Microelectronics world news

I installed a digital clock kit in an Edison record.

Reddit:Electronics - Sat, 06/01/2024 - 15:47
I installed a digital clock kit in an Edison record.

The clock was from a kit, and the record is an Edison record, 80 RPM and 1/4" thick. This record is undesirable and not collectible, so it can be sacrificed for this project.

I used a Dremel to cut the rectangle and the clock is held in by superglue. I plan to add more detail, so this is kind of a prototype.

You've seen plenty of "record clocks" but none with a digital display.

submitted by /u/Alman54
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Infineon Targets AI Servers With Newly Added CoolSiC MOSFETs

AAC - Sat, 06/01/2024 - 02:00
To meet the mounting power demands in data centers and AI servers, Infineon has revealed new MOSFETs that improve efficiency at lower voltages.

First Cat-Qubit Chip Available to the Public on Google

AAC - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 20:00
With a bit-flip lifetime exceeding seven minutes, the Boson 4 cat-qubit quantum chip bests other superconducting qubits.

So strange to see USB-C and DIP8 in the same board 😅

Reddit:Electronics - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 15:59
So strange to see USB-C and DIP8 in the same board 😅

This is an attiny85 based IR interpreter i made, it is completely open source (repo and patreon on first comment). The board works, and quite well actually. Planning to distribute some pre-assembled board after a bit of testing. But now it’s time to design a case!

submitted by /u/Shyne-on
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Latest issue of Semiconductor Today now available

Semiconductor today - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 15:52
For coverage of all the key business and technology developments in compound semiconductors and advanced silicon materials and devices over the last month, subscribe to Semiconductor Today magazine...

Portable thermal anemometer hot-transistor bias compensation nulls battery discharge droop

EDN Network - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 15:00

All thermal anemometers work by inferring air speed from measurements of thermal impedance (Z) between a heated sensor and the surrounding air:

Z = T / P         (1)

Where P is the power dissipated by the sensor and T is the temperature difference between the sensor and ambient.

Wow the engineering world with your unique design: Design Ideas Submission Guide

There are two basic schemes for doing this.

  1. Hold P constant and measure the resulting temperature difference T
  2. Hold T constant and measure the power P required to do it

An example of the constant power type can be found in “Nonlinearities of Darlington airflow sensor and VFC compensate each other”…

…and examples of the constant temperature type can be found in “Linearized portable anemometer with thermostated Darlington pair”…

…and in Figure 1

Figure 1’s anemometer is unusual because it melds the sensor transistor into a direct PFC (Power to Frequency Converter) loop.

Figure 1 Constant-temperature anemometer with direct power-to-frequency conversion.

To understand how the Figure 1 circuit works, consider the case of zero airflow. You use ZERO trimmer R2 to set the quiescent base-bias currents for Q1 and ambient reference Q2. With the proper adjustment, Q1’s temperature rise (~50°C) in still air, caused by collector power dissipation, reduces Q1’s VBE (by ~2 mV/°C) to equal or slightly below Q2’s. The noninverting input of comparator U1a is then slightly less positive than the inverting input. The output therefore switches low, holding C1 discharged and resetting multivibrator U1b, whose output goes high.

This condition does two things: It forces Fout = 0 and holds Q3 off.

Now let’s blow some air at Q1. The resulting increase in cooling tends to reduce Q1’s temperature, causing its Vbe to increase relative to that of Q2. This makes the comparison between U1a’s inputs reverse, releasing the reset on C1. C1 then charges through R9 and turns on Q3, driving a t = 700-µsec pulse to Q1’s base through CALIBRATE trimmer R3.

The resultant pulse of collector current forced in Q1 can be seen in Equation 2 (where hFE = Q1 current gain and Rcal = R3 + R4):

IC = hFEIB  = hFEV/(Rcal),      (2)

This deposits a quantum of heat on Q1’s junction:

t P = t ICV = t IB hFEV  = t (V/Rcal)hFEV = t hFEV2/Rcal   (3)

which tends to return Q1 ‘s temperature to a value warm enough to restore the original zero-flow voltage balance with ambient-sensor Q2. Until Q1 achieves that temperature, U1 continues to oscillate, cycle Q3 on, and pump heat into Q1.

Thus, a feedback loop is established that acts to maintain a constant temperature differential between Q1 and Q2. The average frequency appearing at U1b’s output is therefore proportional to the extra power required to heat Q1. The maximum output frequency for the circuit values in Figure 1 is 1 kHz. Appropriate adjustment of R3 establishes almost any desired full-scale flow. Temperature tracking between the Q1 and Q2 Vbe voltages provides good compensation for changes in ambient temperature.

The direct connection of Q1 to the power rail results in good efficiency (>90%) power utilization, so while power draw is (by definition!) dependent on airflow, as shown in Figure 2, it’s typically modest: 200 to 350 mW.

Figure 2 Q1 power draw versus air flow is typically a modest 200 to 350 mW.

In fact, power consumption is low enough that portable battery operation, with a cheap multimeter for frequency readout, looked attractive. An inexpensive stack of four AA alkaline batteries promised tens of hours of continuous operation which could equate to hundreds of air velocity readings. However, as shown in Figure 3, direct battery power of Figure 1 wouldn’t work very well, due to the ±20 % roll-off of battery voltage during discharge. 

Figure 3 Typical AA cell discharge droop curves with an undesirable ±20 % roll-off of battery voltage during discharge, resulting in a degradation of anemometer calibration accuracy.

The resulting degradation of anemometer calibration accuracy would be extreme, especially considering Equation 4:

t P = t ICV = t IB hFEV  = t (V/Rcal)hFEV = t hFEV2/Rcal   (4)

that shows the square-law dependence of Q1 heating on supply voltage!

Meanwhile, the seemingly obvious remedy of supply voltage regulation wouldn’t be very attractive either, due to the resulting impact on complexity, efficiency, and cost. Fortunately, Figure 4 shows an alternative simple, cheap, and efficient solution: base bias compensation.

Figure 4 Figure 1’s anemometer modified with U2, A1, and R11 – 14 to servo Q1 and Q2 bias currents to (mostly) null the effects of battery voltage droop.

Figure 5 shows the resulting compensated power curve (black) versus what would result without it (red): better than an order of magnitude improvement!

Figure 5 Nulled (black) and uncompensated (red) Q1 heating versus battery voltage droop (5 ±1 volts).

 Still not perfect, but arguably good enough.

Stephen Woodward’s relationship with EDN’s DI column goes back quite a long way. Over 100 submissions have been accepted since his first contribution back in 1974.

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Wireless IoT Designs Just Got Easier

ELE Times - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 14:54

Embedded system designs all have one thing in common: a microprocessor and controller. These can be as sparse as 4-bit wide controllers with less than 1K of code space or as big as a multicore multi-GHz processing supercomputer with Gis of code space. But, modern IoT-based embedded system designs also have another typical requirement. Many designs will be mixed signals, so almost every design will include wireless communications.

Herein lies a challenge. Will a designer choose an overkill all-in open processor with much more performance, peripherals, memory, and processing power than is needed just to have a single integrated processor or dedicated functional processors to handle dedicated and specific tasks?

Both approaches may have merit depending on a variety of design constraints. Is time to market the driving force? Is cost the critical constraint? What about size or power efficiency? There are many factors and microcontrollers/microprocessors to choose from, especially as embedded systems invade our living space and become more prevalent. Nearly every place is now an intelligent environment.

Wireless Protocols

Every wireless device uses some sort of protocol to establish and maintain communications. While higher-cost, higher-end cellular protocols can be used for home and building communications, this carries the cost of a recurring monthly cellular fee. Modern 4G and 5G systems fall into this category, utilizing a range of wireless protocols for enhanced connectivity.

Wi-Fi® is popular for media-based streaming and high-speed connectivity within a facility. Many Wi-Fi ICs and modules are readily available for designers in their embedded design. Still, many designs don’t require the multi-Gbit/sec data rates or have higher power budgets to justify the more sophisticated and costly Wi-Fi medium.

Zigbee, Bluetooth®, and LTE are the more power-friendly wireless protocols for room or building use. These require much less firmware, memory, and current, making them suitable for remote controls, lighting systems, media systems, temperature sensors, smoke/fire detectors, heating/cooling systems, and more.

What makes these protocols even more desirable is the topological flexibility they offer. In addition to point-to-point, these protocols can offer star, mesh, peer-to-peer, and client-server architectures. Star networks require each node to be in closer proximity to the star center, which is usually an aggregator. Peer-to-peer and mesh networks can “pass the baton” from node to node and cover longer distances since packets propagate along a routing path. This can also help preserve battery life since not a lot of transmission power is needed. Eventually, packets that are necessary for connecting to the World Wide Web will need to be routed to an access point. In all cases, security should be used.


Sometimes, a security breach can be just an annoyance, like if someone hacks into your smart TV and changes channels. Other cases can be more serious, though, such as someone hacking into a home medical system. Handling these threats can be tackled in a few ways, but the most common strategy is encryption.

Many encryption algorithms and standards exist—some simple and some very complex. Wireless protocols like Zigbee and BLE have various methods of providing encryption protection. ZigBee uses 128-bit AES keys and is effective at applications layers as well as MAC layers. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) allows four layers of security:

  • Level 1: No Security
    • Used for scenarios where data confidentiality is not a concern.
  • Level 2: Unauthenticated Pairing with Encryption
    • Basic level of security, encrypting data transmission without verifying the identity of the connecting device.
  • Level 3: Authenticated Pairing with Encryption
    • Enhances security with a method of authentication, such as a PIN, before establishing an encrypted connection.
  • Level 4: Authenticated LE Secure Connections
    • The highest level of security in BLE, which uses an advanced encryption algorithm for authenticated pairing and secure connections.

Hardware-accelerated security functions can offload security functions from firmware and make processors much more desirable. Hardware encryption, decryption, hash code generation, pseudo-random sequence generators, and other blocks operate at lightning speed in hardware but take longer to implement in software. This adds latency time and requires the programmer to generate and debug more code.

In addition to runtime data protection, another layer of security needs to be in place, which is called a secure boot. With secure boot, boot loader firmware is protected and locked, preventing anyone from rewriting this critical code and redirecting its functionality. Normally, unprotected firmware feeds a processor when it boots. If it is replaced in flash somehow, the system is compromised. Secure boot takes advantage of strongly encrypted initial boot instructions, which then use digital signatures to authenticate the next layer of startup code.

A Dream Come True

Realizing the tightrope that designers have to walk when choosing an ideal microcontroller/microprocessor, many device makers are providing microcontrollers/microprocessors targeting this massive market for IoT, building automation, automotive, and industrial control. These applications need more than a simple processor but don’t need a super processor. While development time needs to be quick, cost and size are generally high on the list of constraints.

One of the best ways to get the processors and peripherals you need is to use a system-on-chip (SoC) solution. These modular units can be made by an OEM for small quantity runs or used to prototype your own higher volume custom version.

The key is the 64MHz PIC32CX-BZ3 family of processors based on the 32-bit Cortex MF4 Arm. This processor brings a multitude of peripherals and its secure boot ROM checks integrity and authenticity before executing to ensure system root trust. There are also eight protected memory zones and a final fuse that makes it impenetrable.

The WBZ351 (Figure 1) drives the WBZ35x modules, which feature a fully compliant Bluetooth Low Energy 5.2 transceiver. The transceiver is also Zigbee 3.0 certified with software stacks built around the robust MPLAB Harmony v3 framework.

 Microchip Technology)Figure 1: The peripheral-packed WBZ351 requires few external devices to implement the entire IoT or wireless design. (Source: Microchip Technology)

Also important are the hardware-based security accelerator and public critical hardware (Figure 2). The AES security encryption and HASH code generator are also included to create a secure execution environment. Anti-rollback and firmware readable life cycle encounters offer even more levels of protection.

 Microchip Technology)Figure 2: The WBZ351 module contains all the processing horsepower and peripherals needed to support smart homes and buildings, industrial control and monitoring, and wireless IoT applications. (Source: Microchip Technology) Conclusion

When it comes to the IoT and smart environments, designers have a big job. They must integrate wireless connectivity with strict security measures. That’s where Bluetooth Low Energy and Zigbee come in. These solutions can cover large areas with mesh networks while consuming less power. By incorporating secure boot and capacitive touch functionalities, designers can accelerate concept-to-market and allow designers to meet the demands for security and user interaction in today’s IoT devices.

The PIC32CX-BZ3 family of processors packs everything needed into one place, including advanced connectivity options and hardware-based security features. By leveraging powerful solutions, designers can navigate complex modern IoT ecosystems to ensure smart environments are intelligent, secure, and user-friendly.

Jon GabayJon Gabay

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Centre Willing to Fund 50% Cost of Creating 10,000 GPU Capacity: Meity Secy S Krishnan

ELE Times - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 14:24

The government is willing to cover up to 50% of the anticipated cost to establish a computing capacity of around 10,000 graphic processing units (GPUs) as part of the National Artificial Intelligence (AI) mission. S. Krishnan, Secretary of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, announced this at the CII Annual Business Summit 2024.

The plan is to collaborate with private institutions to expedite the process and make the capacity available in India. While the private sector will be responsible for creating the computing capacity, it will be accessible at a subsidized rate for specific use cases, research institutions, startups, and small to medium-sized industries. The government may fund the project through viability gap funding or a voucher-based system.

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India on the Path to Obtain $80-100 Billion PE-VC Deployment in 5 Years: Reports

ELE Times - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 13:47

India is expected to see a significant increase in private equity and venture capital investment over the next five years. According to a report by Bain & Company, the country is projected to reach $80-100 billion in annual deployment by 2024, up from $39 billion in 2023. Despite cautious capital deployment globally, India is anticipated to benefit from substantial capital allocation. Sectors such as healthcare, advanced manufacturing, electronics, and electric vehicles are expected to see significant deal-making potential in the near term. This positive outlook is based on the correlation between India’s GDP levels and the penetration of private equity, comparable to more mature markets like the US.

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Centre is Working to Extend a R&D Wing under Semicon Research Centre

ELE Times - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 12:48

The government is planning to establish a dedicated research and development (R&D) wing under the proposed India Semiconductor Research Centre (ISRC). This R&D wing will focus on semiconductor research that can quickly transition into industrial production, according to sources.

A senior government official mentioned the need for full-time R&D personnel in both the private and public sectors, especially in the semiconductor space. The objective is to create an intellectual property right (IPR) driven manufacturing ecosystem, and there is consideration of co-funding or a public-private partnership (PPP) for some of the R&D activities.

It’s important to note that the dedicated R&D wing will operate independently from other research work under the ISRC, which typically has a longer project gestation period. The ISRC will concentrate on R&D efforts to develop the next generation of semiconductors, packaging and systems technologies, processes, and materials.

Further details about the scheme are expected to be announced after the general elections in June. Depending on the feasibility of the scheme, the dedicated R&D centre may eventually become an independent entity, according to another official.

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Infineon receives building permit for final construction phase of Smart Power Fab in Dresden

ELE Times - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 10:57

– Saxony’s Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer hands over the last outstanding
building permit for the construction project
– Infineon is on schedule with the Smart Power Fab with the start of production
planned for 2026
– Total investment of 5 billion euros in a state-of-the-art semiconductor
manufacturing in Germany
– With the fab, Infineon is increasing supply chain security in Europe and making a
significant contribution to decarbonization and digitization

Infineon Technologies AG is on schedule with the construction of the Smart Power Fab in Dresden and is initiating the final construction phase. During a visit, the Prime Minister of the Free State of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, officially handed over the last outstanding building permit for the new fab issued by the State Directorate of Saxony. The excavation of the building pit has now been completed. The shell and building construction are currently progressing on the concrete foundation, which is up to two meters thick. Infineon officially broke ground for the new plant in Dresden in May 2023. Manufacturing is scheduled to start in 2026. The production will focus on semiconductors that promote decarbonization and digitalization.

With a total investment of five billion euros, the company is making a significant contribution to the European Commission goal to increase the EU’s share of global semiconductor production to 20 percent by 2030. The semiconductors manufactured in Dresden will secure future value chains in key European industries. The products manufactured in the new production facility will be used in the automotive and renewable energy industries. The interaction of power semiconductors and analog/mixed-signal components enables particularly energy-efficient and intelligent system solutions – hence the name Smart Power Fab.

“The construction of the Smart Power Fab is a big win for Dresden, Saxony, Germany and Europe,” says Michael Kretschmer, Prime Minister of the Free State of Saxony. “Infineon’s fourth production module in Dresden is another important building block in strengthening Europe’s resilience in the field of microelectronics. It is a further step towards achieving the European Commission’s goal of increasing Europe’s share of global chip production to 20 percent. Thanks to a thoughtful cooperation between the company, the Free State of Bavaria, the local authorities, and the federal government, it has been possible to get the investment off the ground and to issue the relevant permits quickly. As a result, the semiconductors that we urgently need for the mobility and energy transition can be produced in the new fab starting in 2026.”

“We are making excellent progress with the construction of our state-of-the-art Smart Power Fab in Dresden. We are right on schedule also thanks to the excellent cooperation with the authorities,” says Dr. Rutger Wijburg, Member of the Management Board and Chief Operations Officer of Infineon. “With our strategic decision to continue investing in Dresden, we are securing the long-term future of the site and strengthening the manufacturing base for semiconductors in Europe.”

The dimensions of the construction site are impressive. On average, construction workers have removed around 8,000 tons of soil every day since the start of work. A total of 450,000 cubic meters of excavated soil has been produced, which corresponds to the volume of 180 Olympic swimming pools. The soil is being temporarily stored in a specially prepared area near the Dresden Airport freeway junction. The 22-metre-deep pit not only compensates for the natural gradient, but also provides a firm foundation for the 150- to 190-centimetre-thick base plate, which is intended to reduce vibrations – from passing streetcars, for example – to a minimum. Even minimal vibrations can affect the sensitive semiconductor production.

In the next construction phase, the basement levels will be built, along with other levels. The clean room – the heart of the Smart Power Fab – is planned for the fourth level. Once completed, it will be at the exact same height as the site’s three existing production rooms. This will optimize an integrated production. The future construction phase of the project includes a total of ten tower cranes, some of them 80 meters high to support up to 1,200 construction workers who will be working on the site every day in multiple shifts.

The investment in Dresden is part of the company’s strategy to reach CO2-neutrality by 2030. The Smart Power Fab sets new efficiency standards for the consumption of important resources such as energy and water. This has a positive impact on the carbon footprint of Infineon. Even today, Infineon’s products, which are used in solar and wind power plants, reduce 34 times the amount of CO2 emitted during their production over their lifetime.

With the investment in the new plant, Infineon is creating an additional 1,000 jobs in the Saxon state capital. The company currently employs approximately 3,250 people in Dresden. The number of trainees has already been significantly increased with the new Fab. Subject to the European Commission’s state aid decision and the national grant procedure, the project is to be funded in accordance with the objectives of the European Chips Act. Infineon is aiming for public funding of around one billion euros.

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All resolutions approved at the 2024 STMicroelectronics’ Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

ELE Times - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 08:44

STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, announced the results related to the voting items of its 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (the “2024 AGM”), which was held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

All the resolutions were approved by the Shareholders:

  • The adoption of the Company’s statutory annual accounts for the year ended December 31, 2023, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The 2023 statutory annual accounts were filed with the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) on March 21, 2024, and are posted on the Company’s website (www.st.com) and the AFM’s website (www.afm.nl);
  • The distribution of a cash dividend of US$ 0.36 per outstanding share of the Company’s common stock, to be distributed in quarterly instalments of US$ 0.09 in each of the second, third and fourth quarters of 2024 and the first quarter of 2025 to shareholders of record in the month of each quarterly payment as per the table below;
  • The amendment to the Company’s Articles of Association;
  • The adoption of the Remuneration Policy for the Supervisory Board;
  • The adoption of the Remuneration Policy for the Managing Board;
  • The reappointment of Mr Jean-Marc Chery as a member and Chairman of the Managing Board for a three-year term to expire at the end of the 2027 AGM;
  • The approval of the stock-based portion of the compensation of the President and CEO;
  • The appointment of Mr. Lorenzo Grandi as a member of the Managing Board for a three-year term to expire at the end of the 2027 AGM; • The approval of the stock-based portion of the compensation of the Chief Financial Officer;
  • The approval of a new 3-year Unvested Stock Award Plan for Management and Key Employees;
  • The reappointment of EY as external auditor for the 2024 and 2025 financial years;
  • The reappointment of Mr. Nicolas Dufourcq, as member of the Supervisory Board, for a three-year term to expire at the end of the 2027 AGM; 2 • The reappointment of Ms. Janet Davidson, as member of the Supervisory Board, for a one-year term to expire at the end of the 2025 AGM;
  • The appointment of Mr. Pascal Daloz, as member of the Supervisory Board, for a three-year term expiring at the 2027 AGM, in replacement of Mr. Yann Delabrière whose mandate will expire at the end of the 2024 AGM;
  • The authorization to the Managing Board, until the conclusion of the 2025 AGM, to repurchase shares, subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board;
  • The delegation to the Supervisory Board of the authority to issue new common shares, to grant rights to subscribe for such shares, and to limit and/or exclude existing shareholders’ pre-emptive rights on common shares, until the end of the 2025 AGM;
  • The discharge of the member of the Managing Board; and
  • The discharge of the members of the Supervisory Board.

The complete agenda and all relevant detailed information concerning the 2024 AGM and all related AGM materials are available on the Company’s website (www.st.com) and made available to shareholders in compliance with legal requirements.

The draft minutes of the AGM will be posted on the General Meeting of Shareholders page of the Company’s website (www.st.com) within 30 days following the 2024 AGM. As for rule amendments from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and conforming FINRA rule changes, beginning on May 28, 2024, on the US market the new standard for settlement will become the next business day after a trade or t+1. European settlement rule will remain at t+2. T

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New Gate Drivers Drill Down on Flexibility and Efficiency

AAC - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 02:00
Littelfuse, Allegro Microsystems, and Power Integrations have released new gate drivers to improve interoperability with complex industrial designs.

Still plenty of life left

Reddit:Electronics - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 01:43
Still plenty of life left

I should probably stop abusing all my flush cutters.

submitted by /u/leobeosab
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Infineon expands GaN HEMT lineup

EDN Network - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 00:13

Infineon is adding two more families of high and medium voltage GaN transistors to its portfolio of CoolGaN HEMTs spanning 40 V to 700 V. According to the company, this expansion will enable customers to use gallium nitride in a broader array of applications that help drive digitalization and decarbonization.

G5 and G3 generations of CoolGaN devices are manufactured on 8-in. in-house foundry processes in Malaysia and Austria. The 650-V G5 family addresses applications in consumer, data center, industrial, and solar markets. The medium voltage G3 transistor series supports four voltage classes: 60 V, 80 V, 100 V, and 120 V. It also includes a 40-V bidirectional switch. The G3 family targets motor drive, telecom, data center, solar, and consumer applications.

The CoolGaN 650-V G5 will be available in Q4 2024. The medium voltage CoolGaN G3 will be available in Q3 2024. Samples are available now. For more information on Infineon’s CoolGaN high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs), click here.

Infineon Technologies 

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5G mMIMO predriver offers high gain

EDN Network - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 00:13

A massive MIMO (mMIMO) predriver from Qorvo, the QPA9822 provides gain of 39 dB at 3.5 GHz and output power of 28 dBm P1dB. The linear driver amplifier enables wideband 5G NR instantaneous signal bandwidths of up to 530 MHz. This makes it well-suited for the n77 band used for 5G deployment and other mMIMO applications.

The QPA9822 is internally matched to 50 Ω over the entire operating frequency range of 3.3 GHz to 4.2 GHz. It offers an enable/disable function through the VEN pin for time-division duplexing (TDD) operation.

The part, which operates from a 5-V supply, is housed in a 3×3-mm, 16-pin surface-mount package. The QPA9822 is both footprint and pin-compatible with the company’s QPA9122M driver amplifier to allow easy integration into existing and new designs.

Use the link to the product page below to request a datasheet or to order samples.

QPA9822 product page  


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Thin electrolytic capacitor achieves low ESR

EDN Network - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 00:13

Joining Murata’s ECAS series of polymer aluminum electrolytic capacitors is a device that boasts low equivalent series resistance (ESR) of 4.5 mΩ. This tiny capacitor, designated the ECASD40E477M4R5KA0, is housed in a 7.3×4.3-mm surface-mount case with a maximum height of only 2.0 mm.

Despite its diminutive size, the part provides a capacitance of 470 µF ±20%, and capacitance remains stable when DC voltage is applied. The device can be used to smooth or even out voltage fluctuations in a variety of power supply circuits. As as a smoothing capacitor, the ECASD40E477M4R5KA0 helps ensure a stable power supply for CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs in servers, accelerators, and laptop PCs.

In addition to an ESR of 4.5 mΩ measured at 100 kHz and +25°C, the capacitor offers a rated voltage of 2.5 VDC and leakage current of 117.5 µA. Operating temperature range is -40°C to +105°C.

The ECASD40E477M4R5KA0 is now in mass production. Samples are available upon request (registration required). For more information about the ECAS series of polymer aluminum electrolytic capacitors, click here.

ECASD40E477M4R5KA0 product page

Murata Manufacturing 

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Board set kickstarts wireless charging design

EDN Network - Fri, 05/31/2024 - 00:13

A pair of 50-W Qi-compatible development boards from ST enables rapid wireless charging using the company’s ST Super Charge (STSC) protocol. The STEVAL-WBC2TX50 transmitter and STEVAL-WLC98RX receiver boards accelerate the development of wireless charging for products ranging from medical and industrial equipment to home appliances and computer peripherals.

By employing the STSC protocol, the transmitter board delivers up to 50 W of output power at a faster wireless charging rate than standard protocols used with smartphones and similar devices. The board also supports the Qi 1.3 5-W Baseline Power Profile (BPP) and 15-W Extended Power Profile (EPP) specifications. Onboard components include an Arm Cortex-M0-based transmitter system-in-package, application-specific front end, and MOSFET gate drivers. ST’s STSAFE-A110 secure element provides QI authentication.

Like the transmitter board, the receiver board also offers up to 50 W of charging power, full STSC capability, and BPP/EPP charging. Its adaptive rectifier configuration (ARC) mode extends charging distance by up to 50% to allow lower-cost coils and configuration flexibility. The board’s wireless power receiver IC, based on an Arm Cortex-M3 processor, features a synchronous rectifier power stage that provides a programmable output voltage up to 20 V.

Prices for the STEVAL-WBC2TX50 transmitter and STEVAL-WLC98RX receiver start at $109.03 and $113.93, respectively. Both boards are available from the ST eStore.

STEVAL-WBC2TX50 transmitter product page

STEVAL-WLC98RX receiver product page


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