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Wise-integration forms Hong Kong-based subsidiary to manage Asian business development
USB 3: How did it end up being so messy?
After this blog post’s proposed topic had already been approved, but shortly before I started to write, I realized I’d recently wasted a chunk of money. I’m going to try to not let that reality “color” the content and conclusions, but hey, I’m only human…
Some background: as regular readers may recall, I recently transitioned from a Microsoft Surface Pro 5 (SP5) hybrid tablet/laptop computer:
to a Surface Pro 7+ (SP7+) successor:
Both computer generations include a right-side USB-A port; the newer model migrates from a Mini DisplayPort connector on that same side (and above the USB-A connector) to a faster and more capable USB-C replacement.
Before continuing with my tale, a review: as I previously discussed in detail six years ago (time flies when you’re having fun), bandwidth and other signaling details documented in the generational USB 1.0, USB 2.0, USB 3.x and still embryonic USB4 specifications are largely decoupled from the connectors and other physical details in the USB-A, USB-B, mini-USB and micro-USB, and latest-and-greatest USB-C (formally: USB Type-C) specs.
The signaling and physical specs aren’t completely decoupled, mind you; some USB speeds are only implemented by a subset of the available connectors, for example (I’ll cover one case study here in a bit). But the general differentiation remains true and is important to keep in mind.
Back to my story. In early June, EDN published my disassembly of a misbehaving (on MacOS, at least) USB flash drive. The manufacturer had made the following performance potential claims:
USB 3.2 High-Speed Transmission Interface
Now there is no reason to shy away from the higher cost of the USB 3.2 Gen 1 interface. The UV128 USB flash drive brings the convenience and speed of premium USB drives to budget-minded consumers.
However, benchmarking showed that it came nowhere close to 5 Gbps baseline USB 3.x transfer rates, far from the even faster 10 and 20 Gbps speeds documented in newer spec versions:
What I didn’t tell you at the time was that the results I shared were from my second benchmark test suite run-through. The first time I ran Blackmagic Design’s Disk Speed Test, I had connected the flash drive to the computer via an inexpensive (sub-$5 inexpensive, to be exact) multi-port USB 3.0 hub intermediary.
The benchmark site ran ridiculously slow that first time: in retrospect, I wish I would have grabbed a screenshot then, too. In trying to figure out what had happened, I noticed (after doing a bunch of research; why Microsoft obscures this particular detail is beyond me) that its USB-C interface specified USB 3.2 Gen2 10 Gbps speeds. Here’s the point where I then over-extrapolated; I assumed (incorrectly, in retrospect) that the USB-A port was managed by the same controller circuitry and therefore was capable of 10 Gbps speeds, too. And indeed, direct-connecting the flash drive to the system’s USB-A port delivered (modestly) faster results:
But since this system only includes a single integrated USB-A port, I’d still need an external hub for ongoing use. So, I dropped (here’s the “wasted a chunk of money” bit) $40 each, nearly a 10x price increase over those inexpensive USB 3.0 hubs I mentioned earlier, on the only 10 Gbps USB-A hub I could find, Orico’s M3H4-G2:
I bought three of them, actually, one for the SP7+, one for my 2018 Mac mini, and the third for my M1 Max Mac Studio. All three systems spec 10 Gbps USB-C ports; those in the latter two systems do double duty with 40 Gbps Thunderbolt 3 or 4 capabilities. The Orico M3H4-G2 isn’t self-powered over the USB connection, as was its humble Idsonix precursor. I had to provide the M3H4-G2 with external power in order for it to function, but at least Orico bundled a wall wart with it. And the M3H4-G2’s orange-dominant paint job was an…umm…“acquired taste”. But all in all, I was still feeling pretty pleased with my acquisition…
…until I went back and re-read that Microsoft-published piece, continuing a bit further in it than I had before, whereupon I found that the SP7+ USB-A port was only specified at 5 Gbps. A peek at the Device Manager report also revealed distinct entries for the USB-A and USB-C ports:
Unfortunately, my MakerHawk Makerfire USB tester only measures power, not bandwidth, so I’m going to need to depend on the Microsoft documentation as the definitive ruling.
And, of course, when I went back to the Mac mini and Mac Studio product sheets, buried in the fine print was indication that their USB-A ports were only 5 Gbps, too. Sigh.
So, what had happened the first time I tried running Blackmagic Design’s Disk Speed Test on the SP7+? My root-case guess is a situation that I suspect at least some of you’ve also experienced; plug in a USB 3.x peripheral, and it incorrectly enumerates as being a USB 1.0 or USB 2.0 device instead. Had I just ejected the flash drive from the USB 3.0 hub, reinserted it and re-run the benchmarks, I suspect I would have ended up with the exact same result I got from plugging it directly into the computer, saving myself $120 plus tax in the process. Bitter? Who, me?
Here’s another thought you might now be having: why does the Orico M3H4-G2 exist at all? Good question. To be clear, USB-A optionally supports 10 Gbps USB 3 speeds, as does USB-C; the only USB-C-specific speed bin is 20 Gbps (for similar reasons, USB4 is also USB-C-only from a physical implementation standpoint). But my subsequent research confirmed that my three computers weren’t aberrations; pretty much all computers, even latest-and-greatest ones and both mobile and desktop, are 5 Gbps-only from a USB-A standpoint. Apparently, the suppliers have decided to focus their high-speed implementation attention solely on USB-C.
That said, I did find one add-in card, Startech’s PEXUSB311AC3, that implemented 10 Gbps USB-A:
I’m guessing there might also be the occasional motherboard out there that’s 10 Gbps USB-A-capable, too. You could theoretically connect the hub to a 10 Gbps USB-C system port via a USB-C-to-USB-A adapter, assuming the adapter can do 10 Gbps bidirectional transfers, too (I haven’t yet found one). And of course, two 10 Gbps USB-A-capable peripherals, such as a couple of SSD storage devices, can theoretically interact with each through the Orico hub at peak potential speeds. But suffice it to say that I now more clearly understand why the M3H4-G2 is one-of-a-kind and therefore pricey, both in an absolute sense and versus 5 Gbps-only hub alternatives.
1,000+ words in, what’s this all have to do with the “Why is USB 3 so messy” premise of this piece? After all, the mistake was ultimately mine in incorrectly believing that my systems’ USB-A interfaces were capable of faster transfer speeds than reality afforded. The answer: go back and re-scan the post to this point. Look at both the prose and photos. You’ll find, for example:
- A USB flash drive that’s variously described as being “USB 3.0” and with a “USB 3.2 Gen 1” interface and a “USB 3.2 High-Speed Transmission Interface”
- An add-in card whose description includes both “10 Gbps” and “USB 3.2 Gen 2” phrases
- And a multi-port hub that’s “USB 3.1”, “USB 3.1 Gen2” and “10Gbps Super Speed”, depending on where in the product page you look.
What I wrote back in 2018 remains valid:
USB 3.0, released in November 2008, is once again backwards compatible with USB 1.x and USB 2.0 from a transfer rate mode(s) standpoint. It broadens the pin count to a minimum of nine wires, with the additional four implementing the two differential data pairs (one transmitter, one receiver, for full duplex support) harnessed to support the new 5 Gbps SuperSpeed transfer mode. It’s subsequently been renamed USB 3.1 Gen 1, commensurate with the January 2013 announcement of USB 3.1 Gen 2, which increases the maximum data signaling rate to 10 Gbps (known as SuperSpeed+) along with reducing the encoding overhead via a protocol change from 8b/10b to 128b/132b.
Even more recently, in the summer of 2017 to be exact, the USB 3.0 Promoter Group announced two additional USB 3 variants, to be documented in the v3.2 specification. They both leverage multi-lane operation over existing cable wires originally intended to support the Type-C connector’s rotational symmetry. USB 3.2 Gen 1×2 delivers a 10 Gbps SuperSpeed+ data rate over 2 lanes using 8b/10b encoding, while USB 3.2 Gen 2×2 combines 2 lanes and 128b/132b encoding to support 20 Gbps SuperSpeed+ data rates.
But a mishmash of often incomplete and/or incorrect terminology, coupled with consumers’ instinctive interpretation that “larger numbers are better”, has severely muddied the waters as to what exactly a consumer is buying and therefore should expect to receive with a USB 3-based product. In fairness, the USB Implementers Forum would have been perfectly happy had its member companies and compatibility certifiers dispensed with the whole numbers-and-suffixes rigamarole and stuck with high-level labels instead (40 Gbps and 80 Gbps are USB4-specific):
That said:
- 5 Gbps = USB 3.0, USB 3.1 Gen 1, and USB 3.2 Gen 1 (with “Gen 1” implying single-lane operation even in the absence of an “x” lane-count qualifier)
- 10 Gbps = USB 3.1 Gen 2, USB 3.2 Gen 2 (with the absence of an “x” lane-count qualifier implying single-lane operation), and USB 3.2 Gen 2×1 (the more precise alternative)
- 20 Gbps = USB 3.2 Gen 2×2 (only supported by USB-C).
So, what, for example, does “10 Gbps USB 3” mean? Is it a single-lane USB 3.1 device, with that one lane capable of 10 Gbps speed? Or is it a dual-lane USB 3.2 device with each lane capable of 5 Gbps speeds? Perhaps obviously, try to connect devices representing both these 10 Gbps implementations together and you’ll end up with…5 Gbps (cue sad trombone sound).
So, like I said, what a mess. And while I’d like to think that USB4 will fix everything, a brief scan of the associated Wikipedia page details leave me highly skeptical. If anything, in contrast, I fear that the situation will end up even worse. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
—Brian Dipert is the Editor-in-Chief of the Edge AI and Vision Alliance, and a Senior Analyst at BDTI and Editor-in-Chief of InsideDSP, the company’s online newsletter.
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- Checking out a USB microphone
The post USB 3: How did it end up being so messy? appeared first on EDN.
Top 10 Lithium-ion Battery Manufacturing Companies in India in 2024
The top 10 lithium-ion battery manufacturing companies in India in 2024 are as follows:
- Servotech Power Systems
Servotech Power Systems was incorporated in 2004. It is based out of New Delhi. It has its manufacturing and R&D plant in Sonipat, Haryana.
It manufacturers its batteries by the application of the latest engineering concepts and high-quality raw materials.
Its manufactured batteries are among the best reliable energy storage solution available in India. They are known for their high efficiency and durability.
They find their application in numerous appliances. For instance, 2/3/4 wheelers, power back-up systems, solar power plants, offices, factories, etc.
It has also established a subsidiary company, Servotech Power Infrastructure, to operate as a charging point for the electric vehicles. This subsidiary company is reliant on the lithium-ion batteries manufactured by Servotech Power Systems.
- Amara Raja Energy & Mobility
Amara Raja Energy & Mobility is a flagship company of the famous Amara Raja Group. It was established by
It is one of the first companies in India to invest in Li-ion technology. It produces Li-ion cells, battery packs and charging solutions for batteries. They are widely used in various electric vehicles and the telecom industry.
It has established a state-of-the-art Gigafactory in Telangana. It has a cell production capacity of 16 GWh. It has a battery pack capacity of 5 GWh. It was established at a cost of Rs 9,500 crore.
It exports its quality batteries to 50 countries across the globe.
- Exide Energy Solutions Limited
It is a subsidiary company of the Exide Industries Limited. It was earlier called Exide Energy Private Limited. EEPL merged into Exide Energy Solutions Limited in March, 2024.
Exide Energy Private Limited was incorporated on 29 September, 2018. It was a joint venture between Exide Industries Limited (EIL) and Leclanche SA (LSA), Switzerland. In November, 2022, the latter exited from the joint venture. Thereafter, Exide Industries Limited became the sole owner of the venture.
Exide Energy Private Limited had its production plant in Prantij, which is situated in the Sabarkantha district of Gujarat. This plant is still functional.
This plant produces lithium ion batteries using the battery management system. They are used for both electric mobility and stationary power application. They are produced under the brand name Nexcharge.
Upon merger into Exide Energy Solutions Limited, the EESL is establishing a 12 Gwh gigafactory in Bengaluru, Karnataka.
Once this plant will become operational, it will further scale up the production of lithium ion batteries.
The Li-ion batteries produced by this organisation uses lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) as a raw material. It is the best choice among all available raw materials. It is because of three reason. First, high power density. Second, very high safety. And, third, very long life span of the battery.
- ATLBattery Technology (India) Private Limited
It is the Indian subsidiary company of the world-famous Japanese company, Amperex Technology Limited, the world’s leading producer of lithium ion batteries. It was established in 2020. In India, it is based out of Rewari, Haryana.
It has established a 180-acre lithium-ion manufacturing plot at MT Sohna, near Gurugram. It is the largest lithium-ion manufacturing plant in India.
It produces lithium ion batteries for electric vehicles and mobile phones.
- Tata Chemicals Limited
It is a subsidiary company of the prestigious Tata Group.
It had signed an MoU with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). Under this MoU, the lithium-ion cell technology developed by ISRO’s Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) was transferred to Tata Chemical.
ISRO had developed this technology for the production of lithium-ion cells for space-based applications, such as rockets, satellites, etc.
However, once it was transferred to the Tata Chemicals Limited, it is being used by the TCL to produce a wide variety of lithium-ion cells of different capacity, energy, size, and power density.
It produces lithium-ion batteries using lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) as a raw material.
It has entered into partnership with famous Indian R&D centres such as ISRO, CSIR-CECRI, and CMET, for indigenously developed lithium ion cells.
It also runs a li-ion battery recycling operations. Its recovery plant is able to recover valuable metals at 99% plus purity level within industry levels of yield. For instance, lithium, nickel, manganese, cobalt, etc.
Its main focus is on electric vehicle market in India.
- Okaya EV Private Limited
It is a subsidiary company of the Okaya Power group. It specialises in producing lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles, charging, and battery swapping solutions.
It produced India’s first lithium-ion battery. It gave it the name Okaya Royale. It is produced in two variants. First, Okaya Royale. And, second, Okaya Royale XL.
Its production process is certified with ISO 14001:2004 certification.
It is the third-largest battery manufacturer in India. Besides, it is the leading charging station manufacturer in India.
The lithium-ion batteries produced by Okaya EV Private Limited have the following special features:
First, less weight and compact size.
Second, it recharges at a very fast rate.
Third, it has longer life-span.
Fourth, it provides longer back up.
Fifth, it is almost maintenance-free. Hence, it is highly durable.
It specialises in the production of batteries for the electric vehicles.
- Waaree Technologies Limited
It is one of the constituent Indian company of the world famous Waaree Group. Its parent company produces components in the energy storage, solar, and instrumentation domain.
It produces lithium ion cells and batteries for e-rickshaw, e-bicycles, e-bikes, e-forklift, battery energy storage system, telecom, and uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
It endeavours to create India’s top notch “cell to system” technology. It primarily caters to high quality energy storage solutions for electric utilities, energy storage system, and renewable energy applications.
It produces four series of batteries- Liger, Lion, Lynx, and Lit series.
- Loom Solar Private Limited
It is a six-years old start-up. It was established in 2018. It is based out of Faridabad, Haryana. It is certified as per the ISO 9001-2015 certification.
It has its manufacturing plant in Faridabad, Haryana.
It manufacturers lithium-ion batteries, inverters, and solar panels.
- Panasonic Life Solutions India Private Limited
It was established on 14 July, 2006, as Panasonic India Private Limited. With effect from 1 August, 2022, it changed its nomenclature to Panasonic Life Solutions India Private Limited. It was done to bring all businesses of the Panasonic Group in India under one roof.
It is the Indian subsidiary company of the Panasonic Group. Its parent firm is based out of Kadoma, Osaka, Japan.
Its Indian subsidiary’s head-office is in Gurugram, Haryana.
It manufactures lithium-ion batteries and energy storage system using lithium ion batteries.
It manufactures different lithium ion batteries in both coin and cylindrical forms and that too in a wide range of sizes. Hence, they are used in small appliances like digital devices, laptops, to large appliances like electric vehicles.
- Battrixx
It is a division of Kabra Extrusiontechnik Ltd. The latter is one of the two constituent companies of the Kolsite Group.
It manufactures lithium ion batteries for application in a wide range of appliances in the e-mobility sector. Its application ranges from electric bike, two or three-wheeler electric vehicles, electric car, electric passenger vehicles, light commercial electric vehicles, and electric tractors.
Besides, it also manufactures lithium ion batteries for application in electric forklift, electric golf cart, and devices used in the marine environment.
The post Top 10 Lithium-ion Battery Manufacturing Companies in India in 2024 appeared first on ELE Times.
Baylin receives CDN$2.25m order from satellite broadcaster and services provider
Found this Telecommunications board
submitted by /u/ElectroAmin [link] [comments] |
Component selection tool employs AI algorithms
An artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted hardware design platform enables engineers to find the right components for their design projects using machine learning and smart algorithms. It selects the ideal set of components while providing deliverables of architectural design, ECAD native schematics, bill of materials, footprints, and project information summary.
The CELUS design platform transforms technical requirements into schematic prototypes in less than an hour, allowing developers and engineers to move from concept to reality with unprecedented efficiency and precision. Moreover, with projects often comprised of anywhere from 200 to 1,000 individual components, it simplifies the complexities of electronic design and accelerates time to market for new products.
The design platform provides an automated way to transform technical requirements into schematic prototypes in record time. Source: CELUS
At a time when there is an increasing need for more efficient design processes, finding the right components for projects can be overwhelming and time-consuming. The CELUS platform streamlines the design process and provides real-time component recommendations that work.
“With more than 600 million components available to electronics designers, the task of identifying and selecting the ones right for any given project is at best a challenge,” said Tobias Pohl, co-founder and CEO of CELUS. “We developed the CELUS design platform to handle the heavy lifting and intricate details of product design to drive innovation and expand demand creation in a fraction of the time required of traditional approaches.”
We were told that such a system was impossible, but we did it and are now expanding its reach to end users and component suppliers around the world, Pohl added. CELUS aims to transform the $1.4 trillion component industry by aiding the circuit board design market through its unique design automation process.
While CELUS minimizes the time engineers spend identifying disparate component pieces, it also allows component suppliers to easily connect with design engineers for faster market integration and broader reach. Furthermore, this connection via engineering tools like CELUS enables component suppliers to reach developers and engineers who may not be accessible through traditional channels.
CELUS, based in Munich, Germany, is expanding the reach of its cloud-based design platform in the United States by setting up a U.S. headquarters in Ausin, Texas. The company has been founded by a team of mechanical, electrical, and aeronautical engineers and is backed by an advisory board of top industry experts.
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The post Component selection tool employs AI algorithms appeared first on EDN.
Power management module I made
After a few years of copying and rerouting a few battery management designs for each project that required it got a bit tiring for me, so I wanted to make a small module that would cover a lot of use cases (for me at least). Primary goal was to provide a simple drop-in way to add power management features to projects, mainly on/off behavior using a switch. I got it all working using only interrupts so the cpu sleeps most of the time for power saving. Anyways, it's all open source, so if you're into small 6 layer PCBs you can make one for yourself [link] [comments] |
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New transistor’s superlative properties could have broad electronics applications: « Ultrathin material whose properties “already meet or exceed industry standards” enables superfast switching, extreme durability. »
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Found some old germanium transistors in an abandoned factory
submitted by /u/Two-Firm [link] [comments] |
Digital pot can control gain over a 90 dB span like an electromechanical
A short while back, I published a design idea that uses a single linear pot to control the gain of a high performance OP37 decompensated op-amp over an unusually wide (-30 dB to +60 dB) range.
Figure 1 shows the circuit.
Gain = (R2ccw/(R1 + R2ccw))(R3/R2cw + 1). |
Figure 1 Grounded wiper makes R2 serve as both input attenuator and output gain set.
Wow the engineering world with your unique design: Design Ideas Submission Guide
Recently I started wondering whether a digital pot (Dpot) would work in place of Figure 1’s mechanical R2. Figure 2 shows what seemed like a likely Dpot topology.
Gain = (R2ds/(R1 + R2ds + Rw))(R3/(R2(1 – ds) + Rw) + 1) |
Figure 2 R2 has the same function as in Figure 1 with DC bias from R4 R5 C2 to accommodate bipolar signals. But what about Rw wiper resistance effects?
On closer inspection, it turned out not to be so very promising after all. This is due to wiper resistance interfering with the isolation of the two halves of R2 that made the original circuit work in the first place. Figure 3 shows the fix I eventually resorted to.
Figure 3 Positive and negative feedback loops around A2 combine to create active negative resistance = -R4.
A2 and its surrounding network are the basis of the trick. They generate an active negative resistance effect that subtracts from Rw and, if adjusted so R4 = Rw, can theoretically (the engineer’s least favorite word) cancel it out completely.
A quick method for dialing out Rw is to write the Dpot setting to zero, provide a ~1v rms input, then trim R4 for output null.
Here’s some negative resistance math. Note Vp# = voltage signal present at A2 pin #.
- Let Iw = wiper signal current, then
- Vp6 = Vp2 – R4*Iw
- Vp2 = Vp3 (negative feedback)
- Vp3 = Vp6/2 (positive feedback)
- Vp6 = Vp6/2 – R4*Iw
- Vp6 – Vp6/2 = Vp6/2 = -R4*Iw
- Vp6 = -2*R4*Iw
- If R4 = Rw, then IR4 = IRw
- -2*R4*Iw = -(R4 + Rw)Iw
- Vw = Vp6 + (Iw*R4 + Iw*Rw) = -Iw(R4 + Rw) + Iw(R4 + Rw)
- Vw = 0 (Rw has been cancelled out!)
Gain = (R2ds/(R1 + R2ds))(R3/(R2(1 – ds)) + 1)
Figure 4’s red curve compares Figure 2’s behavior with an (uncompensated) Rw = 150 Ω (plausible for the Microchip Dpot illustrated), while the black curve shows what happens if R4 = Rw = 150 Ω. Compare it to the performance of the original (Figure 1) circuit using a mechanical pot as shown in Figure 5.
Of course, how perfect Rw cancellation over the full range of Dpot settings can be is no better than Rw match over the Dpot’s 257 different taps at the 2.5v DC bias provided by R5R6. Typical matching within a given pot’s resistor array seems good, but this is not the manufacturer’s promise, which only speaks to a factor of +/-20% or so. But reducing Rw by a factor of 5 is still useful.
Figure 4 Red curve plots uncompensated Rw (~150 Ω), note the 20 dB loss from both ends of the span. Black curve plots the case where Rw is compensated with negative resistance (R4 = Rw = 150).
Figure 5 Gain curve using the mechanical pot is identical to Dpot with negative resistance Rw compensation.
Footnote: Subsequent to publishing the mechanical pot version of this idea, I learned that Mr T. Frank Ritter had anticipated it by more than 50 years in his “Controlling op amp gain with one potentiometer,” published in “Electronics Designer’s Casebook”, 1972, McGraw Hill.
So, I hereby offer a belated but enthusiastic tip of my hat to Mr. Ritter. I’ve always admired pioneers!
Stephen Woodward’s relationship with EDN’s DI column goes back quite a long way. Over 100 submissions have been accepted since his first contribution back in 1974.
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- Reducing error of digital potentiometers
- Adjust op-amp gain from -30 dB to +60 dB with one linear pot
- Op-amp wipes out DPOT wiper resistance
The post Digital pot can control gain over a 90 dB span like an electromechanical appeared first on EDN.
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PCIM Asia 2024 opens on 28 August in Shenzhen
PCIM Asia 2024 will open its doors from 28 – 30 August at the Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center. Expanding to 20,000 sqm of floor space, this year’s event will welcome 232 exhibitors, representing a rise in exhibitor count of over 28% compared to the 2023 edition. The fair’s fringe programme will feature forums and round table discussions on e-mobility, clean energy, energy storage, wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors and more. Alongside, the PCIM Asia Conference 2024 will present new technical developments, applications and research in power electronics.
Throughout its three-day run, PCIM Asia 2024 will present the latest advancements in power electronics designed for a wide range of market segments. Maintaining their role as sponsors, Mitsubishi Electric, Semikron Danfoss, Fuji Electric, Infineon and ROHM will be among the leading exhibitors participating in the show.
Other notable exhibitors include AST Technology, Bronze Technologies, CRRC, EPC, FastSic, GaNext, Grecon Semiconductor, Hitachi Energy, JIEJIE MICROELECTRONICS, JSAB, LEM, MacMic, Msemitek, NARI Semiconductor, nexperia, NXP, onsemi, Power Integrations, SiChain Semiconductor, Silan, Sunking Tech, TanKeBlue, Toshiba Devices & Storage, UNITED NOVA, VAC, WeEn, Wolfspeed, Yangjie Electronic and YASC.
As the electric vehicle (EV) market in China continues to heat up, this year’s edition has drawn participation from several first-time exhibitors offering technologies relevant to EV development, including VCTC, Bosch, Amulaire and others.
A full schedule of concurrent eventsAlongside the exhibition, a series of industry and exhibitor forums will take place, addressing topics including WBG semiconductors, power devices, materials and packaging, and e-mobility. These forums provide further opportunities for interaction and learning, allowing exhibitors, visitors, researchers, and industry experts to share expertise, discover new products and solutions, and discuss new developments, innovations and challenges in the industry.
In addition to the forums, PCIM Asia will host a new round-table meeting on 28 August. Titled “Power Source Technology of Low-altitude eVTOL”, this session will examine the role of power electronics, particularly power semiconductor device, in supporting innovation and development in the country’s quickly growing electric vertical take-off and
landing (eVTOL) aircraft industry. This topic aligns with the Greater Bay Area’s intensifying efforts to develop its low-altitude aviation sector, with an emphasis on eVTOL development and commercialisation.
The show will also introduce a new University-Enterprise Job Fair on 30 August, designed to enhance industry-academia collaboration and support talent acquisition and development in the industry. With more than 13 participating companies, including VCTC, Suzhou Boschman Semiconductor Equipment Co Ltd, MacMic Science & Technology Co Ltd and more, the fair will allow visitors to directly connect with potential employers and explore open positions. A job board, accessible throughout the duration of the show, will offer further access to career opportunities.
Discover industry trends and developments at the PCIM Asia Conference 2024As one of the leading international conferences in the field of power electronics, this year’s PCIM Asia Conference will once again bring together experts from industry and academia to exchange technical knowledge and present their latest research findings. The 2024 programme will include keynote speeches, oral sessions, poster dialogues, and more, covering topics such as intelligent motion, renewable energy and energy management.
Register to visit the PCIM Asia 2024 Conference today at: https://jinshuju.net/f/UUiRgU
PCIM Asia is jointly organised by Guangzhou Guangya Messe Frankfurt Co Ltd and Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH. To find out more about PCIM Asia, please visit www.pcimasia-expo.com or email pcimasia@china.messefrankfurt.com.
The post PCIM Asia 2024 opens on 28 August in Shenzhen appeared first on ELE Times.
Engineers develop new two-dimensional, low-power-consumption field-effect transistor
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A special powerbank that i'm designing for my final school project
I developed this powerbank because i was searching for one with special features, but i found out that there aren't a lot of them and also the one powerbanks that i found were quite expensive and didnt have all the features i wanted. So i set out on a mission to create a better one just like i imagined it. This is a prototype version, i'm currently designing a new version which will be thinner and have more features. I also designed this project using only open-source and free software, like KiCAD, FreeCAD, VSCode... Here are the main features: -It has a total capacity of 93Wh (25000mAh) so it's airline safe -Bidirectional USB C power delivery port 100W up to 20V -Bidirectional adjustable DC port with adjustable voltage from 3-32V and adjustable current from 300mA up to 5A also 100W -Both ports support MPPT tracking as universal voltage inputs and adjust the charging power based on the capabilities of the charger and the power drawn from the batteries -Dual USB A ports each up to 25W 5-9-12V supporting all modern fast charging protocols -Bright 280 lumen LED flashlight with adjustable brightness built in -Passthrough mode supported so powerbank can be charged and power other devices at the same time -Color screen shows all relevant information like input/output power, temperature of the batteries and the board, battery percentage, voltage, current and power of the DC port and enables the user to interact with the powerbank by the two buttons on the side. Future features that i plan to implement: -Adjustable discharge and charge limits of batteries which can increase the cycle count of batteries significantly -Pin lock so the user can lock the powerbank from unauthorized use -Adjustable output voltage and current also from the USB C port [link] [comments] |
I repaired my friend's amp so he printed this solder holder for me. It's actually really handy.
submitted by /u/dedokta [link] [comments] |
Power Tips #132: A low-cost and high-accuracy e-meter solution
Power supplies in data centers that measure the input power in real time and report the measurement to the host are conducting what’s known as electrical metering (e-metering). An e-meter has become a common requirement in power-supply units over the last decade because it brings these advantages to data centers [1]:
- Identifies abnormally low or high energy usage and potential causes, supporting such practices as peak shaving.
- Facilitates capacity planning around space and power utilization.
- Helps track and manage energy costs; verifies energy bills; and prioritizes, validates, and reduces energy costs through improved energy efficiency and energy management.
- Enables quantitative assessments of data center performance and benchmarking of that performance across a level playing field.
- Helps develop and validate energy-efficiency strategies, and identifies opportunities to improve energy efficiency by lowering energy and operational costs.
- Commission and detect faults in physical systems and diagnose their causes.
For all of these reasons, an e-meter must be exceptionally accurate. Figure 1 shows the Modular Hardware System-Common Redundant Power Supply (M-CRPS) e-meter accuracy requirement [2], which requires an input power measurement error within ±1% when the load is greater than 125 W, within ±1.25 W when the load is between 50 W and 125 W, and within ±5 W when the load is below 50 W.
Figure 1 The M-CRPS e-meter accuracy specification which requires an input power measurement error: within ±1% when the load is greater than 125 W; within ±1.25 W when the load is between 50 W and 125 W, and within ±5 W when the load is below 50 W. Source: Texas Instruments
To achieve such high measurement accuracy, traditionally the e-meter function is implemented through a dedicated metering device [3], as shown in Figure 2. A current shunt placed on the power factor correction (PFC) input side senses the input current, with a voltage divider (not shown in Figure 2) across the AC line and AC neutral senses the input voltage. A dedicated metering device receives this current and voltage information and calculates the input power and input root-mean-square (RMS) current information, sending the results to the host.
Figure 2 Traditional e-meter and PFC control configuration where: a current shunt is placed on the PFC input side to sense the input current, a voltage divider (not shown) senses the AC line, and AC neutral senses the input voltage. Source: Texas Instruments
To control the PFC input current, another current sensor, such as the Hall-effect sensor shown in Figure 2, senses the input current, then sends the input current information to an MCU for PFC current-loop control. However, both the Hall-effect sensor and dedicated metering device are expensive.
In this power tip, I’ll discuss a low-cost but highly accurate e-meter solution that uses a single current sensor for both e-metering and PFC current-loop control. Integrating e-meter functionality into PFC control code eliminates the need for a dedicated metering device, not only reducing system cost, but also simplifying printed circuit board (PCB) layout and expediting the design process.
E-meter solutionFigure 3 shows the proposed e-meter configuration. A current shunt senses the input current; an isolated delta-sigma modulator AMC1306 measures the voltage drop across the current shunt. The delta-sigma modulator output is sent to the PFC controller MCU. This current information will be used for both e-metering and PFC current-loop control. A voltage divider senses the input voltage, which is then measured by the MCU’s analog-to-digital converter (ADC) directly, just as in traditional PFC control.
Figure 3 New e-meter and PFC control configuration where: a current shunt senses the input currnet, an isolated delta-sigma modulator measures the voltage dropp acorss the shunt, and the output of the modulator is used to e-metering and PFC current-loop control. Source: Texas Instruments
Delta-sigma modulatorCompared to the successive approximation register (SAR) style ADC, which almost all digital PFC controller MCUs use, a delta-sigma modulator can provide high-resolution data. The modulator samples the input signal at a very high rate to produce a stream of 1-bit codes, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4 Delta-sigma modulator input and output; a higher positive input signal produces ones at the output a higher percentage of the time while a lower negative input signal produces ones a lower percentage of the time. Source: Texas Instruments
The ratio of ones to zeros represents the input analog voltage. For example, if the input signal is 0 V, the output has ones 50% of the time. A higher positive input signal produces ones a higher percentage of the time, while a lower negative input signal produces ones a lower percentage of the time. Unlike most quantizers, the delta-sigma modulator pushes the quantization noise to higher frequencies [4] making it suitable for high-precision measurements.
Delta-sigma digital filterThe C2000 MCU has a built-in delta-sigma digital filter which decodes the 1-bit stream. The effective number of bits (ENOB) of the filter output depends on the filter type, oversampling rate (OSR), and delta-sigma modulator frequency [5]. Typically, a higher OSR will result in a higher ENOB for a given filter type; however, the trade-off is increased filter delay.
It is important to choose the right filter configuration by studying the optimal speed versus resolution trade-offs. For PFC current-loop control, a short delay is more important, because it can help increase the control-loop phase margin and reduce the total current harmonic distortion. On the other hand, high-resolution current data is necessary to achieve high accuracy for e-metering. For this reason, the solution proposed here uses two delta-sigma digital filters: one configured with high speed but a relatively low resolution for PFC current-loop control, and the other configured with high resolution but a relatively low speed for e-metering; see Figure 5.
Figure 5 The proposed delta-sigma filter configuration uses two filters: one for high-speed but with a low resolution for PFC current-loop control and another with low-speed for e-metering but with a high resolution. Source: Texas Instruments
Firmware structureFigure 6 is the firmware structure, which consists of three loops:
- A main loop used for slow and non-time-critical tasks.
- A fast interrupt service routine (IRS1) running at 100 kHz for the ADC, delta-sigma data reading, and current-loop control.
- A slower ISR2 running at 10 kHz for voltage-loop control and e-meter calculation.
Since the e-meter calculation is in ISR2, it has no effect on the PFC current loop. Integrating e-meter functionality into PFC control code with this structure does not affect PFC performance.
Figure 6 Firmware structure that consists of three loops: a main loop for low non-time-critical tasks; a 100 kHz IRS1 loop for ADC, delta-sigma data reading, and current loop control; and 10 kHz ISR2 lopo for voltage-loop control and e-meter calcuation. Source: Texas Instruments
E-meter calculationNow that there’s both input current data (through the delta-sigma modulator) and input voltage data (through the MCU’s ADC), it’s time to perform e-meter calculations. Equation 1 calculates the input voltage RMS value:
where Vin(n) is the Vin ADC sample data and N is the total number of ADC samples in one AC cycle.
The input current RMS value calculation consists of two steps. The first step is to calculate the measured current (inductor current) RMS value, as shown in Equation 2:
where Iin(n) is the delta-sigma digital filter output.
Referring back to Figure 3, because the shunt resistor is placed after the EMI filter, the reactive current caused by the X-capacitor of the EMI filter is not measured. Therefore, Equation 2 does not represent the total input current. This situation worsens at high line and light load, where the reactive current is not negligible; accurate input current reporting requires its inclusion.
In order to calculate the reactive current of the EMI capacitor, you first need to know the input voltage frequency. The ADC measures the AC line and neutral voltage; comparing the line and neutral voltage values will find the zero crossing. Since the input voltage is sampled at a fixed rate, it is possible to calculate the AC frequency by counting the number of samples between two consecutive zero-crossing points. Once you know the input voltage frequency, Equation 3 calculates the reactive current of the EMI capacitor:
where C is the total capacitance of the EMI filter and f is the input AC voltage frequency.
IEMI is a reactive current that leads the measured current (IL) by 90 degrees; therefore, Equation 4 calculates the total input current as:
Input power calculation also consists of two steps. First, calculate the measured power, as shown in Equation 5:
Since the input voltage is measured after the EMI filter, the power loss caused by the EMI filter is not measured. While this power loss is usually very small, you may need to include it for applications requiring extremely accurate measurements.
The total DC resistance of the EMI filter is R. Equation 6 calculates the power loss on the EMI filter as:
Finally, adding the EMI filter power loss to the measured power obtains the total input power (Equation 7):
Test resultsI implemented the proposed e-meter function in a 3.6 kW (1.8 kW at low line) totem-pole bridgeless PFC. Figure 7, Figure 8 and Figure 9 show the test results at low line, high line and DC input, respectively. This implementation achieved <0.5% measurement error, which is two times better than the M-CRPS e-meter specification. Moreover, the implementation uses only 1-point calibration, which significantly reduces calibration time and cost.
Figure 7 E-meter test results at 1.8 kW low line with Vin set to 115 VAC showing an e-meter accuracy much better than the M-CRPS accuracy specification. Source: Texas Instruments
Figure 8 E-meter test results at 3.6 kW high line with Vin set to 230 VAC showing an e-meter accuracy much better than the M-CRPS accuracy specification. Source: Texas Instruments
Figure 9 E-meter test results at DC input showing an e-meter accuracy much better than the M-CRPS accuracy specification. Source: Texas Instruments
Low-cost, high-accuracy e-meterThis article described a low-cost and high-accuracy e-meter solution: an isolated delta-sigma modulator measures the input current which is then sent to an MCU for both e-metering and PFC current-loop control. The proposed solution achieves excellent measurement accuracy with only 1-point calibration. Compared to a traditional e-meter solution, it not only saves cost, but also simplifies PCB layout and expedites the design process.
Bosheng Sun is a Systems Engineer in Texas Instruments, focus on developing digital controlled high performance AC/DC solutions for server and industry application. Bosheng received the M.S. degree from Cleveland State University, Ohio, USA in 2003, the B.S degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 1995, both in Electrical Engineering. He holds 5 US patents.
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- S. Department of Energy, (2017, Feb. 7). Data Center Metering and Resource Guide. [Online]. Available: https://datacenters.lbl.gov/sites/default/files/DataCenterMeteringandResourceGuide_02072017.pdf.
- Modular Hardware System – Common Redundant Power Supply (M-CRPS) Base Specification. Open Compute Project, Version 1.00, Release Candidate 4, Nov. 1, 2022.
- Analog Devices. 78M6610+PSU Hardware Design Guidelines. (2012). [Online]. Available: https://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/user-guides/78m6610psu-hardware-design-guidelines.pdf.
- Bonnie Baker, “How Delta-Sigma ADCs Work.” Texas Instruments Analog Application Journal, August 2011.
- Texas Instruments. TMCS320F28003x Real-Time Microcontrollers Technical Reference Manual. (2022). [Online]. Available: https://www.ti.com/product/TMS320F280039C.
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Samsung’s backside power delivery network (BSPDN) roadmap
Samsung has started providing more details about its backside power delivery network (BSPDN) roadmap, stating that its 2-nm process node will be optimized for this new technology when it enters mass production in 2027.
While trade media has been regularly reporting on the availability of BSPDN technology from large fabs—Intel, Samsung, and TSMC—according to TrendForce, it’s the first time a senior Samsung Foundry executive has provided details about the company’s BSPDN roadmap.
Source: Samsung
In a report published in Korea Economic Daily, Lee Sung-Jae, VP of PDK development team at Samsung, said that BSPDN will reduce the size of Samsung’s 2 nm chip by 17% compared to the traditional front-end power delivery. He added that BSPDN will allow Samsung to improve 2-nm chip’s performance and power efficiency by 8% and 15%, respectively.
According to an Intel study, power lines typically occupy around 20% of the space on the chip surface in a traditional front-end power delivery. The BSPDN technology puts the power rails on the back of the wafer to remove bottlenecks between power and signal lines, making the manufacturing of smaller chips easier.
Moreover, backside power delivery facilitates thicker, lower-resistance wires, thus delivering more power to enable higher performance and save power. According to a Samsung paper presented at the VLSI Symposium in 2023, BSPDN also facilitates a 9.2% reduction in wiring length.
In that paper, Samsung also claimed to have implemented backside power delivery in two Arm-based test chips, achieving a 10% and 19% die area reduction. The company didn’t disclose the process node for these test chips.
It’s worth noting that after being a pioneer in deploying gate-all-around (GAA) manufacturing technology in its 3-nm chips, Samsung is now following Intel and TSMC in implementing the BSPDN technique.
Intel, which calls its backside power delivery technology PowerVia, is expected to produce chips based on this technique this year. Next, TSMC is planning to integrate its backside power delivery technology—Super PowerRail architecture—in its 1.6 chips to be mass-produced in 2026.
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The post Samsung’s backside power delivery network (BSPDN) roadmap appeared first on EDN.