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Rohde & Schwarz introduces new R&S SMB100B microwave signal generator for analog signal generation up to 40 GHz

ELE Times - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 14:19

Available with four frequency options each covering from 8 kHz to 12.75 GHz, 20 GHz, 31.8 GHz or 40 GHz, the new R&S SMB100B microwave signal generator from Rohde & Schwarz brings excellent output power, spectral purity, very low close-in phase noise, and practically no wideband noise to analog microwave signal generation.

The new R&S SMB100B analog microwave signal generator from Rohde & Schwarz offers outstanding, market-leading performance for analog signal generation up to 40 GHz in the midrange class. Thanks to its easy operation and comprehensive functionality, the versatile R&S SMB100B is now the first choice for all applications requiring clean analog signals or high output power from 8 kHz to 40 GHz. Typical applications include testing radar receivers, semiconductor components, upconverters, downconverters or amplifiers. Thehigh output power and low phase noise make it ideal as a source for simulating interferers for blocking tests.

The R&S SMB100B microwave signal generator features a signal purity which combines very low single sideband (SSB) phase noise, excellent non-harmonics suppression, and low wideband noise for all carrier frequencies. For users seeking even better close-in phase noise and frequency stability, and less temperature-based variation in performance, in addition to the standard OXCO reference oscillator, a higher performance version is available for all frequency ranges. In addition to the conventional 10 MHz reference frequency, users can choose optionally 1 MHz to 100 MHz as well as 1 GHz reference frequency signals. Optional high output power of measured 25 dBm at 20 GHz and 19.5 dBm at 40 GHz is activated by keycode, so users can install it at any time. Considering the microwave frequency range covered by the instrument, the R&S SMB100B microwave signal generator is light (10.7 kg) and compact, fitting in a 19” rack and only two rack units in height.

The level accuracy of the output directly from an R&S SMB100B itself is excellent. With each increase in the frequency of the required signal, the challenge of obtaining the correct level input to a device increases: The R&S SMB100B supports two additional features to compensate for path losses and variations in the signal caused by setups with additional test fixtures, cables or amplifiers. These features help to provide the wanted power level at the reference plane i.e. at the input of the device under test. One of them, the user correction function (UCOR), compensates if the frequency response of the setup is known and stable. However, there are still unknown factors especially if the setup includes additional active devices such as an amplifier. Then 1/2 the frequency response of the setup with an external additional amplifier can vary over level or temperature. Closed-loop power control can compensate for all these variations by continuously measuring the input level to the DUT i.e. at the wanted reference plane with a suitable R&S NRP power sensor feeding its measured level back to the generator to adjust the output power accordingly. More details about this use case can be found in the application note 1GP141.

The R&S SMB100B is user-friendly in every detail. Users can create their own customized menus, so that the parameters they most use are always available. They can generate code to automate measurements first made manually with the SCPI macro recorder while the measurements are set up and run, then use the code generator to export the instructions in languages such as MATLAB. Thanks to R&S Legacy Pro, the R&S SMB100B (and other Rohde & Schwarz test equipment) can be used to emulate other instruments such as R&S SMB100A or competitor instruments directly, as a drop-in replacement using the existing code.

The new R&S SMB100B microwave signal generator up to 40 GHz is now available from Rohde & Schwarz and expands the R&S SMB100B analog signal generator family with its established RF models up to 6 GHz.

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Tata Elxsi is Improving Aircraft Manufacturing Performance Through its Industry 4.0 solutions

ELE Times - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 12:49

Having delivered 13% revenue growth in FY24, Tata Elxsi is among the world’s leading design and technology service providers across industries including Automotive, Broadcast, Communications, Healthcare, and Transportation. They mark high competence in servicing through design thinking and development in digital technologies like IoT, Cloud, Mobility, Virtual Reality, and AI.

Jayaraj Rajapandian, Head of Avionics, Transportation, Tata Elxsi

Rashi Bajpai, Sub-Editor at ELE Times spoke with Jayaraj Rajapandian, Head of Avionics, Transportation, Tata Elxsi on various aspects of aerospace/ aviation – from what’s trending to what the future holds for the industry.

This is an excerpt from the interaction.



ELE Times: What are some of the latest trends in Aerospace electrification?

Jayaraj Rajapandian: The aerospace industry is rapidly evolving, with many innovations redefining the field. One of the latest advancements is in aerospace electrification. This is a major boost to meet the UN sustainable development goals set for the Aerospace industry. It involves implementing electric propulsion technologies such as electric motors and turbo-electric propulsion by using electric energy to power the aircraft fully or in hybrid mode.

The electrification of propulsion systems made Urban Air Mobility (UAM) vehicles a reality and it is a step closer to commercial operation. Smaller aircraft and drones provide decreased emissions, quieter operation, and improved efficiency. Electrical actuators drive fuel efficiency and are replacing the hydraulic-driven actuators.

Hybrid-electric propulsion systems combine traditional fuel-powered engines with electric propulsion systems. The larger aircraft adapts them to increase fuel efficiency and reduce emissions.

Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs) can be used to reduce aviation’s environmental impact. However, the investment to scale the SAF production is to be monitored against aviation demands.

Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) vehicles enable vertical takeoff and landing, which reduces the dependency on infrastructure like a dedicated runway. Vertiport unlocks the potential for urban air mobility. These vehicles will be incorporated more for logistics and aerial combat vehicles.

Moreover, advancements in battery technologies are seeing exponential growth in fuel cells for storage, effective power conversion, and distribution, necessitating effective battery management solutions. Lithium polymer batteries enable long-endurance owing to their lower weight and higher power storage.

ELE Times: Give us some insights into the future innovations in Unmanned Air Systems.

Jayaraj Rajapandian: Unmanned Air Systems (UAS) have been incredibly useful in improving efficiency, reducing costs, reaching remote and inaccessible areas, improving defence systems, and, most importantly, enhancing safety. The primary focus is to improve autonomous navigation and control by incorporating cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to operate effectively in complex environments and all-weather conditions and push the endurance for extended missions.

Currently, commercial usage of UAVs is being monitored by regulators, mainly when operating beyond the visual line of sight (BVLOS). However, advanced sensor and payload technologies such as LiDAR and thermal imaging systems could help improve the availability and reliability.

Unmanned Combat Systems consist of aerial, land, and underwater drones. Unmanned aerial vehicles are used to gather intelligence, conduct surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), and carry munitions. Governments worldwide recognize Unmanned Combat Systems as an asset comparable to manned fighter jets as they consume a significant portion of defence budgets. Researchers are exploring swarm intelligence to enable several drones to work together and operate collectively, ensuring the mission is never compromised, even if many UAVs are lost.

ELE Times: Elaborate on some of the latest technologies in avionics development for advanced navigation and control.

Jayaraj Rajapandian: In the past couple of decades, satellite-based navigation and communications systems have become more widespread, electronic systems have become more scalable, and higher redundancy has become more common in recent aircrafts. Fly-by-wire flight control systems have replaced mechanical controls with electronic interfaces, allowing for precise and adaptive control of aircraft flight surfaces. Using a single pane of glass in the cockpit flight decks turned the operation to be more seamless. However, by the mid-2030s, ICAO predicts that airspace will witness double the current traffic and the industry requires more than incremental innovation, a transformation is needed.

Currently, the focus is on bringing compact form factors and platforming the systems. Aerospace OEMs and technology partners are collaborating on this next journey. RISC-V-based processing units are gaining attention for their security features and custom-built capabilities that meet OEMs’ needs. The collaboration on Avionics such as FMS, used in different aircraft supplied by various vendors, to create a unified family of products signifies a strategic move towards standardization and interoperability in the aviation industry. This reduces inventory costs for OEMs and the training costs of airlines.

Innovations to counter deceived sensors to manage spoofing, anti-jamming and to distinguish friends from foes, and security in communications are gaining attention. A growing number of regional players are developing Avionics for UAVs, breaking the technology entry barrier. To stay competitive and relevant, defense OEMs require transformational effort to reduce cycle time which typically takes 5 to 7 years. Digital Twin, Investment in Big-Data processing with High Processing Computing capability can accelerate this cycle time.

Tata Elxsi’s advanced process flow can be used in the development of a cloud-based Digital Twin of a sub-system. The features developed from the Digital Twin are scalable and can be used for multiple systems simultaneously.

ELE Times: How can AI/ML be adopted for aerospace design and maintenance?

Jayaraj Rajapandian: With AI and ML capabilities, aerospace design and maintenance can improve efficiency, reduce downtime, and improve the health of systems. AI and ML can analyze extensive datasets from simulations, past designs, and real-world operations to pinpoint the most effective configurations for aircraft components, structures, and systems.

AI and ML tools also help to build virtual prototyping and testing of aircraft systems and components. It generates precise simulations using high-processing computers, anticipating performance traits, and fine-tuning design parameters. More importantly, AI and ML algorithms also help in predictive maintenance. These algorithms can analyze sensor data from aircraft systems and components to detect anomalies, predict failures, and schedule maintenance proactively. AI and ML tools also help in care for health monitoring systems and analysis of root causes. We will soon see certifications through simulations of numerous scenarios exercised on the system models.

Our solution accelerator for TEDAX- Tata Elxsi’s big data platform is being used to build system models and visualize the data. Tata Elxsi’s AI-based Video Analytics AIVA resolves complex scenarios in real-time.

ELE Times: How is Tata Elxsi enhancing aircraft production efficiency?

Jayaraj Rajapandian: The aerospace industry is picking up the pace in demand post-slowdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With the boost in demand, OEMs will need to enhance their production efficiency by tapping into advanced manufacturing technologies, adding cost-effective suppliers, and integrating product lifecycle management techniques. Technologies like 3D printing, robotics, digital twins, and automated assembly systems can enhance aircraft production.

Tata Elxsi designs and implements Industry 4.0 solutions, improving manufacturing performance. We are also working with OEMs in identifying suppliers to source raw materials, build-to-spec, and certify their products.

The post Tata Elxsi is Improving Aircraft Manufacturing Performance Through its Industry 4.0 solutions appeared first on ELE Times.

Rio Tinto awards Missouri S&T $875,000 to research recovering gallium and germanium from copper refining waste

Semiconductor today - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 11:33
A professor at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) has been awarded $875,000 from global mining group Rio Tinto for a two-year project researching new techniques to recover critical minerals in the waste by-products that come from extracting and refining copper...

Протокол засідання ректорату від 22 квітня 2024 року

Новини - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 10:40
Протокол засідання ректорату від 22 квітня 2024 року
kpi ср, 04/24/2024 - 10:40

Протокол засідання ректорату - оперативного штабу реагування та забезпечення життєдіяльності університету від 22 квітня 2024 року

Скелелази КПІ знову на висоті!

Новини - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 22:00
Скелелази КПІ знову на висоті!
Інформація КП вт, 04/23/2024 - 22:00

Минуло майже три роки з тієї пори, як ми вітали нашу збірну зі скелелазіння з перемогою на першості України серед закладів вищої освіти. Перерва була викликана спочатку епідемією COVID-19, потім розпочалася повномасштабна війна.

Three Software Companies Show Off Support Tools at Embedded World

AAC - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 20:00
Embedded World was rife with major hardware releases. Here are a few unique software packages designed to simplify the development experience.

КПІ відкриє медичний центр у кампусі

Новини - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 18:51
КПІ відкриє медичний центр у кампусі
medialab вт, 04/23/2024 - 18:51

Київська політехніка спільно з мережею медичних центрів «Я ваш лікар» створить сучасну медичну клініку в університеті.

Power Tips #128: Designing a high voltage DC-link capacitor active precharge circuit

EDN Network - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 18:41


Electric vehicles (EVs) typically feature a large DC link capacitor (CDC LINK) to minimize voltage ripple at the input of the traction inverter. When powering up an EV, the purpose of precharging is to safely charge up CDC LINK before operating the vehicle. Charging CDC LINK up to the battery stack voltage (VBATT) prevents arcing on the contactor terminals, which can lead to catastrophic failures over time.

The conventional precharge method involves implementing a power resistor in series with the CDC LINK to create a resistor-capacitor (RC) network. However, as the total CDC LINK capacitance and VBATT increase, the required power dissipation grows exponentially. In this article, we’ll present a straightforward approach to designing an efficient, active pre-charge circuit using a spreadsheet calculator.

Understanding active precharge

While passive precharge employs a power resistor to create an RC circuit that charges the capacitor asymptotically, active precharge can employ a switching converter with a buck topology that uses hysteretic inductor current control to deliver a constant charge current to the capacitor (Figure 1).

Figure 1 The active precharge circuit where a buck converter uses a hysteretic inductor current control to deliver a constant charge current to the capacitor to enable the linear charge of the capacitor voltage (VCAP) up to the same voltage potential as the battery (VBATT). Source: Texas Instruments

This constant current enables linear charging of the capacitor voltage (VCAP) up to the same voltage potential as that of the battery. Figure 2 and Equation 1 characterize this linear behavior.

Figure 2 Active precharge linear behavior using a buck topology with hysteretic inductor current control. Source: Texas Instruments

The first step is to determine the required charge current (ICHARGE). ICHARGE is the quotient of the total DC link charge (QDC LINK) and the required precharge time (tCHARGE) shown in Equation 2.

QDC LINK is the product of CDC LINK and VBATT, as shown in Equation 3.

Calculator overview

This active hysteretic buck circuit has a floating ground potential riding on the switch node, so powering the control system requires an isolated bias supply. The calculator tool will ensure that the power consumption of this control circuitry stays within the sourcing capability of the isolated bias supply, or else the voltage will collapse.

The High-Voltage Solid-State Relay Active Precharge Reference Design from Texas Instruments (TI) introduces an active solution that enhances energy transfer efficiency and reduces practical charge time. TI’s TPSI3052-Q1 is a fully integrated isolated bias supply used in the active precharge reference design, which can source and supply up to 83 mW of power to the isolated secondary. Gate drive current, device quiescent currents, and resistor dividers are the primary contributors to power consumption. Equation 4 characterizes the gate drive power (PGATE DRIVE) as the product of the gate drive current (IGATE DRIVE) and gate drive voltage (VS GATE DRIVER) which is 15 V, in the case of the reference design.

Equation 5 characterizes gate drive current as the product of the metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) total gate charge (QG) and switching frequency (FSW).

Equation 6 expresses how FSW varies according to VCAP throughout the charging period, creating the upside-down parabola in the FSW versus VCAP curve in Figure 3. As shown in the Figure, the gate drive current peaks at the maximum switching frequency (FSW_MAX), which occurs when VCAP reaches half of VBATT. Equation 7 expresses the relationship between FSW_MAX, VBATT, inductance (L) and peak-to-peak inductor current (dI):

Figure 3 Calculator curve showing FSW versus VCAP and FSW LIMIT. Source: Texas Instruments

Using the calculator tool

The calculator prompts you to input various design parameters. The yellow cells are the required inputs while gray cells signify optional inputs. The default values in the gray cells reflect the parameters of the reference design. A user can change the gray cell values as needed. The white cells show the calculated values as outputs. A red triangle in the upper-right corner of a cell indicates an error; users will be able to see a pop-up text on how to fix them. The objective is to achieve a successful configuration with no red cells. This can be an iterative process where users can hover their mouse over each of the unit cells to read explanatory information.

Precharge system requirements

The first section of the calculator, shown in Figure 4, computes the required charge current
(ICHARGE REQUIRED) based on the VBATT, tCHARGE, and CDC LINK system parameters.

Figure 4 The required charge current (ICHARGE REQUIRED) based on the VBATT, tCHARGE, and CDC LINK system parameters. Source: Texas Instruments

Inductance and charge current programming

The section of the calculator shown in Figure 5 calculates the actual average charging current (ICHARGE) and FSW_MAX. The average inductor current essentially equates to ICHARGE where ICHARGE must be equal to or greater than ICHARGE REQUIRED, this was calculated in the previous section to meet the desired tCHARGE.

Be mindful of the relationship between L, dI, and FSW_MAX as expressed in Equation 7. L and dI are each inversely proportional to FSW, so it is important to select values that do not exceed the maximum switching frequency limit (FSW LIMIT). Your inductor selection should accommodate adequate root-mean-square current (IRMS > ICHARGE), saturation current (ISAT > IL PEAK), and voltage ratings, with enough headroom as a buffer for each.

Figure 5 Inductance and charge current programming parameters. Source: Texas Instruments

 Current sensing and comparator setpoints

The section of the calculator shown in Figure 6 calculates the bottom resistance (RB), top resistance (RT), and hysteresis resistance (RH) around the hysteresis circuit needed to meet the peak (IL PEAK) and valley (IL VALLEY) inductor current thresholds specified in the previous section. Input the current sense resistance (RSENSE) and RB. These are flexible and can be changed as needed. Make sure that the comparator supply voltage (VS COMPARATOR) is correct.

Figure 6 Section that calculates the bottom resistance (RB), top resistance (RT), and hysteresis resistance (RH) around the hysteresis circuit needed to meet the peak (IL PEAK) and valley (IL VALLEY) inductor current thresholds. Source: Texas Instruments

Bias supply and switching frequency limitations

The section of the calculator shown in Figure 7 calculates the power available for switching the MOSFET (PREMAINING FOR FET DRIVE), by first calculating the total power draw (PTOTAL) associated with the hysteresis circuit resistors (PCOMP. RESISTORS), the gate driver integrated circuit (IC) (PGATE DRIVER IC), and the comparator IC (PCOMPARATOR IC), and subtracting it from the maximum available power of the TPSI3052-Q1 (PMAX_ISOLATED BIAS SUPPLY). Input the MOSFET total gate charge (QG TOTAL), device quiescent currents (IS GATE DRIVER IC and ISUPPLY COMP IC), and gate driver IC supply voltage (VS GATE DRIVER IC). The tool uses these inputs to calculate FSW LIMIT displayed as a red line in Figure 3.

Figure 7 Isolated bias supply and switching frequency limitations parameters. Source: Texas Instruments

The calculator tool makes certain assumptions and do not account for factors such as comparator delays and power losses in both the MOSFET and the freewheeling diode. The tool assumes the use of rail-to-rail input and output comparators. Make sure to select a MOSFET with an appropriate voltage rating, RDSON, and parasitic capacitance parameters. Ensure the power loss in both the MOSFET and freewheeling diode are within acceptable limits. Finally, select a comparator with low offset and low hysteresis voltages with respect to the current sense peak and valley-level voltages. Simulating the circuit with the final calculator values ensures the intended operation.

Achieved the desired charge profile

Adopting an active hysteretic buck circuit significantly improves efficiency and reduces the size of the charging circuitry in high voltage DC-link capacitors found in EVs. This helps potentially lower the size, cost, and thermals of a precharge solution.

This article presents the design process to calculate the appropriate component values that help achieve the desired charge profile.

By embracing these techniques and tools, engineers can effectively improve the precharge functionality in EVs, leading to improved power management systems to meet the increasing demands of the automotive industry.

Tilden Chen works as an Applications Engineer for the Texas Instruments Solid State Relays team, where he provides product support and generates technical collateral to help win business opportunities. Tilden joined TI in 2021 after graduating from Iowa State University with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering. Outside of work, Tilden enjoys participating in Brazilian jiu-jitsu and shuffle dancing.

 Hrag Kasparian, who joined Texas Instruments over 10 years ago, currently serves as a power applications engineer, designing custom dc-dc switch-mode power supplies. Previously, he worked on development of battery packs, chargers, and electric vehicle (EV) battery management systems at a startup company in Silicon Valley. Hrag graduated from San Jose State University with a bachelor of science in electrical engineering.

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The post Power Tips #128: Designing a high voltage DC-link capacitor active precharge circuit appeared first on EDN.

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ELE Times - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 13:29

NORD drive solutions for the process industry

From 10 to 14 June 2024, NORD will be presenting a wide range of products at ACHEMA in Frankfurt am Main. The focus is on ATEX-compliant drive concepts for the process industry and the robust heavy-duty MAXXDRIVE® industrial gear unit, in particular for agitator and mixer applications. Further focal points at the trade fair will be the new decentralised NORDAC ON/ON+ frequency inverters, the revolutionary DuoDrive geared motors and IE5+ synchronous motors as well as the NORDCON APP with NORDAC ACCES BT. Interested trade visitors can find out more about NORD’s wide range of solutions at the trade fair grounds in Frankfurt am Main in Hall 8.0, Stand B52.

Whether in the chemical, pharmaceutical or food industries: Companies that extract, transport or process raw materials require industry-specific, innovative drive solutions. As a system supplier, NORD offers matched drive systems consisting of gear unit, motor and drive electronics that are tailored to the respective requirements of the customer application.

ATEX drives for explosion-protected areas Flammable gases and dust in processing industries create serious safety risks. NORD has decades of experience with gas and dust explosion protection and offers particularly robust electric motors with powers from 0.12 to 200 kW especially for this field of use. The explosion-protected electric motors can be operated in category 2D or 3D dust atmospheres (zones 21 and 22) as well as in category 2G or 3G gas atmospheres (zones 1 and 2) and are approved according to ATEX and HazLoc. The dust-protected motors feature the ignition protection category “Protection by enclosure” (tD). Depending on the requirements, the motors in the gas explosion protection version are available in the following ignition protection classes: increased safety
(e), pressure-resistant encapsulation (d/de) and non-sparking design.

Industrial gear units for high torque applications NORD’s MAXXDRIVE® industrial gear units power heavy-duty applications such as agitators, mixers and grinders in food or cosmetic production. The parallel and right-angle gear units cover a speed ratio range from 5.54:1 to 400:1 – and with a first-stage gear unit, even up to 30,000:1. They feature:

• High output torques from 15 to 282 kNm for reliable operation even under extreme conditions
• Torsionally rigid, one-piece UNICASE housing for a longer bearing life and efficient power transmission
• Large low-friction roller bearings for extremely high radial and axial load capacities and a long service life
• High-precision axis alignment for guaranteed quiet running
For mixer and agitator applications, the industrial gear units can also be equipped with a SAFOMI-IEC
• The adapter is available for parallel gear units and in sizes 7 to 11, i.e. for maximum output torques from 25
to 75 kNm.
• The adapter is compact and simple in design and has an integrated oil expansion volume; oil tanks and hoses as well as the radial shaft seal that is subject to leakage and wear between gear unit and IEC cylinder are therefore not required.

Decentralised drive electronics

The NORDAC ON frequency inverters are part of the NORD modular system and can be optimally combined with the manufacturer’s motors.
• NORDAC ON was designed for applications with asynchronous motors,
• NORDAC ON+ was designed for the combination with highly efficient IE5+ synchronous motors.
The inverters are designed for power ranges from 0.37 to 3 kW.

Energy-efficient IE5+ synchronous motors

The IE5+ motor generation from NORD DRIVESYSTEMS guarantees the highest level of efficiency and operational reliability, thanks to IE5+ technology. The motors are available as a TENV smooth-surface motor, as a TEFC motor with cooling fins and as an integrated DuoDrive motor. The latter combines a highefficiency IE5+ motor and a single-stage helical gear unit in one housing. The IE5+ synchronous motors with motor efficiencies of up to 95% are available in the TEFC version with a power of up to 4.0 kW, in the TENV
version with up to 2.2 kW and in the DuoDrive version with up to 3.0 kW.

Mobile maintenance and commissioning

With the NORDCON APP for mobile maintenance and commissioning of NORD frequency inverters, NORD enables the diagnosis, analysis, parametrisation and monitoring of the drive systems via a mobile terminal device for service use. The NORDAC ACCESS BT is a Bluetooth stick that is used directly with the frequency inverter – this ensures convenient mobile access to the drive data while at the same time access control.

NORD will present its comprehensive range of solutions at ACHEMA in Hall 8.0, Stand B52.

The post NORD DRIVESYSTEMS at ACHEMA 2024 appeared first on ELE Times.

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Rohde & Schwarz expands footprint in India by opening new state-of-the-art facility in Bengaluru

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On April 22, Rohde & Schwarz inaugurated a new facility center in Bengaluru’s Manyata Tech Park, housing R&D, system integration as well as calibration and repair services. The opening marks a strategic milestone for the technology company: it not only increases its presence in the third-largest city in India, but also strengthens its commitment to the Make in India initiative of the government by fostering innovation across the automotive, telecom, semiconductor, electronics, aerospace and defense sectors.

Rohde & Schwarz India, the Indian subsidiary of the German-based, global technology company Rohde & Schwarz, celebrated the grand opening of its new future-oriented facility located in the heart of Bengaluru’s prestigious Manyata Tech Park.

Andreas Pauly, President and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Rohde & Schwarz

While inaugurating the new offices, Andreas Pauly, President and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Rohde & Schwarz, said: “We are proud to expand our presence in Bengaluru. For Rohde & Schwarz, India is not merely a growth market but a vital component of our global strategy. The new facility marks a significant milestone in our journey toward strengthening our position as a trusted partner in India’s evolving technological landscape. Moreover, it reflects our contribution to the Make in India initiative through a large team of highly skilled engineers.”

For more than 90 years, Rohde & Schwarz has had a tradition of innovation, helping to develop current and future cutting-edge technologies. By expanding R&D activities in India, Rohde & Schwarz is able to enhance technological excellence for the highly dynamic Indian market. The R&D team in Bengaluru is involved in developing next-generation solutions for the company’s Test and Measurement Division.

Yatish Mohan, Managing Director Rohde & Schwarz India

Yatish Mohan, Managing Director, Rohde & Schwarz India, added: “For the past 25 years, we have fostered technological advancement in India through strategic partnerships with government agencies, training institutes and technology firms. Our presence spans multiple locations throughout the country, encompassing tier-II cities directly and via our extensive channel partner network. We are excited about the opportunities that our new facility brings, allowing us to enhance our services to the Indian technology industry and facilitate innovation in the electronics, semiconductor, automotive and telecommunications sectors.”

The new facility houses an ISO 9001 and ISO17025 (NABL) accredited calibration and repair service center, offering precision services to meet the rigorous quality standards of the industry. This addition reinforces the commitment of Rohde & Schwarz to delivering high-quality products and services to its customers across India and beyond. Furthermore, the facility will also encompass sales, applications, systems integration and a dedicated demo display area showcasing various test and measurement equipment and test solutions. This strategic move underscores the company’s intention to enhance customer experience and accessibility, providing clients with hands-on experiences and seamless access to cutting-edge technology solutions.

The post Rohde & Schwarz expands footprint in India by opening new state-of-the-art facility in Bengaluru appeared first on ELE Times.

Intel First to Install High NA EUV Lithography Scanner

AAC - Tue, 04/23/2024 - 02:00
Intel and ASML collaborated on the high NA EUV lithography tools to pioneer the next generation of chips.


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