spanning across 85 countries of the world.

It has its head office at Peenya, Bengaluru, Karnataka. It has branch offices in many major cities of India. It has five manufacturing plants. One, at Nashik, Maharashtra. Two, at Kasaba Hobli, Bengaluru, Karnataka. Three, at Faridabad, Haryana. Four, Vadodara, Gujarat. And, five, Nashik, Maharashtra.

It specialises in the production of thermistor motor relays.

  • Thermosen Technologies Private Limited

It is based out of Bengaluru, Karnataka. It is an ISO:9001 certified company.

It manufactures a wide range of thermistors. It produces both negative thermal coefficient thermistors and positive thermal coefficient thermistors. The former is produced in a wide range of epoxy bead thermistors and glass encapsulated thermistors, whereas the latter is produced in different disc shapes and motor coil winding shapes.

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Equipping Engineers to Counter AI-Powered Cyber Threats: Strategies for Success

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 13:30

AI has provided cybercriminals with an unprecedented arsenal of tools to infiltrate your systems. Fortunately, it’s not too late to prepare your engineering team to confront these new challenges head-on.

Recently, cybersecurity experts have been sounding the alarm about the increasing use of AI to orchestrate sophisticated cyberattacks. AI has lowered the entry barrier for hackers by enhancing social engineering, phishing, and network penetration strategies.

Unfortunately, while malicious actors have quickly embraced AI, the cybersecurity sector has lagged. Despite the influx of new graduates, a staggering 84 per cent of professionals lack substantial AI and ML knowledge. Consequently, the industry is facing a wave of AI-driven attacks it isn’t fully equipped to handle. Even the FBI has warned about the rise of AI-powered cyberattacks.

However, it’s not too late to address this skills gap. Business leaders and CTOs can take proactive steps to upskill their teams and fortify their defenses against AI threats. Let’s explore how cybersecurity leaders can prepare their engineers to handle AI threats and leverage the technology to bolster their operations.

Empowering Engineers with Advanced AI Skills for Enhanced Cybersecurity

It’s not surprising that today’s engineers aren’t yet adept at dealing with AI threats. While AI isn’t new, its rapid evolution over the past two years has outpaced traditional training programs. Engineers who completed their training before this period likely did not encounter AI in their curriculum. Conversely, hackers have quickly adapted, often through DIY methods and collaborative learning.

A recent study indicates that promoting a culture of continuous learning among engineers and software developers can help bridge the AI skills gap. CTOs and business leaders should facilitate opportunities for staff to learn AI skills, ensuring they stay ahead of the curve. This can enhance internal cybersecurity or improve services for clients if the company provides cybersecurity solutions.

While AI tools like chatbots can assist with coding and answering questions, mastering AI’s higher-level capabilities—such as enhancing productivity, safeguarding systems against AI attacks, and integrating AI into existing processes—requires more comprehensive training. Investing in specialized AI training programs is crucial for modern cybersecurity businesses.

Companies can hire AI experts to conduct task-specific courses or enroll their engineers in online classes that certify them in the latest AI skills. These programs range from introductory courses on platforms like Udemy to advanced lessons offered by institutions like Harvard. The choice depends on the company’s goals and resources.

If you have connections with industry experts, start by inviting them to share their knowledge on AI cybersecurity basics with your team. If not, begin with a bottom-up approach: identify online courses covering core concepts, considering your budget and workload. Progress to more rigorous courses as your security team adapts and your priorities evolve. The learning opportunities in this ever-changing field are vast.

Harmonizing AI and Human Oversight: Ensuring Robust Security and Effective System Management

Achieving an effective equilibrium between AI utilization and human oversight is crucial for securing physical security products. While AI excels at identifying and responding to cybersecurity threats, maintaining human control and oversight through well-defined policies and procedures is essential. An overarching AI governance policy, potentially included in the board risk register, should encompass guidelines for safeguarding all critical systems, including security, and establish a clear accountability chain to the highest levels of the organization. At the operational level, personnel responsible for managing and maintaining these systems should receive comprehensive and quantifiable training to evaluate AI decisions and ensure systems operate correctly within the established scope of use.

AI-Driven Red Teaming: Revolutionizing Threat Detection and Defense

Training your workforce is just the beginning. AI is constantly evolving, and hackers continuously refine their techniques. Therefore, ongoing learning is essential.

One effective method is running simulated red teaming attack scenarios with an AI twist. Many organizations have already adopted red teaming to strengthen their cybersecurity. However, as new threats emerge, red teaming must also evolve.

Traditional red teaming involves engineers attacking their systems to identify vulnerabilities and patch them. Now, AI should play the attacker’s role, helping employees understand AI’s tactics and build resilient defenses. The race between defenders and attackers has intensified, with attackers often outpacing engineers by quickly exploiting new technologies, especially AI.

Cybersecurity experts use AI to recreate red teaming activities, simulating how hackers would utilize AI to breach systems. This helps teams anticipate potential threats and discover new defense strategies that traditional methods might miss.

As AI becomes integral to cybersecurity offerings, securing its implementation against breaches is vital. Security teams should adopt offensive tactics like vulnerability discovery to ensure their AI tools have no exposed attack surfaces. This proactive approach prepares companies to protect their AI systems from increasingly sophisticated attacks.

Comprehensive AI Security Assessments for Robust Protection

Whether your team is developing AI features or using third-party tools, it’s crucial to vet the safety of these new technologies. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) highlights various AI-related cyber risks, including data poisoning, which hackers use to compromise AI systems.

To address these risks, engineers must enhance internal security. Embedding security assessments into the development process of AI features ensures proactive protection and fosters a security-first mindset. Many services offer such assessments, guiding engineers in conducting security tests tailored to their organization’s needs. For instance, OWASP provides a free AI security and privacy guide, a valuable resource for teams to learn innovative security practices.

Fortifying Cyber Defenses: Empowering Engineers to Outsmart Advanced AI-Driven Threats

The cybersecurity workforce faces the daunting task of protecting an increasingly vulnerable digital world. As AI evolves, malicious actors rapidly adopt new technologies to launch innovative attacks. Engineers must move even faster to keep pace with these threats. Industry leaders must ensure their teams are ready to tackle this challenge by upskilling, conducting AI red teaming simulations, and implementing security assessments.

By adopting these strategies, companies can prepare their engineers to manage and mitigate AI threats, securing their operations in an ever-evolving landscape.

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u-blox enhances spoofing and jamming protection with OSNMA firmware update

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 13:21

u-blox, a global provider of leading positioning and wireless communication technologies and services, has announced the first support for Galileo OSNMA (Open Service Navigation Message Authentication) in the firmware update of its ZED-F9P high-precision GNSS module.

This enhancement advances the spoofing detection and jamming detection capabilities of the well-established multi-band GNSS module. It ensures robust and reliable performance for various applications such as robotic lawnmowers, unmanned aerial vehicles and surveying and mapping.

The ZED-F9P-05B is the first u-blox product to adopt OSNMA, a cryptographically strong solution to spoofing, setting a new standard in the industry for GNSS security and reliability.

The update helps ensure the exceptional performance of the ZED-F9P-05B. Features include enhanced spoofing and jamming detection to guarantee end-product robustness against tampering and malicious attacks, as well as improved Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) convergence to reduce the risk of incorrect readings important to surveying-related applications.

The addition of the SPARTN Beidou satellite constellation support also enhances the capabilities of the GNSS receivers and boosts the performance of the u-blox PointPerfect GNSS correction service in some regions. As the receivers feature an advanced ionospheric model, they deliver a more robust performance during periods of elevated ionospheric activities.

u-blox provides semiconductor chips, modules, and IoT services that reliably locate and connect every thing. Our cutting-edge solutions drive innovation for the car of the future and the Internet of Things. Headquartered in Thalwil (Zurich), Switzerland, we have a global presence of 1,400 experts who enable our customers to build solutions for a precise, smart, and sustainable future.

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STMicroelectronics Reports 2024 Second Quarter Financial Results

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 09:28
  • Q2 net revenues $3.23 billion; gross margin 40.1%; operating margin 11.6%; net income $353 million
  • H1 net revenues $6.70 billion; gross margin 40.9 %; operating margin 13.8%; net income $865 million
  • Business outlook at mid-point: Q3 net revenues of $3.25 billion and gross margin of 38%

STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, reported U.S. GAAP financial results for the second quarter ended June 29, 2024. This press release also contains non-U.S. GAAP measures (see Appendix for additional information).

ST reported second quarter net revenues of $3.23 billion, gross margin of 40.1%, operating margin of 11.6%, and net income of $353 million or $0.38 diluted earnings per share.

Jean-Marc Chery, ST President & CEO, commented:

  • “Q2 net revenues were above the midpoint of our business outlook range driven by higher revenues in Personal Electronics, partially offset by lower than expected revenues in Automotive. Gross margin was in line with expectations.”
  • “First half net revenues decreased 21.9% year-over-year, mainly driven by a decrease in Microcontrollers and Power and Discrete segments. Operating margin was 13.8% and net income was $865 million.”
  • “During the quarter, contrary to our prior expectations, customer orders for Industrial did not improve and Automotive demand declined.”
  • “Our third quarter business outlook, at the mid-point, is for net revenues of $3.25 billion, decreasing year-over-year by 26.7% and increasing sequentially by 0.6%; gross margin is expected to be about 38%, impacted by about 350 basis points of unused capacity charges.”
  • “We will now drive the Company based on a plan for FY24 revenues in the range of $13.2 billion to $13.7 billion. Within this plan, we expect a gross margin of about 40%.”

Quarterly Financial Summary (U.S. GAAP)

(US$ m, except per share data) Q2 2024 Q1 2024 Q2 2023 Q/Q Y/Y
Net Revenues $3,232 $3,465 $4,326 -6.7% -25.3%
Gross Profit $1,296 $1,444 $2,119 -10.2% -38.9%
Gross Margin 40.1% 41.7% 49.0% -160 bps -890 bps
Operating Income $375 $551 $1,146 -32.0% -67.3%
Operating Margin 11.6% 15.9% 26.5% -430 bps -1,490 bps
Net Income $353 $513 $1,001 -31.2% -64.8%
Diluted Earnings Per Share $0.38 $0.54 $1.06 -29.6% -64.2%

Second Quarter 2024 Summary Review

Reminder: On January 10, 2024, ST announced a new organization which implied a change in segment reporting starting Q1 2024. Comparative periods have been adjusted accordingly. See Appendix for more detail.

Net Revenues by Reportable Segment (US$ m) Q2 2024 Q1 2024 Q2 2023 Q/Q Y/Y
Analog products, MEMS and Sensors (AM&S) segment 1,165 1,217 1,293 -4.3% -10.0%
Power and discrete products (P&D) segment 747 820 989 -8.8% -24.4%
Subtotal: Analog, Power & Discrete, MEMS and Sensors (APMS) Product Group 1,912 2,037 2,282 -6.1% -16.2%
Microcontrollers (MCU) segment 800 950 1,482 -15.7% -46.0%
Digital ICs and RF Products (D&RF) segment 516 475 558 8.6% -7.6%
Subtotal: Microcontrollers, Digital ICs and RF products (MDRF) Product Group 1,316 1,425 2,040 -7.6% -35.5%
Others 4 3 4
Total Net Revenues 3,232 3,465 4,326 -6.7% -25.3%

Net revenues totaled $3.23 billion, representing a year-over-year decrease of 25.3%. Year-over-year net sales to OEMs and Distribution decreased 14.9% and 43.7%, respectively. On a sequential basis, net revenues decreased 6.7%, 90 basis points better than the mid-point of ST’s guidance.

Gross profit totaled $1.30 billion, representing a year-over-year decrease of 38.9%. Gross margin of 40.1%, in line with the mid-point of ST’s guidance, decreased 890 basis points year-over-year, mainly due to the combination of product mix and sales price and higher unused capacity charges.

Operating income decreased 67.3% to $375 million, compared to $1.15 billion in the year-ago quarter. ST’s operating margin decreased 1,490 basis points on a year-over-year basis to 11.6% of net revenues, compared to 26.5% in the second quarter of 2023.

By reportable segment[1], compared with the year-ago quarter:

In Analog, Power & Discrete, MEMS and Sensors (APMS) Product Group:

Analog products, MEMS and Sensors (AM&S) segment:

  • Revenue decreased 10.0% mainly due to a decrease in Imaging.
  • Operating profit decreased by 44.5% to $144 million. Operating margin was 12.4% compared to 20.0%.

Power and Discrete products (P&D) segment:

  • Revenue decreased 24.4%.
  • Operating profit decreased by 57.9% to $110 million. Operating margin was 14.7% compared to 26.4%.

In Microcontrollers, Digital ICs and RF products (MDRF) Product Group:

Microcontrollers (MCU) segment:

  • Revenue decreased 46.0% mainly due to a decrease in GP MCU.
  • Operating profit decreased by 87.1% to $72 million. Operating margin was 8.9% compared to 37.2%.

Digital ICs and RF products (D&RF) segment:

  • Revenue decreased 7.6% due to a decrease in ADAS which more than offset the increase in RF Communications.
  • Operating profit decreased by 23.8% to $150 million. Operating margin was 29.1% compared to 35.2%.

Net income and diluted Earnings Per Share decreased to $353 million and $0.38 respectively compared to $1.00 billion and $1.06 respectively in the year-ago quarter.

Cash Flow and Balance Sheet Highlights

        Trailing 12 Months
(US$ m) Q2 2024 Q1 2024 Q2 2023 Q2 2024 Q2 2023 TTM Change
Net cash from operating activities 702 859 1,311 4,922 5,832 -15.6%
Free cash flow (non-U.S. GAAP)[2] 159 (134) 209 1,384 1,694 -18.3%

Net cash from operating activities was $702 million in the second quarter compared to $1.31 billion in the year-ago quarter.

Net Capex (non-U.S. GAAP)1 was $528 million in the second quarter compared to $1.07 billion in the year-ago quarter.

Free cash flow (non-U.S. GAAP)1 was $159 million in the second quarter, compared to $209 million in the year-ago quarter.

Inventory at the end of the second quarter was $2.81 billion, compared to $2.69 billion in the previous quarter and $3.05 billion in the year-ago quarter. Days sales of inventory at quarter-end was 130 days compared to 122 days in the previous quarter and 126 days in the year-ago quarter.

In the second quarter, ST paid cash dividends to its stockholders totaling $73 million and executed a $88 million share buy-back, completing its $1,040 million share repurchase program launched on July 1, 2021. On June 21, 2024, ST announced the launch of a new share buy-back plan comprising two programs totalling up to $1,100 million to be executed within 3 years.

ST’s net financial position (non-U.S. GAAP)1 was $3.20 billion as of June 29, 2024, compared to $3.13 billion as of March 30, 2024 and reflected total liquidity of $6.29 billion and total financial debt of $3.09 billion. Adjusted net financial position (non-U.S. GAAP)1, taking into consideration the effect on total liquidity of advances from capital grants for which capital expenditures have not been incurred yet, stood at $2.80 billion as of June 29, 2024.

Business Outlook

ST’s guidance, at the mid-point, for the 2024 third quarter is:

  • Net revenues are expected to be $3.25 billion, an increase of 0.6% sequentially, plus or minus 350 basis points.
  • Gross margin of 38%, plus or minus 200 basis points.
  • This outlook is based on an assumed effective currency exchange rate of approximately $1.07 = €1.00 for the 2024 third quarter and includes the impact of existing hedging contracts.
  • The third quarter will close on September 28, 2024.

Conference Call and Webcast Information

ST will conduct a conference call with analysts, investors and reporters to discuss its second quarter 2024 financial results and current business outlook today at 9:30 a.m. Central European Time (CET) / 3:30 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time (ET). A live webcast (listen-only mode) of the conference call will be accessible at ST’s website, https://investors.st.com, and will be available for replay until August 9, 2024.

Use of Supplemental Non-U.S. GAAP Financial Information

This press release contains supplemental non-U.S. GAAP financial information.

Readers are cautioned that these measures are unaudited and not prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP and should not be considered as a substitute for U.S. GAAP financial measures. In addition, such non-U.S. GAAP financial measures may not be comparable to similarly titled information from other companies. To compensate for these limitations, the supplemental non-U.S. GAAP financial information should not be read in isolation, but only in conjunction with ST’s consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP.

See the Appendix of this press release for a reconciliation of ST’s non-U.S. GAAP financial measures to their corresponding U.S. GAAP financial measures.

Forward-looking Information

Some of the statements contained in this release that are not historical facts are statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements (within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 or Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, each as amended) that are based on management’s current views and assumptions, and are conditioned upon and also involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those anticipated by such statements due to, among other factors:

  • changes in global trade policies, including the adoption and expansion of tariffs and trade barriers, that could affect the macro-economic environment and adversely impact the demand for our products;
  • uncertain macro-economic and industry trends (such as inflation and fluctuations in supply chains), which may impact production capacity and end-market demand for our products;
  • customer demand that differs from projections;
  • the ability to design, manufacture and sell innovative products in a rapidly changing technological environment;
  • changes in economic, social, public health, labor, political, or infrastructure conditions in the locations where we, our customers, or our suppliers operate, including as a result of macroeconomic or regional events, geopolitical and military conflicts, social unrest, labor actions, or terrorist activities;
  • unanticipated events or circumstances, which may impact our ability to execute our plans and/or meet the objectives of our R&D and manufacturing programs, which benefit from public funding;
  • financial difficulties with any of our major distributors or significant curtailment of purchases by key customers;
  • the loading, product mix, and manufacturing performance of our production facilities and/or our required volume to fulfill capacity reserved with suppliers or third-party manufacturing providers;
  • availability and costs of equipment, raw materials, utilities, third-party manufacturing services and technology, or other supplies required by our operations (including increasing costs resulting from inflation);
  • the functionalities and performance of our IT systems, which are subject to cybersecurity threats and which support our critical operational activities including manufacturing, finance and sales, and any breaches of our IT systems or those of our customers, suppliers, partners and providers of third-party licensed technology;
  • theft, loss, or misuse of personal data about our employees, customers, or other third parties, and breaches of data privacy legislation;
  • the impact of intellectual property (“IP”) claims by our competitors or other third parties, and our ability to obtain required licenses on reasonable terms and conditions;
  • changes in our overall tax position as a result of changes in tax rules, new or revised legislation, the outcome of tax audits or changes in international tax treaties which may impact our results of operations as well as our ability to accurately estimate tax credits, benefits, deductions and provisions and to realize deferred tax assets;
  • variations in the foreign exchange markets and, more particularly, the U.S. dollar exchange rate as compared to the Euro and the other major currencies we use for our operations;
  • the outcome of ongoing litigation as well as the impact of any new litigation to which we may become a defendant;
  • product liability or warranty claims, claims based on epidemic or delivery failure, or other claims relating to our products, or recalls by our customers for products containing our parts;
  • natural events such as severe weather, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcano eruptions or other acts of nature, the effects of climate change, health risks and epidemics or pandemics in locations where we, our customers or our suppliers operate;
  • increased regulation and initiatives in our industry, including those concerning climate change and sustainability matters and our goal to become carbon neutral by 2027 on scope 1 and 2 and partially scope 3;
  • epidemics or pandemics, which may negatively impact the global economy in a significant manner for an extended period of time, and could also materially adversely affect our business and operating results;
  • industry changes resulting from vertical and horizontal consolidation among our suppliers, competitors, and customers; and
  • the ability to successfully ramp up new programs that could be impacted by factors beyond our control, including the availability of critical third-party components and performance of subcontractors in line with our expectations.

Such forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual results and performance of our business to differ materially and adversely from the forward-looking statements. Certain forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology, such as “believes”, “expects”, “may”, “are expected to”, “should”, “would be”, “seeks” or “anticipates” or similar expressions or the negative thereof or other variations thereof or comparable terminology, or by discussions of strategy, plans or intentions.

Some of these risk factors are set forth and are discussed in more detail in “Item 3. Key Information — Risk Factors” included in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on February 22, 2024. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in this press release as anticipated, believed or expected. We do not intend, and do not assume any obligation, to update any industry information or forward-looking statements set forth in this release to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.

Unfavorable changes in the above or other factors listed under “Item 3. Key Information — Risk Factors” from time to time in our Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) filings, could have a material adverse effect on our business and/or financial condition.

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Authentication in Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)

Thu, 07/25/2024 - 13:52

By Amit Sethi, Technical Marketing Manager, STMicroelectronics

Amit Sethi, Technical Marketing Manager, STMicroelectronics

Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) plays a critical role in the adoption and functionality of electric vehicles (EVs). As EV infrastructure expands, ensuring secure and efficient access to charging stations becomes paramount. Authentication in EVSE systems is essential to control access, manage billing, and protect against unauthorized use or cyber-attacks.

Authentication in EVSE ensures that only authorized users can access the charging infrastructure. Proper authentication ensures that the correct user is billed for the electricity consumed. This is essential for both private and public charging stations, as it prevents unauthorized access and potential misuse of the charging infrastructure. It ensures that data collected from the EVSE is accurate and attributed to the correct user, which allows operators to manage user profiles, monitor usage patterns, and provide tailored services.

EVSE systems can be targets for cyber-attacks. Implementing robust encryption, regular security updates, and monitoring can mitigate these risks. Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a hardware-based security feature that can play a crucial role in enhancing the security of EVSE. The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a specialized microcontroller designed to secure hardware through integrated cryptographic keys. TPM provides several security functions, including secure generation and storage of cryptographic keys, measures and verifies the integrity of the system’s boot process, remote attestation and protects data by encrypting it with TPM-generated keys.

Integrating the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) into Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) brings a host of benefits, enhancing the security, reliability, and user experience of EV charging systems. Here are the key advantages:

Enhanced Security

TPM securely generates, stores, and manages cryptographic keys within its hardware, making it extremely difficult for attackers to extract these keys. With TPM, user authentication can leverage strong cryptographic methods, ensuring that only authorized users can access the EVSE.

It facilitates the encryption of sensitive data, such as user credentials, transaction details, and usage logs, ensuring that even if data is intercepted, it cannot be read without proper decryption keys.

Integrity and Trust

TPM can ensure that the EVSE boots only with verified and trusted software, protecting the system from malware and unauthorized modifications. Using TPM, EVSE can verify the integrity of firmware and software updates, ensuring that only authorized and untampered updates are applied.

Protection Against Physical and Cyber Attacks

Even if an attacker gains physical access to the EVSE, TPM’s secure storage makes it extremely challenging to extract cryptographic keys and sensitive information.

TPM protects against various cyber threats, including man-in-the-middle attacks, eavesdropping, and tampering with data in transit.

Improved User Management

TPM can manage digital certificates used for mutual authentication between the EVSE and the electric vehicle, enhancing secure communication.

TPM supports robust access control mechanisms, allowing operators to define and enforce detailed user access policies.

Reliable and Secure Data Handling

TPM ensures that data collected from the EVSE is accurate and has not been tampered with, maintaining the integrity of usage logs, billing information, and user data. Sensitive information is stored securely within the TPM, protected from unauthorized access and tampering.

Compliance and Standardization

Implementing TPM can help EVSE operators comply with stringent security regulations and standards, ensuring that the infrastructure meets industry and government requirements.

Standardized TPM implementations can improve interoperability between different EVSE systems and networks, facilitating a more seamless user experience.


TPM supports advanced cryptographic methods, including those that are resistant to future threats. TPM’s robust security framework can scale with the growing number of EVSE deployments, ensuring consistent and reliable security across a large infrastructure.

Integrating TPM into EVSE systems significantly enhances the security, reliability, and trustworthiness of electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

STMicroelectronics’  STSAFE-TPM system-on-chip solution, based on well-proven ST33 hardware secure element,  is widely deployed in IoT equipment, personal computers and servers, printers, telecom and healthcare devices. All STSAFE-TPM products are certified by Common Criteria, TCG and FIPS and comply with regulatory requirements.​ STSAFE-TPM offering includes products compliant with automotive and industrial environmental constraints.

Visit www.st.com for more details.

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Keysight Introduces System Designer for PCIe and Chiplet PHY Designer for Digital Standards-Driven Simulation Workflows

Wed, 07/24/2024 - 14:03
  • Improves PCIe design productivity using a smarter and streamlined workflow with simulation-driven virtual compliance test solutions
  • Supports design exploration and report generation that speeds chiplet signal integrity analysis and UCIe compliance verification to increase designer productivity and time-to-market

Keysight Technologies, Inc. introduces System Designer for PCIe, a new product in the Advanced Design System (ADS) product suite that supports simulation workflows based on industry standards for high-speed, high-frequency digital designs. System Designer for PCIe is an intelligent design environment for modeling and simulating the latest Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) Gen5 and Gen6 systems. Keysight is also improving its electronic design automation (EDA) platform by adding new features to the existing Chiplet PHY Designer tool to estimate chiplet die-to-die link margin performance and Voltage Transfer Function (VTF) compliance measurement.

PCIe is a versatile and essential interface standard across a wide range of electronics industry segments due to its high-speed data transfer capabilities, scalability, and adaptability. Adoption spans from everyday consumer electronics to specialized applications in high-performance computing and critical infrastructure systems.

Complex PCIe designs support multi-link and multi-lane systems that involve a complex analysis setup between RootComplex and End-Point, sometimes incorporating mid-channel repeaters. Designers spend an inordinate amount of time preparing simulations that are prone to mistakes. Simulations often lack vendor-specific algorithmic modeling interface (AMI) simulation models, which are required early in the design cycle for design space exploration. Designers also need assurance that their prototype design will pass compliance testing before hardware fabrication.

Productivity, Workflow, and Compliance Improvement Features
  • The System Designer for PCIe automates the setup for multi-link, multi-lane, and multi-level (PAM4) PCIe systems using a smart design environment. It simplifies simulation setup and reduces time-to-first-insight.
  • The PCIe AMI modeler, which supports NRZ and PAM4 modulations, facilitates quick AMI model generation needed for PCIe system analysis. The AMI Model Builder gives designers a wizard-driven AMI model generation workflow to rapidly create models for both transmitters (Tx) and receivers (Rx).
  • Streamlined, simulation-driven virtual compliance testing enables designers to ensure design quality. The integrated, simulation-driven PCIe compliance test workflow reduces design costs by minimizing design iterations and shortening time-to-market.
Chiplet PHY Designer Enhancements
  • Chiplet PHY Designer is the EDA industry’s first simulation solution for Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express (UCIe) standards, enabling predictions of die-to-die link margin, VTF for channel compliance analysis, and forwarded clock capability. Chiplet PHY Designer includes new design exploration and report generation features that accelerate signal integrity analysis and compliance verification to improve designer productivity and time-to-market.

Hee-Soo Lee, Director of High-Speed Digital segment, Keysight EDA, said, “We continue to expand our standards-driven workflow approach to support our customers. Our high-speed digital product portfolio is leading the EDA industry with the most accurate and advanced simulation software for signal integrity analysis and compliance test validation. Digital standards such as PCIe and UCIe are critical to the performance of electronic systems. Designers using our PCIe and UCIe simulation solutions in their workflows can shift left their development cycle to save significant time and cost.”

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Gautam Solar unveils whitepaper on advanced solar technologies to address challenges posed by 2024 Indian Heat Wave

Wed, 07/24/2024 - 13:03

Gautam Solar, a renowned name in India’s solar panel manufacturing sector, has taken a notable move forward in addressing the challenges posed by extreme weather conditions. During a press conference held at Sayaji Hotel in Indore, the company launched a comprehensive whitepaper focusing on the ramifications of the 2024 Indian Heat Wave on the performance of a solar power plant. This whitepaper also sheds light on the need for advanced technologies to maintain optimal solar power generation in high-temperature environments.

The whitepaper, titled “Enhancing Power Generation and CUF of Solar Power Plants Amid High Temperatures: Strategies for the 2024 Indian Heat Wave” plumbs deep into the detrimental effects of the 2024 Indian Heat Wave, which has severely impacted human health, caused hundreds of deaths, and negatively affected the performance of solar panels.

These adverse conditions have resulted in decreased power generation and lower CUF of solar power plants. Gautam Solar’s whitepaper addresses these issues by emphasizing the use of high-efficiency N-type Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact (TOPCon) and Monocrystalline Passivated Emitter and Rear Contact (PERC) Solar Panels, which are designed to perform well even under elevated temperatures.

“At Gautam Solar, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of solar technology to ensure reliable and efficient power generation, even in the most challenging conditions. Our latest whitepaper elaborates our dedication to innovation and embracing the latest technology to address the impact of extreme heat on solar power systems,” said Mr. Gautam Mohanka, CEO of Gautam Solar.

Key highlights from the whitepaper include:

Factors affecting Solar Panel Performance: An exploration of the various environmental factors that influence the power generation from a solar panel, including irradiance, ambient temperature, humidity etc.

Solar Panel Testing: Section dealing with testing of various temperature-related parameters which affect the performance of a solar panel, including measurement of Temperature Coefficients, Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT) and Performance at Standard Test Conditions (STC) and NOCT.

Mono PERC and N-Type TOPCon Solar Panels: Emphasis on the technical specifications of Gautam Solar’s high-efficiency Mono PERC and N-type TOPCon panels, which make them ideal for use in hot climate conditions. Their low temperature coefficients, high bifaciality factor and reduced degradation rates ensures good LCOE performance and makes them highly efficient in high-temperature areas.

System Design, Installation, Monitoring and Maintenance: Focus on ensuring optimal tilt angle and orientation for installation to ensure improved airflow and cooling. Further, implementation of ventilation and cooling methods is discussed. Lastly, usage of advanced monitoring systems for detecting temperature-related issues and regular maintenance to address heat-induced damages is covered.

The whitepaper further explores future work, emphasizing the need for continued research and development in heat-resilient materials, advanced cooling techniques, and adaptive system designs.

Mr. Gautam Mohanka further said, “The 2024 Indian Heat Wave demands the critical need to address high-temperature challenges in solar power plants. By leveraging advanced technologies like N-type TOPCon and Mono PERC solar panels, and implementing strategic design, installation, and maintenance practices, Gautam Solar aims to ensure optimal performance and reliability of solar power systems even in extreme heat conditions.”

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Littelfuse Adds ITV2718 5-Amp Rated Battery Protector Series to Prevent Li-ion Battery Pack Damage

Wed, 07/24/2024 - 12:13

Ideal for next-generation smartphones, game consoles, and other consumer electronics applications

Littelfuse, Inc., an industrial technology manufacturing company empowering a sustainable, connected, and safer world, announced the extension of its ITV2718 surface-mountable Li-ion battery protector series. These fuses safeguard Li-ion battery packs against overcurrent and overcharging (overvoltage) conditions—even when fast charging.

The latest addition, the ITV2718, provides a five-amp, three-terminal fuse in a 2.7 x 1.8 mm footprint. The innovative design utilizes an embedded fuse and heater element combination to respond quickly, interrupting the battery pack’s charging or discharging circuit before overcharging or overheating conditions occur.

The ITV2718 Battery Protector is suited for a wide range of consumer electronics applications, including:
  • Game consoles
  • E-call
  • Portable routers
  • Portable modems
  • Smartphones
  • Notebooks and tablets

“By extending our ITV line of li-ion battery pack protection fuses even further to include these new five-amp-rated devices, Littelfuse is providing electronics engineers even more options for their next-gen consumer electronics designs,” said Stephen Li, Global Product Manager at Littelfuse. “Continuing to expand our portfolio of surface-mountable, three-terminal battery pack protectors enables us to provide these product development teams with even greater, more innovative solutions in battery protection.”

The ITV2718 offers these key benefits:
  • Prevents overcurrent and overcharging battery pack damage via fast response time and low internal resistance.
  • Surface-mount design simplifies automated printed circuit board (PCB) assembly.
  • Meets industry safety requirements via UL and TUV certifications for faster compliance approval.
  • Halogen-free and RoHS compliant environmentally friendly components.
How It Works

The embedded three-terminal fuse cuts off the circuit immediately when an overcurrent condition occurs. The heater element, which is embedded directly under the fuse element, generates enough heat to blow the fuse once the IC or FET detects overcharging.


The ITV2718 is available in tape and reel format in quantities of 4,000. Sample requests are accepted through authorized Littelfuse distributors worldwide. For a listing of Littelfuse distributors, please visit Littelfuse.com.

For More Information

Additional information is available on the ITV2718 Battery Protector product page. For technical questions, please contact:

  • Stephen Li, Global Product Manager, sli2@littelfuse.com
  • Amanda Cheng, Assistant Product Manager, acheng2@Littelfuse.com
  • Liang Wu, Product Engineer, lwu3@Littelfuse.com

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Novel process for 3D-printing macro-sized fused silica parts with hi-res features

Wed, 07/24/2024 - 10:38

UpNano co-developed a revolutionary manufacturing process for fused silica parts in the mm-range using 2PP technology.

UpNano GmbH (Vienna, Austria) has co-developed a novel manufacturing process for 3Dprinted fused quartz objects. This innovative technology enables the production of high-precision shaped parts in the mm and cm-range. The process is based on Glassomer GmbH’s (Freiburg, Germany) innovation and has been modified for two-photon polymerization (2PP) 3D-printing using UpNano’s NanoOne high-resolution printing system. These are the highest performance 2PP 3D-printers on the market, capable of printing over 15 orders of magnitude.

Manufacturing minuscule and complex 3D objects in glass is a challenging process. This is even more the case, if the required material is to be high-quality fused silica (SiO₂) glass, which has an exceptionally high melting point. The only possible methods that can be used are based on non-commercially available equipment and include melting glass fibers using laser beams or fused deposition modeling to produce soda lime glass. These methods often result in final products with rough surfaces that are undesirable. Now, UpNano and Glassomer have developed a rapid 3D printing process to produce smooth fused silica parts in the mm and cm range with features in the μm range.

“It’s a three-step process”, explains Markus Lunzer, team lead of Materials & Application at UpNano. “The first step is to design and print the desired structure using all the advantages 2PP 3D-printing offers. The second step is to remove organic binder material followed by a high temperature sintering process, the third step.” At the core of this is a newly developed nanocomposite “UpQuartz”. In addition to SiO2 nanoparticles, it contains a specially designed polymer matrix that allows the composite to be 2PP 3Dprinted in the first place. The printing process produces a “green part” that already has the shape of the final and desired structure. To obtain the fused silica product in the end, the polymer matrix must be removed. Heating the green part to 600°C effectively removes the polymer matrix, leaving behind the “brown part”. This is all SiO2 nanoparticles in the shape of the final product. The structure is sintered and fused after exposure to 1,300°C. During the post-processing, the object undergoes isotropic shrinkage of approximately 30%. This can easily be compensated for by an appropriate upscale of the green part using UpNano’s software.

“This innovative production process we developed”, says Markus Lunzer, “is ideally suited for larger 3Dprinted glass parts that require high-resolution and high-precision, in the fields of engineering, and chemical, medical or research applications.” Fused silica offers superior optical properties, along with biocompatibility as well as high chemical inertness and exceptional heat resistance, making it an ideal material for a vast range of applications. This new development marks a significant advancement in the potential of 2PP 3D printing, following UpNano’s recent success in advancing the material testing of 2PP 3Dprinted parts using UpNano printers and resins for macroscopic test specimens. In addition, the company’s printers have recently been used to achieve a significant milestone in 2PP 3D-printing by producing holistic embedded microfluidic chips as well as tungsten and platinum microstructures with (sub-)μm resolution.

The production of fused silica objects by 2PP 3D printing was a joint development between UpNano and Glassomer. The German company has previously enabled the production of fused silica objects by employing technologies such as soft lithography, injection molding, as well as conventional 3D-printing. Now, the joint material development from UpNano and Glassomer also allows the use of high-precision 2PP 3D-printing to produce fused silica objects.

This series of developments exemplifies UpNano’s innovation capital in the highly competitive 2PP 3D-printer market, complemented by the continued and growing commercial success of the NanoOne printer range. In fact, sales in 2023 were up 57% on the previous year and customers are now served on five continents. All NanoOne printers are equipped with patented adaptive resolution technology, which allows the laser beam to be expanded by a factor of 10 for any given objective. A recent software update has enabled seamless stitching, and given all the available modules, the NanoOne range of printers now is considered the most versatile and fastest 2PP 3D-printer on the market. “The speed, resolution, and versatility of our printers make them powerful tools for the mass production of highly precise parts. Our ever-expanding range of materials extends the range of applications. In due course, we will also expand the range of services we offer”, adds Bernhard Küenburg, UpNano´s CEO.

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Automatic Paste Transfer and Quick Change Squeegee for ASMPT printers

Wed, 07/24/2024 - 10:16
More efficiency in the solder paste printing process

ASMPT, the market and innovation leader in SMT manufacturing technology, has added two new features to its proven DEK printing platforms that automate solder paste transfers and simplify squeegee changes.

ASMPT covers almost the entire SMT manufacturing process with its extensive product portfolio and is continuously working to further automate and simplify the various workflows. “Solder paste printing, which is already the most error-prone process in SMT production, still has many steps that must be done by hand,” explains Rick Goldsmith, Director Product Management at ASMPT. “Finding suitable people for these activities is becoming increasingly difficult, which is why our customers are asking for solutions that reduce personnel and material costs as well as error rates.”

Paste transfer

When the printer setup needs to be changed, the solder paste that remains on the old stencil needs to be transferred to the new one. “Until now, this was done manually with a spatula,” explains Goldsmith. “In most cases, some of the paste remained on the old stencil and was not fully transferred to the new one. In addition, there was always the risk that the paste would get contaminated or wind up in the wrong place, leading to short circuits and malfunctions.”

The new paste transfer unit for the DEK TQ simplifies this process. The paste gets transferred automatically during each stencil change, provided the process parameters permit this. To do this, the squeegee pushes the paste to a transfer unit, from which it gets applied to the new stencil. Next, the system uses the understencil cleaning system to clean off any paste residue.

“This fully automatic paste transfer relieves the already scarce operators,” says Goldsmith. “It works faster, more precisely and more efficiently than would be possible by hand. With the manual process, up to 10 percent of the paste remains on the stencil. Our automated paste transfer system reduces this to 5 percent. This will represent a significant cost saving in solder paste, reducing manufacturing cost per PCB.” The new paste transfer system can be easily installed on all DEK TQ-series solder paste printers.

Quick Change Squeegee

ASMPT has also improved the squeegee changeover process on its solder paste printers. “Previously, the squeegee was affixed with two thumbscrews,” explains Goldsmith. “To change the squeegee, the operator had to loosen and then tighten them again – a time-consuming process that often caused problems, for example, when someone tightened the thumbscrews too firmly and another operator was unable to loosen them. The time factor was also significant, because 20 changeovers over a 24-hour period are not uncommon.”

A new holder makes these changeovers much easier because the squeegee is automatically unlocked when it is removed out of the machine. It can then be switched out in a single step before the bracket locks automatically as the squeegee is retracted. This reduces the changeover time by up to 50 percent. In addition, a mechanical coding system prevents the incorrect insertion of squeegees. Quick Change Squeegee can be retrofitted in a few hours and is available for both the DEK TQ and the NeoHorizon platforms.

“Competition is getting tougher all the time in SMT manufacturing,” says Goldsmith. “To be successful in this field, you must continuously automate and streamline your operations. At ASMPT, we understand the challenges SMT manufacturers face and are able to offer our customers interesting solutions that provide them with tangible competitive advantages.”

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Milestone Systems Funds Award-Winning Research Project at The University of Aalborg

Wed, 07/24/2024 - 09:50

The University of Aalborg, Denmark, has been honored for advancements in Harbor Safety Technology through a collaborative project with Milestone Systems. Specifically, video technology and synthetic datasets deployed in a Danish harbor were recently awarded the prestigious Danish Spar Nord Foundation Research Award for research into detecting fatal accidents in harbors using Artificial Intelligence (AI)-trained models for thermal cameras.

Milestone Systems, a leading provider of video technology, announced that the award-winning research project furthers the AI capabilities of thermal cameras and Milestone’s video technology software to monitor and assess unusual behavior and enhance safety in harbors around the world.

Every year 236,000 people drown around the world. In Denmark, the harbors have witnessed numerous drowning incidents over the years, with 1,647 lives lost between 2001 and 2015. A quarter of these tragedies occurred in the harbors themselves. Identifying a clear need to prevent such accidents, a research team at The University of Aalborg leveraged AI combined with video technology to enhance safety in one of Denmark’s busiest ports, Aalborg Harbor. In doing so, they created the largest outdoor thermal dataset for video analytics, covering a nine-month period.

The action of people falling into a harbor is a specific activity that cannot be easily, or ethically, replicated in the real world. Volunteers cannot be asked to fall into the water for safety reasons. Using a combination of a test-dummy filled with warm water detectable by thermal cameras and the largest published collection of annotated thermal images, AI models were trained to promptly detect and alert rescue teams if a person fell into the harbor.

The research team created an advanced synthetic dataset that could effectively train the AI models in the sudden, involuntary movements involved in falling. The training data was expanded to include wheelchair users, skaters, and bicycle riders, to provide as many scenarios of different people falling as possible for the AI model.

“By knowing the normal behavior on the waterfront, the model can detect abnormal events such as a person falling off the dock and immediately trigger an alarm. This way, rescue personnel can be called out quickly – even in cases where the accident occurs without witnesses,” explained lead researcher and Ph.D. student, Neelu Madan, The University of Aalborg.

As well as saving lives, Neelu Madan’s award-winning research demonstrates the power of synthetic data used to train AI models in scenarios that are difficult or unsafe to replicate in the real world. According to Neelu, the same model has applications in other situations. For example, it could be used by manufacturing companies to improve production processes.

“During manufacturing, for instance, it is crucial that automated processes proceed as they should. If not, the final product may end up with undetected errors that can be expensive in many ways, not least financially,” she stated.

Combining AI and video technology is making harbors safer and redefining safety standards across the transportation sector – ultimately saving countless lives in years to come as it is adopted on a global scale. The research which is based on a partnership between The University of Aalborg and Milestone Systems has demonstrated the possibilities of combining video technology software and AI to benefit the broader society.

“We are incredibly proud of Neelu and excited about the potential application of her work. The development of the thermal dataset by The University of Aalborg and Milestone Systems at Aalborg Harbor represents a groundbreaking step forward in video technology, providing the community with the largest annotated thermal dataset,” said Rahul Yadav, Chief Technology Officer, Milestone Systems.

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onsemi Selected to Power Volkswagen Group’s Next-Generation Electric Vehicles

Tue, 07/23/2024 - 10:48

Company will be primary provider of fully optimized power system solution based on onsemi’s latest generation EliteSiC M3e platform

  • onsemi and Volkswagen Group sign multi-year deal to supply solution for vehicle lineup across several brands
  • onsemi will provide a full stack of silicon carbide technologies as part of an integrated module solution that can scale across all power platforms
  • Volkswagen Group will benefit from onsemi’s plans to expand manufacturing in Europe would establish an end-to-end production facility for the traction inverter system
onsemi has announced that it has signed a multi-year deal with Volkswagen Group to be the primary supplier of a complete power box solution as part of its next-generation traction inverter for its Scalable Systems Platform (SSP). The solution features silicon carbide-based technologies in an integrated module that can scale across all power levels – from high-power to low-power traction inverters to be compatible with all vehicle categories.
“By offering a complete power system solution that encompasses the entire power sub-assembly, we provide Volkswagen Group with a single, simplified modular and scalable platform that maximizes efficiency and performance for their vehicle lineup,” said Hassane El-Khoury, president and CEO of onsemi. “This new approach allows for the customization of power needs and the addition of features for different vehicles without compromising on performance, all while reducing cost.”
Based on the EliteSiC M3e MOSFETs, onsemi’s unique power box solution can handle more power in a smaller package which significantly reduces energy losses. The inclusion of three integrated half-bridge modules mounted on a cooling channel will further improve system efficiency by ensuring heat is effectively managed from the semiconductor to the coolant encasement. This leads to better performance, improved heat control, and increased efficiency, allowing EVs to drive further on a single charge. By using this integrated solution, Volkswagen Group will be able to easily transition to future EliteSiC-based platforms and remain at the forefront of EV innovation.
“We are very pleased to have onsemi as a strategic supplier for the power box of the traction inverter for our first tranche in the SSP platform. onsemi has convinced us with a deeply verticalized supply chain from the growth of the raw material up to the assembly of the power box,” said Mr. Dirk Große-Loheide, Member of the Extended Executive Committee Group Procurement and Member of the Board Volkswagen Brand for “Procurement.”
Mr. Till von Bothmer, Senior Vice President VW Group Procurement for Powertrain, added, “On top of the verticalization, onsemi has furthermore provided a resilient supply concept with regional silicon carbide fabs across Asia, Europe and the U.S. In addition, onsemi will continuously provide the latest SiC generation to ensure competitiveness.”
Volkswagen Group will also benefit from onsemi’s planned investment to expand its silicon carbide manufacturing in the Czech Republic. The investment would establish an end-to-end production facility in Europe for the traction inverter power system. The proximity of onsemi’s facility would fortify Volkswagen Group’s supply chain while improving logistics and allowing for faster integration into the manufacturing process.

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STMicroelectronics Announces Status of Common Share Repurchase Program

Tue, 07/23/2024 - 09:32

Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares – Period from Jul 15, 2024 to Jul 19, 2024

STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, announces full details of its common share repurchase program (the “Program”) disclosed via a press release dated June 21, 2024. The Program was approved by a shareholder resolution dated May 22, 2024 and by the supervisory board.

STMicroelectronics N.V. (registered with the trade register under number 33194537) (LEI: 213800Z8NOHIKRI42W10) announces the repurchase (by a broker acting for the Company) on the regulated market of Euronext Paris, in the period between Jul 15, 2024 to Jul 19, 2024 (the “Period”), of 254,850 ordinary shares (equal to 0.03% of its issued share capital) at the weighted average purchase price per share of EUR 38.2047 and for an overall price of EUR 9,736,472.80.

The purpose of these transactions under article 5(2) of Regulation (EU) 596/2014 (the Market Abuse Regulation) was to meet obligations arising from share option programmes, or other allocations of shares, to employees or to members of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of the issuer or of an associate company.

The shares may be held in treasury prior to being used for such purpose and, to the extent that they are not ultimately needed for such purpose, they may be used for any other lawful purpose under article 5(2) of the Market Abuse Regulation.

Below is a summary of the repurchase transactions made in the course of the Period in relation to the ordinary shares of STMicroelectronics (ISIN: NL0000226223), in detailed form. 

Transactions in Period

Dates of transaction

Number of shares purchased

Weighted average purchase price per share (EUR)

Total amount paid (EUR)

Market on which the shares were bought (MIC code)


























Total for Period





Following the share buybacks detailed above, the Company holds in total 8,767,667 treasury shares, which represents approximately 1.0% of the Company’s issued share capital.

In accordance with Article 5(1)(b) of the Market Abuse Regulation and Article 2(3) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052, a full breakdown of the individual trades in the Program are disclosed on the ST website (https://investors.st.com/stock-and-bond-information/share-buyback).

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Surf-Tech Manufacturing Corp. Ensures World-Class Quality with Advanced Conformal Coating Services

Sat, 07/20/2024 - 09:12

Surf-Tech Manufacturing Corp., a multi-faceted provider of contract manufacturing services, is pleased to announce the expansion of its advanced conformal coating services. By continuously investing in advanced technology and expanding its capabilities, Surf-Tech ensures that clients receive the best possible quality solutions for their manufacturing needs.

Surf-Tech’s advanced conformal coating services are designed to support a wide range of applications, from selective conformal coating and potting to bead and meter-mix dispensing. The company’s expertise in these areas allows for precise, efficient and reliable protection of electronic assemblies, ensuring optimal performance and durability.

With state-of-the-art conformal coating technology, Surf-Tech delivers superior protection for printed circuit boards (PCBs) across diverse industries. The company is dedicated to providing high-value, reliable manufacturing solutions, and its conformal coating process ensures the longevity and reliability of electronic components, even in the most demanding conditions.

“Our goal is to offer safeguard our client’s PCBs while maintaining the highest standards of quality and efficiency,” said Stephen Eggart, President of Surf-Tech Manufacturing. “By investing in industry-leading conformal coating technology, we can provide tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of each customer, from startups to Fortune 500 companies.”

In addition to its conformal coating services, Surf-Tech offers a suite of manufacturing solutions, including SMT, through-hole soldering, mechanical assembly and higher-level assembly (HLA). With turnkey capability, materials management expertise, and quick-turn prototype services, they provide comprehensive solutions tailored to their clients’ specific requirements.

The company boasts state-of-the-art automated equipment and full-service capabilities, catering to all phases of electronic manufacturing and assembly work. Whether it’s prototype design or end customer webstore fulfillment, Surf-Tech delivers high-quality solutions with precision and efficiency.

Surf-Tech’s commitment to quality is reflected in its ISO 9001 certification, IPC, and ITAR registrations. Personnel are certified to various applicable standards, including IPC-A-610 (Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies) and J-STD-001 (Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies).

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Infineon contributes to industry’s highest power density grid storage ground power conditioner from Daihen with 2000 V SiC Module

Fri, 07/19/2024 - 15:16

Infineon Technologies AG announced that its CoolSiC 2000 V modules have been selected by Daihen Corporation for their innovative unit-type power conditioners for grid storage batteries. In the journey towards reducing carbon emissions, both grid storage batteries and the power conditioners that are linked to them play a vital role in facilitating the wider adoption of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power generation. There has been an increasing demand for higher voltage storage batteries and power conditioners to enhance the effectiveness of power generation, storage, and transmission. Moreover, with the expansion of storage battery systems on a larger scale, finding suitable locations and minimizing construction costs have emerged as significant challenges.

The unit-type power conditioner for grid storage batteries launched by Daihen in March 2024 is the first product in the industry to achieve connection to storage batteries at a high DC link voltage of 1500 V. The higher voltage enables the product to be used with large-capacity storage battery facilities, which has resulted in a 40 percent reduction in the footprint of grid storage batteries compared to the conventional product.

The high power density is achieved by using Infineon’s 62 mm CoolSiC MOSFET 2000 V module (FF3MR20KM1H). In addition to the characteristics of SiC that enable high voltage, better thermal dissipation and high power density, Infineon’s SiC products feature M1H trench technology that increases the gate drive voltage range and provides high robustness and reliability against gate voltage spikes. Infineon was the pioneer in the industry to introduce the 2000 V class for a SiC module. This innovation has been instrumental in simplifying the inverter circuit configuration. Furthermore, the optimized 62 mm package has led to a substantial reduction in system size, contributing to enhanced efficiency and performance.

Mr. Akihiro Ohori, General Manager, Development Department, Energy Management System Division, Daihen, said, “In order to increase the voltage of power conditioners, the circuit configuration of conventional 1200 V devices had become complicated. However, by adopting Infineon’s 2000 V SiC modules, we were able to achieve a simplified circuit configuration and control design, thereby reducing development resources and the footprint.”

Masanori Fujimori, Marketing Director of the Industrial & Infrastructure Segment at Infineon Technologies Japan, said, “We are very pleased that our pioneering CoolSiC 2000 V module has contributed to the development of the industry’s highest power density power conditioners for grid storage batteries. We believe that Infineon’s SiC technology will address the need for higher efficiency in energy storage systems and will greatly contribute to the growth of renewable energy.”

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Infineon and Amkor sign Memorandum of Understanding to stimulate sustainable action across the supply chain

Fri, 07/19/2024 - 14:53

–      Both companies commit to actively engage with common suppliers to help them drive effective decarbonization strategies.

–      The aim is to identify areas for improvement and support suppliers in setting their own science-based emissions reduction targets.

–      The partnership of Infineon and Amkor is set to bring the green supplier engagement of both companies to the next level.

Infineon Technologies AG, a leader in power systems and IoT, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Amkor Technology, Inc. (Nasdaq: AMKR), a leading provider of semiconductor packaging and test services, with a joint commitment to stimulate decarbonization and sustainability strategies across the supply chain.

Expanding their partnership towards sustainability is the next step in the sustainability journey of both companies. Infineon and Amkor intend to fully leverage their classical Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test (OSAT) business relationship in order to effectively tackle emissions along their supply chain. In April, both companies announced to operate a dedicated packaging and test center at Amkor’s manufacturing site in Porto, Portugal.

As part of the cooperation for climate protection, Infineon and Amkor will actively engage with common suppliers to help them develop and implement effective decarbonization strategies. This will involve workshops, meetings, and the sharing of best practices and learnings related to decarbonization. The aim is to identify areas for improvement and support suppliers in setting science-based emissions reduction targets in line with the Science Based Targets initiative. Both companies are committed to providing ongoing guidance, fostering exchange, and tracking progress to drive continuous improvement across the common supply chain.

“Infineon has made excellent progress towards its aim to become CO2-neutral for scope 1 and 2 by 2030, as the company more than halved its emissions while doubling the revenue since 2019. Supply-chain-related Scope-3-emissions represent the highest share of total emissions at Infineon and are the hardest ones to minimize,” said Angelique van der Burg, Chief Procurement Officer at Infineon. “That makes it even more important to include them in our efforts. But no one can do it alone. We need to actively collaborate and drive innovation with our suppliers if we want to effectively reduce CO2 emissions. This is of ample importance not only for Infineon and Amkor, but also for society at large. Therefore, we are happy to join forces with Amkor on this.”

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onsemi Accelerates Silicon Carbide Innovation to Power the Transition to Electrification

Fri, 07/19/2024 - 12:58
  • Latest generation EliteSiC M3e MOSFETs decrease turn-off losses by up to 50% for electrification applications
  • Platform uniquely achieves a reduction in both conduction and switching losses on the field-proven planar architecture
  • When combined with onsemi’s portfolio of intelligent power products, the EliteSiC M3e can deliver further optimized system solutions and reduce time-to-market
  • onsemi unveiled plans to introduce multiple future generations of silicon carbide at an accelerated pace through 2030
In the face of escalating climate crises and a dramatic rise in global energy demands, governments and industries are committing to ambitious climate goals aimed at mitigating environmental impact and securing a sustainable future.
Key to these efforts is the transition to electrification to reduce carbon emissions and embrace renewable energy resources. In a significant step towards accelerating this global transition, onsemi introduced its latest generation silicon carbide technology platform, EliteSiC M3e MOSFETs. The company also disclosed plans to release multiple additional generations through 2030.
onsemi EliteSiC
“The future of electrification is dependent on advanced power semiconductors. Today’s infrastructure cannot keep up with the world’s demands for more intelligence and electrified mobility without significant innovations in power. This is critical to the ability to achieve global electrification and stop climate change,” said Simon Keeton, group president, Power Solutions Group, onsemi. “We are setting the pace for innovation, with plans to significantly increase power density in our silicon carbide technology roadmap through 2030 to be able to meet the growing demands for energy and enable the global transition to electrification.”
The EliteSiC M3e MOSFETs will play a fundamental role in enabling the performance and reliability of next-generation electrical systems at lower cost per kW, thus influencing the adoption and effectiveness of electrification initiatives. With the ability to operate at higher switching frequencies and voltages while minimizing power conversion losses, this platform is essential for a wide range of automotive and industrial applications such as electric vehicle powertrains, DC fast chargers, solar inverters and energy storage solutions. Additionally, the EliteSiC M3e MOSFETs will enable the transition to more efficient, higher-power data centers to meet the exponentially increasing energy demands that power a sustainable artificial intelligence engine.
M3e Wafer
Trusted Platform Delivers Generational Efficiency Leap
Through onsemi’s unique design engineering and manufacturing capabilities, the EliteSiC M3e MOSFETs achieve a significant reduction in both conduction and switching losses on the trusted and field-proven planar architecture. Compared to previous generations, the platform can reduce conduction losses by 30% and turn-off losses by up to 50%1. By extending the life of SiC planar MOSFETs and delivering industry-leading performance with EliteSiC M3e technology, onsemi can ensure the robustness and stability of the platform, making it a preferred choice for critical electrification applications
The EliteSiC M3e MOSFETs also offer the industry’s lowest specific on-resistance (RSP) with short circuit capability which is critical for the traction inverter market that dominates SiC volume. Packaged in onsemi’s state-of-the-art discrete and power modules, the 1200V M3e die delivers substantially more phase current than previous EliteSiC technology, resulting in approximately 20% more output power in the same traction inverter housing. Conversely, a fixed power level can now be designed with 20% less SiC content, saving costs while enabling the design of smaller, lighter and more reliable systems.
Additionally, onsemi provides a broader portfolio of intelligent power technologies including gate drivers, DC-DC converters, e-Fuses and more to pair with the EliteSiC M3e platform. The end-end onsemi combination of optimized, co-engineered power switches, drivers and controllers enable advanced features via integration, lowering overall system cost.
M3e Reel
Accelerating the Future of Power
Global energy demands are projected to soar over the next decade, making the need for increased power density in semiconductors paramount. onsemi is leading innovation across its silicon carbide roadmap – from die architectures to novel packaging techniques – that will continue to address the general industry demand for increased power density.
With each new generation of silicon carbide, cell structures will be optimized to efficiently push more current through a smaller area, increasing power density. When coupled with the company’s advanced packaging techniques, onsemi will be able to maximize performance and reduce package size. By applying the concepts of Moore’s Law to the development of silicon carbide, onsemi can develop multiple generations in parallel and accelerate its roadmap to bring several new EliteSiC products to market at an accelerated pace through 2030.
“We are applying our decades of experience in power semiconductors to push the boundaries of speed and innovation in our engineering and manufacturing capabilities to meet the rising global energy demands,” said Dr. Mrinal Das, senior director of technical marketing, Power Solutions Group, onsemi. “There is a huge technical interdependency between the materials, device and package in silicon carbide. Having full ownership over these key aspects allows us to have control over the design and manufacturing process and bring new generations to market much faster.”

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Union Budget 2024-25: Employment, Manufacturing, Infrastructure, Healthcare, Education and Tax Reforms in Focus

Fri, 07/19/2024 - 06:30

In her Interim Budget 2024 speech, Finance Minister Sitharaman highlighted the Indian economy’s transformation, focusing on women, youth, the poor, and farmers. The government lifted 25 crore people out of poverty in a decade, provided free food to 80 crores through various schemes, and facilitated Direct Benefit Transfers of ₹34 lakh crore via PM Jan Dhan Yojana, saving ₹2.7 lakh crore. Key initiatives included support for artisans and street vendors, upskilling 1.4 crore youth, empowering rural women with financial schemes, and expanding healthcare coverage. Economic measures encompassed infrastructure development, housing subsidies, agricultural advancements, and renewable energy initiatives. The budget prioritized fiscal consolidation and capital expenditure at ₹11.11 lakh crore while maintaining tax rates. Plans for achieving Net Zero by 2070 included offshore wind energy and e-vehicle sector expansions. Borrowing targets for 2024-25 have been set at ₹14.13 lakh crore gross and ₹11.75 lakh crore net.

With the Union Budget 24-25 set to be presented by FM Sitharaman on July 23, 2024, expectations are that the government will continue reforms and investments to sustain economic momentum and enhance governance efficiency with better and more inclusive tax reforms and taxpayer services. We hope the budget reflects a comprehensive approach towards economic resilience and inclusive development across various sectors to propel India towards sustainable growth.

Industry Speaks: Budget 2024 Expectations Highlights Union Budget 2024-25: Focus on Employment, Infrastructure, and Innovation with Upskilling, SME Support, and Fintech Growth

Gaurav Jalan, Founder & CEO, mPokket

“Following from the Interim Budget earlier this year and the challenges of the economy in the recent past, the upcoming full budget is expected to focus on employment, infrastructure and innovation. We expect the government to double down on initiatives relating to upskilling of youth to improve employability. Alongside this, increasing jobs is expected to be the core government agenda. We expect this to be through a dual approach of easing credit access to small and medium businesses to catalyse their growth and through incentives on research and investments from the private sector. We expect the government to also focus on the disposable income of the middle class by revisiting direct taxation rates. This shall drive a sustained domestic consumption-led growth for the economy. Additionally, we believe the government shall continue to view positively the contribution of fintech as a key driver of easy access to credit and their potential to create employment. We therefore expect a favourable approach to investments in the sector and clarity on the open regulatory discussions to propel India towards becoming a global fintech hub.”

Union Budget 2024-25: Enhance National Cybersecurity with Funding, Incident Reporting, and Startup Collaboration Initiatives

Ritesh Kumar, Founder & CEO, Cyfirma

“I am looking forward to seeing how the upcoming budget addresses the nation’s urgent cybersecurity needs amidst rapid digital transformation. India needs significant investment in building a national cybersecurity framework for enterprises, SMEs and startups to ensure all businesses have access to essential resources and guidelines. Supporting this, there is a critical need for adequate funding for a robust incident reporting policy, as that would facilitate timely and transparent reporting of cyber incidents, allowing minimising the damage and help in building a resilient cybersecurity infrastructure. For all these, the budget should include co-innovation funding for cybersecurity startups that would facilitate the development of new security solutions. By doing so, India can accelerate the development and deployment of advanced cybersecurity technologies. It is crucial that the government take initiatives to integrate cybersecurity startups into federal and enterprise sectors. As collaborating with the government and cybersecurity firms can help these startups scale their solutions, offering larger entities innovative and agile security approaches. These collaborations can combine expertise and resources to advance cybersecurity measures and bolster defence against cyber threats. And finally, the Budget should prioritise funding framework and guidelines to address the AI’s cybersecurity challenges while fostering innovation”

Union Budget 2024-25: Strengthen Cybersecurity with Funding, Education, and Innovations for Critical Infrastructure Protection

Pankit Desai, CEO & Co-Founder, Sequretek 

 “Emphasis should be on enhancing national cybersecurity infrastructure by providing dedicated funding for both government and private sector to prevent data breaches and cyberattacks, especially in critical areas such as banking, energy, healthcare, and transportation. This involves investing in cybersecurity education at universities and technical institutions and providing training and certifications courses at subsidised rate to ensure continuous skill development and a robust pipeline of cybersecurity professionals. Investments should also go to protecting critical infrastructure with advanced threat detection and response systems to build resilience and recovery plans to quickly restore services in the event of a cyberattack. For this it is necessary to encourage cybersecurity innovations by providing financial incentives and establishing incubation centres to support growth of new cybersecurity businesses. Along with this, funds should be deployed to raise awareness about cybersecurity practices among businesses and the general public through workshops and seminars in collaboration with industry experts”.

Union Budget 2024-25: Accelerate EV Delivery with Policy Continuity, Lower GST, and Robust Charging Infrastructure

Akash Gupta, Co-Founder & CEO, Zypp Electric

“To achieve net-zero carbon emissions, the government must focus on maintaining policy continuity. Inclusion in the priority lending scheme and reducing GST for EV services from 18% to 5% will accelerate EV-led delivery adoption. Recognizing last-mile delivery as a distinct sector under logistics policies is essential, given that one-third of shipments fall within this category. Establishing industry standards, supporting gig delivery partners with tailored schemes, and implementing standard operating procedures (SOPs) will enhance efficiency and foster growth in this vital but often overlooked segment of the logistics industry. An extension of the existing EMPS scheme will result in better stakeholder sentiment and investor confidence. With increased government support in driving localization to cut down costs, infrastructural advancements in terms of establishing a robust charging infrastructure, which will further aid in boosting customer awareness, and focusing on job creation will foster strong collaborations and necessitate substantive developments for the EV sector.”

Union Budget 2024-25: Boost EV Adoption with PLI Schemes, Tax Reforms, and Expanded Charging Infrastructure

Niranjan Nayak, Managing Director, Delta Electronics India 

“As we look forward to the Union Budget 2024, our expectations focus on the critical need for transformative reforms in the auto sector, specifically aimed at fostering a green and sustainable energy segment. With a firm commitment to reducing pollution and addressing climate change, we anticipate the government will align its policies with the net-zero goal and sustainable development.

The implementation of PLI schemes specifically for EV charging companies is crucial. Expanding EV infrastructure is essential for promoting widespread EV adoption in India, and financial incentives will significantly boost the growth of our charging network. We also hope for tax reforms that support our industry and encourage consumers to transition to electric vehicles. Developing a robust EV charging ecosystem, particularly in Tier II and Tier III cities, is vital. Prioritizing open data standards and APIs for charging networks will ensure interoperability and enhance user experience. At Delta Electronics India, we are dedicated to contributing to this transformative journey by providing innovative, reliable, and efficient charging solutions. With supportive budget measures, we can strengthen our charging capacity more accessible for all, paving the way for a sustainable future.”

Union Budget 2024-25: Prioritize Sustainable Growth with Green Investments     

Dr Miniya Chatterji, Founding Director, Anant School for Climate Action, and CEO, of Sustain Labs Paris

“In the Union Budget 2024, it would be important to prioritize initiatives that drive sustainable growth. Investments should focus on renewable energy projects, green infrastructure, and sustainable agriculture. Another good move could be a reduction in the GST levied on renewable energy components. Additionally, provisions should be made to promote skilling and innovation in the field of sustainability”.

Union Budget 2024-25: Boost EV Sector with Subsidies, Incentives, and Investment for Sustainable Mobility in India

Hyder Khan, Director & CEO, Godawari Electric Motors

“With the Central & State government’s strong push towards a greener future, we have high expectations from the upcoming budget for the EV sector, particularly for those who believe in the ‘Make in India’ model. As we approach the 2024 budget, the electric vehicle industry stands at a pivotal juncture. We are looking for continued support and substantial policy enhancements to accelerate the transition to sustainable transportation.

We urge the government to consider increased subsidies for electric two-wheelers and three-wheelers, as well as incentives for domestic manufacturing and R&D initiatives. Additionally, investments in charging infrastructure and battery technology will be crucial to overcome existing barriers to widespread EV adoption. Our vision is to make clean and affordable mobility accessible to every citizen, and with the right fiscal measures, we can make significant strides toward achieving this goal. We are hopeful that the upcoming budget will reflect a strong commitment to fostering innovation and growth within the EV sector, ultimately contributing to a greener and more sustainable future for India.”

Union Budget 2024-25: Strengthen Financial Inclusion with Enhanced Imperatives and Incentives for Banks and Tech Ecosystem

Ramki Gaddipati, CEO APAC and Global CTO, Zeta

“India already boasts of some of the most impressive Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) and payment rails today including ground-breaking new protocols such as Credit Line on UPI. As a provider of next-generation banking solutions to large financial institutions, we hope that the Union Budget 24-25 will introduce further imperatives and incentives for banks and the associated technology ecosystem to create even more financial inclusion for the underserved Indians.”

Union Budget 2024-25: Strengthen Waste Management and Circular Economy with Enhanced Infrastructure and Streamlined Supply Chains

Sachin Sharma, Founder and Director, GEM Enviro Management Limited

“Building on the momentum of last year’s budget, which prioritized green growth, the upcoming Union Budget presents a significant opportunity to further strengthen India’s waste management infrastructure. However, significant challenges remain. Inadequate waste collection infrastructure and inefficient sorting and recycling systems continue to hinder progress. Valuable materials are still being discarded in landfills instead of being diverted for reuse.

To truly advance India’s circular economy goals, the government must encourage and support waste management agencies that are diligently working in this field. Additionally, streamlining the supply chain for e-waste and plastic waste is essential. This will foster a robust ecosystem where manufacturers, industry players, and recyclers can collaborate more effectively. While Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and the Waste Management Rules of 2016 have had a positive impact, more impactful compliance is needed to achieve truly meaningful results.”

Union Budget 2024-25: Boost the Electronics Industry with PLI Support, Export Enhancements, and Infrastructure Investments

Ashok Rajpal, Managing Director, Ambrane India

“For the Union Budget 2024-25, there is a strong sense of optimism within the electronics industry. The Government’s Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) schemes have already demonstrated their potential, driving remarkable growth, attracting investments, and enhancing our manufacturing capabilities. We anticipate continued support in the upcoming budget. To elevate our industry to global standards, it is imperative to enhance support for exporting ‘Made in India’ products. As the budget approaches, we look forward to policies that reinforce domestic manufacturing, foster innovation, and enhance our global competitiveness. Sustained backing for the ‘Make in India’ initiative remains crucial to our trajectory.

Critical investments in infrastructure and technology will be pivotal for the growth of the electronics manufacturing sector. Tax incentives and streamlined regulatory processes are essential for sustaining sectoral health. Emphasizing self-reliance in advanced technologies will further bolster local manufacturing efforts. We await the budget with optimism, expecting policies that strengthen our foundation for growth, innovation, and sustainable practices in electronics manufacturing.”

Union Budget 2024-25: Address MSME Late Payments with Holistic Solutions and MSME Data Stack to Enhance Cash Flow

Winny Patro, CEO and Co-Founder, Recordent India

“In the age of data and technology solving many problems for businesses, MSMEs are still struggling with delayed payments and are caught up in a vicious cycle of cash flow problems. An SME entrepreneur spends more time dealing with late payments than growing his business. Introduction of section 43B(H) had an impact around the end of financial year 2024 closing and will again only impact late payers during FY closings. Access to working capital and MSMEs samadhan filing, addresses the cash flow at the far end of the problem. There is a need to address the problem holistically like how the banking industry got better with timely payments due to credit bureaus. MSME data stack could be one of the solutions to reduce credit risk and avoid late payments. In addition to this, benchmarking payment terms based on sectors and nature of products/services could be another solution. Hoping that the upcoming budget gives importance to solve this massive problem of ₹10 lakh+ crore late payments stuck in the MSME sector in India”.

Union Budget 2024-25: Propel Viksit Bharat Vision with Tech Adoption, R&D, and Skilling for Global Leadership

Aalok Kumar, Corporate Officer & Senior VP – Head of the Global Smart City Business Development Department and President & CEO, NEC Corporation India

“Earlier this year, the GoI presented an interim budget that reinforced its vision for ‘Viksit Bharat’ by 2047 – to accelerate India into a developed nation and foster inclusive economic participation among all citizens. As we await the full budget, we expect clear and decisive provisions to advance this vision, with technology at the heart of this transformation. We are optimistic that this Union Budget will prioritize the adoption of digital technologies across critical sectors, particularly in governance, to create a more inclusive, efficient, and participative framework. While technology continues to drive India’s socio-economic progress, the key lies in building the nation into the knowledge capital of the world through enhanced R&D and innovation efforts. This will require continued and rigorous investments into the nation’s talent-pool through concerted training, skilling, and upskilling endeavours. At NEC India, we remain committed to supporting this mission by partnering with our partner ecosystem and the public sector. Together, we aim to propel India’s journey towards global leadership, leveraging innovations in line with our focus – ‘In India, for India and From India, For Global’.”

The post Union Budget 2024-25: Employment, Manufacturing, Infrastructure, Healthcare, Education and Tax Reforms in Focus appeared first on ELE Times.
